Outreach and Popular Press

MO and members of his group have been regularly serving as Science Communication Fellows, since Spring 2014.

Some translations, Borges' taxonomy, intellectual pursuit as a whole.

MO helped to empirically test verify the functionality of numerous WWII improvised GI radio designs, heavily thanked in the introduction.

Family Days at the 2017 AAAS meeting,

February 19, 2017

Platonic solids, kaleidoscopes, ninja balls, and quantum physics.

"Rhombic dodecahedron," Michel Serratrice, 2015

"Rhombic Dodecahedron," an artwork by a Michel Serratrice, a French artist, has been directly inspired by our conversations with him, on the subject of the octacubes. The rhombic dodecahedron in 3D and the octacube in 4D are members of a sequence of space-tiling d-dimensional solids obtained via the following procedure: a d-dimensional cube is split into pyramids, 2d of them, with its center as their common apex and its (d-1)-dimensional faces as their respective bases; the pyramids are then reflected about their bases, forming a new d-dimensional solid.

A popular report on various studies of explosions, both in science and in the arts. Our Nature study is presented as an example of research in the field of quantum explosions.

A report on an experimental confirmation of the prediction of the existence of waveguide-confined molecules for both attractive and repulsive interactions between constituent atoms.