Zoom Instructor Help

Getting Started in Zoom for Faculty

Step 1: Login to rwu.zoom.us to setup your account

Step 2: Download the Zoom application and login with your RWU credentials.

Step 3: Schedule a meeting in Zoom or Bridges.

Recommended General Zoom settings for easier classes:

  • Turn on Polling

  • Turn on Breakout Rooms

  • Turn on Always show meeting control bar

  • Turn on Mute participants upon entry

  • Turn on ability to add co-host

  • Turn on Sound notification when some leaves or joins set to Host and co-hosts

  • Disable Join before host feature

  • Turn on Nonverbal feedback

Zoom security recommended setting

Setting before the meeting

  • Either Passcodes or waiting rooms are required by default for better security as of September 27, 2020. Please use both for better security.

  • Authenticated users for meetings (optional): When opening the meeting link, users would need to sign into Zoom with their RWU credentials before they enter the Zoom meeting. Please make sure that students have a registered RWU account by following steps in this video or by pointing them to Zoom Tips for Students. If using preassigned breakout rooms, this is a useful setting as this ensures that the email accounts added in the preassigned breakout rooms match the participants in the Zoom meeting.

During the meeting

  • Security features (button)

  • Waiting room: If the waiting room is enabled you can turn it off to let remaining students in without having to manually admit them.

  • Lock the meeting: Once all attendees have arrived you can lock your meeting so no one else can be admitted.

  • Share screen: checking this off allows anyone in the class tp share their screen.

  • Chat: this allows everyone to chat, if you do now want private chatting this would have to turned off in the Zoom portal.

  • Rename themselves.

  • Unmute themselves.

  • Annotation – this option is set to "on" by default which allows anyone in the class to annotate on anything presented in the Zoom meeting. One can turn off this ability (or only allow annotation for the user presenting their screen) by changing the setting in the Zoom portal.


  • Turn off Audio and Video as you enter meetings.

  • Keep your microphone muted unless talking

  • Do a test Zoom session to minimize any technical difficulties with your class.

Additional Zoom Information

Zoom Training - Attend Live training Webinars (Zoom)

For a recent breakdown of a Zoom training:

Zoom Meetings for Education Webinar Recording (December 2020)

  • Scheduling Classes and Office Hours (00:07:26)

  • Tip Class Meeting & Office Hours: Recurring [No Fixed Time] (00:18:35)

  • Best Practice – Office Hours: Waiting Room (00:19:11)

  • Join as Learner (00:19:39)

  • Your Zoom Classroom (00:20:58)

    • Zoom Meeting – Student View (00:21:34)

    • Side-by-side comparison of the participants controls and the host controls (00:23:10)

  • Managing & Interacting with Students – (00:24:05)

    • Join Audio – (00:24:16)

    • Audio Settings – (00:24:54)

    • Video Settings – (00:27:08)

    • Video Views: Speaker View & Reactions (00:25:51)

    • Video Views: Gallery View & Reactions (00:29:14)

    • Thing to remember when you change the view (00:29:40)

    • Couple of ways to interactive non-verbally (00:30:01)

    • Larger Classroom – Video Views: 49 per page Gallery View (00:30:35)

    • Zoom Meting Security Panel (00:31:03)

    • Manage Participants – (00:33:22)

    • Waiting Room – (00:35:52)

    • Closed Captions or Live Transcript – (00:37:21)

    • In-Meeting Chat (00:39:33)

    • File Transfer (00:41:03)

  • Present Lectures [Synchronous & Asynchronous] (00:41:31)

    • Share Screen (00:42:20)

    • Advanced Share Screen Menu (00:43:20)

    • Share Screen: Audio/Video (00:43:41)

    • Share Screen: floating Toolbar (00:44:32)

    • Annotation Tool (00:45:08)

    • Whiteboard (00:46:12)

    • Record (00:46:26)

  • Quizzes (00:46:38)

    • Polling (00:46:41)

    • Save as a Meeting Template (00:47:18)

    • Who can edit a poll in a meeting? (00:47:51)

  • Small Group Activities (00:48:50)

    • Breakout Rooms (00:48:56)

    • Breakout Rooms: Manual vs Automatic Assign (00:49:03)

    • Breakout Rooms: Assign Participants (00:49:48)

    • Breakout Rooms: Move & Exchange (00:50:09)

    • Breakout Rooms: Settings (00:50:25)

    • Breakout Rooms: Open Rooms (00:50:44)

    • Breakout Rooms: Broadcast (00:50:59)

    • Breakout Rooms: Close Room (00:51:06)

    • Breakout Rooms: Recreate: (00:51:17)

  • Recordings and Reports (00:51:38)

    • Usage Reports: Attendance (00:51:50)

    • Recordings (00:52:00)

    • Sharing Cloud Recording (00:52:22)

  • Zoom for Education Use Cases (00:53:04)