I crashed really bad about two months ago and although I still go to the tracks every weekend...I find myself giving up after about 1/2 lap around the track. I then spend the rest of the day riding in the pits - back and forth, practicing turning, stopping, balance, etc..then I go home discouraged...some says I will regain my confidence but GAWD...it's not happening!! I love to ride and I know that I used to ride decently and even used to ride the pro track, but now I feel like a total begginer again and it's embarrasing! When I get on the track...people will pass me and yell out stupid remarks cuz I am going too slow or they roost me on purpose or try to side swipe me out of the way...I wish I could put a sign on my back that says...GO EASY -IN RECOVERY..others say " SHE DON'T BELONG OUT HERE"...but I can't improve if I don't get a chance to try again. Any advice?

Go to the place you crashed. Ride it over and over again. Then after some time without crashing you well be well on your way to recovery. (note; If it was a double or triple ect do not jump it ride the section slow). You will be back to to your old self soon.

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First of all, explain your situation to the idiots who roost you on purpose. Thats just downright immature. They were beginners at one time too. Then maybe those same people will help you regain your confidence by being supportive instead of acting like cornholes.

I thought explaining my situation would work too, but, for instance...last weekend I was attempting to start my bike (RM250) with torn knee ligaments, and I wanted to do it myself really bad and the guys parked next to me started laughing...and I looked over and said can you please help me...then one guy says " if you can't start it - you can't ride it " so I told him I just got off crutches and I don't have my leg strength yet..he still laughed as if I was making excuses...it bummed me out....alot..not to mention I am still struggling with the loss of my brother last year to a moto accident...but I try not to wear that on my sleve at the track....thanks for listening!!

Just don't let people like that get to you. They obviously don't understand the situation, so let them think what they want. If you really have your heart in the sport, you'll keep practicing until you're back up in top shape regardless. Then it'll be your turn to roost those guys.

Just take it slow ride at your own pace it will come back to you but dont rush it. Don't let those guys get to you I bet they have a hard time starting the 450 sometimes and they are probably scared your faster then them.

What tracks are you riding at? I'll help ya out sometime. I never really had a prob. with confidence. The way I look at it is, everyones gonna get hurt sometime or another. It doesn't bother me to crash. Just got to go out and ride again.

I noticed your in Calif. Where do you ride? If your near the Yuba City area you should try getting your confidence at the Riverfront park track. THey have a back track that is great for learning your skills and getting your confidence but they dont maintain it so its hardpack and slicker then snot when its wet. And the pro track is pretty easy too its all pretty much table tops and a couple woop sections that are easy.

I myself have too bad shoulders and I havent ridden for 2mo. when I went back to the track last weekend I was nervouse but I just practiced a few starts and just got my self use to the bike again and then I rocking once again. Was still a bit slow but hey its all good.

I usually ride at Comp Edge and sometimes Elsinore. They both have the little tracks there as well and thats where I usually end up. I have always been one to get back on and ride after every fall but for some reason that last crash has mentally just zapped my confidence. I did hit my head pretty hard too and I think maybe that has something to do with it. I won't give up tho.

I haven't had any bad dirt crashes (yet) but i've had a couple nasty roadracing crashes... luckilly nothing that put me in the hospital, but scary none the less... the only think you can do is keep your eyes far ahead, "man up" (excuse the phrase ) and attack the course... get pissed at the track, not at yourself... teach that dirt a lesson! ?

different strokes for different folks, but i'd load up the bikes and head to the dez. go as fast as ya want, as slow as ya want, do what's fun for you, and it's nobody's business but yours. practice any techniques that suit you and when YOU feel like headin' back to the track, you will be able to do so... confident and happy to be there.

I can understand where your coming from. I broke my leg in two places, bruised ribs, and concussion in June at Ponca City. Spent all of the summer on crutches. I was worried to death that I would never get back in the groove. Just keep in mind that some days are better than others. There are times that it seems like I never missed a step, and then other days I should have stayed at the house. As for people laughing at you, I cant beleive this is coming from a motocross community. I spent the first few practices parking inside the trailer so I could strap the bike down and kick the ole 450 with my left leg, just hoping it didnt die on the track. IT WILL COME BACK! Ive won two seconds and a first sense Ive been back, Dont get discouraged

It will happen when you're ready. Don't push yourself too hard. By frustrating yourself you are just making it worse. Time is not your enemy here. Maybe try riding trails for a while. But don't give up on riding.

Plenty of sympathy for your situation and some good advice here. But put the track off for a while and find some alternative riding partners and terrain. You're clearly not ready for riding on that track and could be headed for another setback or injury. I don't know your abilities or riding skills, but I would bet that your accident/injury occured trying to do more than you were really ready for. Go back and just work on some real basic stuff, cornering drills, jumping techniques, bike handling and mastering the controls, off somehere else where you have room and nobody hassling you. Plenty there to keep you busy for a few months while you recover physically and mentally and keep you on the bike riding. As you devolp the basic mechanics and techniques to go really fast you will naturally build more confidence. Then, when you start feeling much more confident and ready to test your skills on the track at full speed, go give it another whirl. I think you'll come back stronger and faster than you ever were before. And the gravy will be out gassin those guys to the corners and roosting them as you block pass them em out.... Maybe then you can offer to help them kick over there 450s when they can't get um going... That will be the ultimate gratification.

Also, (sorry for such a long winded response) find a good riding partner (look into TT California Forum for riding buddies)! It will help you tremendously to have someone to ride with. Take some road trips and do some campout riding adventures. In short go back to the basics and just ride for fun and let it all happen naturally.

Well my only advice is dont go slow. Just go out and go as fast as you usually do. I got an 07 kxf thursday and went to break it in and got in a bad crash since I wasnt used to the bike. I got a mild concussion and friedns and my mom whos a nurse thought I cracked a vertabre. Every time I moved my neck you could feel it pop. X-rays said I was ok with my neck but anyways I rode the rest of the night when I was hurt then rode the next day and hurt myself more in 2 more bad crashes then on sat and sun I raced and did fairly well. I even one 1 race and that gave me a ton of confidence cause I was riding hurt and still doing fairly well so that is what helped me was to keep going after I got hurt

just ride to speed you wana go dont care what other people think. if they get angry just let them. when im comin to a slow rider i never go moanin at them becuase i know i was like that when i first started. try goin to other tracks aswell becuase you always get idiots at a certain track. anyway good look and keep tryin. carl

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