I am not able to link ABAQUS with Intel One API. I installed the INTEL ONE API Base toolkit and ONE API HPC toolkits. In the past there used to be INTEL PARALLEL STUDIO and the old fashioned way to link ABAQUS with INTEL PARALLEL STUDIO (to run the FORTRAN subroutines in ABAQUS) was by editing the ABAQUS2019.bat file located at the commands directory inside simulia folder and by calling the batch files ifortvars and mklvars but now it is not possible to link ABAQUS with ONE API as those batch files are not present inside the ONE API directory. Intel has highlighted that ONE API toolkit is the replacement of the older INTEL PARALLEL STUDIO.

I have tried that but ABAQUS 2019 fails to link with the Intel Fortran compiler. I am a graduate student and I need to run Fortran subroutines in ABAQUS. My University has a license for ABAQUS 2019 and I am not able to use the One API toolkit to run Fortran subroutines in ABAQUS 2019. ABAQUS 2019 seems to be incompatible with One API toolkit for running Fortran Subroutines. I request you to provide me the a way to download and access Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 so that I can go about doing my research. I have tried everything from going through the intel and Abaqus forums and tried every trick in the book to make ABAQUS 2019 run Fortran Subroutines using One API toolkits. I would request you to provide me the access to download and use Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 so that I can continue with my research work.

Intel Oneapi Hpc Toolkit 2021 Download

Download 🔥 https://shoxet.com/2yGbi6 🔥

I've been trying to link OneAPI compiler to Abaqus 2018 sort of as suggested. I'm afraid it can never happen since Abaqus is searching for the "ifort" compiler (and I really don't know how to change this in Abaqus). So, it would be great, for several researchers and students around the world, if you let us renew the licenses of Intel parallel (at least until Abaqus catch-up and it starts looking for the OneAPI fpga compilers - is it fpga_libtool or fpga_crossgen for fortran? or which one is it?). I have had student licenses before but it seems I can not renew them, how should I do to renew the said license?

I have been experiencing this exact issue for a few weeks now. I have also tried redirecting to the new Fortran compiler multiple times, but I also can't get it to link. My group leader is getting frustrated I am not making progress on my research. If anyone can provide a method of downloading Intel Parallel 2019 you will save me much heart ache!!!!

I agree the latest version of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 would be perfect. Here is a link to detailed instructions published by Chiyun Zhong from the University of Toronto. For someone with a limited computer science background, I found it helpful.

Intel does not verify all solutions, including but not limited to any file transfers that may appear in this community. Accordingly, Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.

This time, I started using a new Ryzen Amd cpu laptop. l'm trying to use Fortran with visual studio 2022. However, I tried to install intel oneapi based tool kit, but this is what i got. Is the Ryzen Amd cpu based computer not compatible with the intel oneapi tool kit?

Yes, a Ryzen CPU is compatible. The problem you're having is not related to the CPU. Try downloading the full installer as the message suggests. What I can see suggests that something on your system (perhaps an anti-malware package) prevented the download of one of the individual components.

Thank you for answer. Do you happend to know the full installer link? I'm not sure about that. Also, I heard that the files is not downloaded due to the anti-malware package,but i couldn't find an answer even when i googled about this. Do you know how to solve this? Thank you!

Further to Boxing Day as I await HPC to load, on BBC Radio 4 there was an interview with an old English Actor, who said that the difference between heaven and hell was the styrofoam cups that are used in hell and New York.

Those system requirements are incorrect. There are certainly Intel processors supported not on that list, and AMD processors will work as well. For many years, AMD used Intel's compiler for its benchmarking, as it produced faster code for AMD than other compilers. (AMD currently has a project for an LLVM-based Fortran but it's not done yet.)

Do you want just the Fortran compiler? If so, go to Intel oneAPI standalone component installation files and in the left column select Compilers > Intel Fortran, and select the "offline" installer. If you want the full HPC Toolkit, go to Download the Intel HPC Toolkit and select Offline Installer.

I searched online and saw that I should uninstall everything found with rpm -qa | grep intel, and then delete the /opt/intel folder. I also saw that there should be an uninstaller inside /opt/intel/oneapi/installer, but the installer directory doesn't exist. I also saw there should be an uninstaller in /bin/ and there isn't one.

So I am slightly confused at how the oneapi was installed before, and if the rpm -> delete is still the best approach. Any suggestions on how I can cleanly remove all previous instances of Fortran from the Centos7 LInux system then reinstall it would be much appreciated!

The website says oneAPI HPC toolkit is free for students as parallel studio was. I have downloaded and installed the base and downloaded the HPC toolkit. Previously with products having registered as a student I was emailed a serial number and the product appeared in my registration centre ( ), this has not happened with oneAPI. Neither did I get any request to register as a student of provide a serial number in the download and installation process. Also, the installed oneAPI base does not appear in the old intel software manager on my desktop. So, it seems like the whole management of installation and license is very different with oneAPI but I haven't seen much, or really any, documentation on this. In particular I would like to know how to get a student licenced copy of the features that were previously in parallel studio. Apart from the fact it should be free to student the page -for-free-software.html#student does not provide any helpful information and when I follow the links I am taken to a download page which as I said doesn't ask me anything about licencing or registering as a student.

Do you have a link to somewhere on the Intel site where that is stated clearly? That would be great news, and in the case of the oneAPI base that appears to be the case for me as I have installed it without registering, but I still find that hard to believe. You mean Intel has just made a piece of software that two weeks ago cost over 2,000 free for all to use without any public announcement? Also, this part of the website describes the categories of people oneAPI base and oneAPI HPC are free to -for-free-software.html surely that implies there is a cost to everyone else?

Please give us an update on your issue. If the provided details helped you then, please give us confirmation so that we will stop monitoring this thread. You can always post a new thread if you have any other issues.

Thank you for your answers but I don't think they answered or fully engaged with the question. Will these oneAPI products remain free? And can you point me to were Intel announce these products being free?

I have this issue with every intel toolkit. After downloading and opening the executable file, the program asks to check my systems requirements. After that, it starts downloading something the size of 21.3 mb, which finishes correctly, and after than, just when the next window is about to open (file attached named "1" shows the process), it suddenly crashes and stops. It still installs the files into the C drive though. 

Some help would be appreciated since I urgently need a fortran compiler for a college assignement.

Thanks in Advance,

Pedro Gouveia

The following commands install the environment module files for the OneAPI Toolkits in the /cm/shared/intel-oneapi-modulefiles directory, the standard way on a Bright cluster for making environment modules available on all nodes in a cluster.

Before install AI Analytics Toolkit,make sure intel oneAPI Base Toolkit installed. You can follow the instructions in -analytics-toolkit.html to install Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit on the management node according to your own needs.

On the Linux Ftrace subsystem, located in the debugfs partition in /sys/kernel/debug/tracing, may be accessible for the root user only. In this case, the VTune Profiler provides an error message: Ftrace collection is not possible due to a lack of credentials. Root privileges are required.


We are installing PBS job scheduler for our ubuntu based cluster with 10 nodes utilizing intel oneapi toolkit (intel MPI) for DFT calculation (VASP, WIEN2K etc). We are beginner. from where we can download the appropriate PBS and how can we set it in our cluster? suggestions and supporting links will be helpful for us.


The Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit is a core set of tools and libraries for developing high-performance, data-centric applications across diverse architectures. It features an industry-leading C++ compiler and the Data Parallel C++ (DPC++) language, an evolution of C++ for heterogeneous computing. Domain-specific libraries and the Intel Distribution for Python provide drop-in acceleration across relevant architectures. Enhanced profiling, design assistance, and debug tools complete the kit. High-performance computing (HPC) is at the core of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning applications. The Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit delivers what developers need to build, analyze, optimize, and scale HPC applications with the latest techniques in vectorization, multithreading, multi-node parallelization, and memory optimization. Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit is an add-on to the Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit, which is required for full functionality. It also includes access to the Intel Distribution for Python, the Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, powerful data-centric libraries, and advanced analysis tools. 152ee80cbc

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