Avail Natural Treatments for Eczema

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by severe skin irritation and inflammation. The skin breaks into itchy and red dry patches that appear and disappear unexpectedly but show up over time and never seem to go away.

People often try to find ways to get rid of the excessive dryness and irritation on the skin, but eczema can take a severe turn at times. There is no exact cause for the skin disease, but the medical fraternity gives a few reasons:

1. Hereditary: Eczema may result from a genetic predisposition or environmental factors. Many reports state that eczema runs in families and may be congenital, like other genetic conditions.

2. Skin barrier compromised: The skin is a protective barrier to guard the body from allergens and irritants. But, if the skin barrier is dysfunctional, these allergens and irritants can quickly enter the body and cause medical conditions like eczema.

3. Immune system compromised: If the immune system is overactive and overreacts to different elements and common harmless substances, it can cause an unnatural reaction due to compromised immunity. An overactive immune system is one of the leading causes of eczema and shows up as skin irritation, redness, and inflammation. Immune system dysfunctions are tough, but they respond well to healing herbs and naturopathy. There are natural treatments for eczema available that are very promising and helpful.

4. Infections: Microbial infections, including viral and bacterial infestations, can sometimes exaggerate eczema symptoms.

5. Unexplained factors in the environment: Environmental factors such as exposure to chemicals, detergents, soaps, shampoos etc can aggravate eczema. Moreover, low humidity, highly harsh temperatures, and weather conditions can cause excessive dryness and redness on the skin.

6. Hormonal changes: Any upheaval in the hormone secretions takes a toll and sometimes aggravates the eczema symptoms. In women, the symptoms flare up during menstruation and pregnancy.

7. Pollen grains, dust mites, and more: Many people react strongly to pet dander, pollen, and dust mites, and their skin breaks out and inflames whenever they come in contact with these elements. Furthermore, people also show eczema flare-ups when they are exposed to triggers. Stress and tension: People facing stressful situations may start to show eczema symptoms. Stress and anxiety affect the immune system and trigger the symptoms of eczema, making the skin inflamed, dry, and red!

It is not that every individual is affected by eczema. The symptoms appear in some random cases because it is a complex skin condition influenced by several triggers and environmental factors. We must step around the triggers or get a free consultation with a qualified dermatologist trained in naturopathy.

Conventional treatments, such as topical applications, may show temporary relief but can flare up when the medicine is withdrawn. Healthcare professionals can draw up a tailored and personalized treatment plan to deal with specific conditions, so organize a free consultation with a skilled holistic dermatologist and get an opinion regarding the symptoms.

A holistic doctor in Los Angeles can understand your condition. He can advise a well-chalked-out customized naturopathy treatment plan with a healthy, nutritious diet that works on the gut microbiome. Probiotics and healthy foods can keep the eczema symptoms under control.