Open Problems

Link to the  photograph of open problems  as appears below.  These open problems were summarized on Friday afternoon during our discussion sessions.

More information.  The organizers and the participants will add more details to these open problems.  Please check back later.  

In particular, as an expansion to Open Problem (6), Mikhail Khovanov will add another appearance of d^2 0 in the context of chain complexes for quivers.

Acknowledgment.  If you form collaboration due to the Instantons and Foams conference at MIT or work on any of the open problems we discussed over the last several days, we would be grateful if you would acknowledge  Simons Collaboration on New Structures in Low-dimensional Topology  in your papers.  

Furthermore, please let the organizers know if any papers come out due to this conference.  We will advertise your papers on the  Simons Collaboration website