Just as an FYI I had failed to install Quicktime on Windows 10 64bit. Had a very cryptic message about how it was missing ul_catalog.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E from the cab file. Running the installer with verbose logging revealed the following:

It would be pleasent is somebody at Apple could update the Quicktime installer. Users with brand new Windows 10 64 bit systems will likely come across this error if they install Quicktime first. Older systems will likely have the redist installed, as part of other packages, and unaffected.

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To install this version of vcredist for VS2005, I had to first uninstall the VC 2005 redist in order to install the older version. Once I uninstalled the current version, the older version installed and I was able to install the latest version of QuickTime. After updating QuickTime, I reinstalled the current version of VC 2005 redist.

I am trying to install QuickTime Player on Ubuntu. I have done some research on the web regarding this. Many webpages say that we need to install "Restricted Formats" of Ubuntu based on version. I can't understand that.

I get this error message every time I try to install quicktime: "ul_catalog.98cb24ad_52fb_db5f_ff1f_c8b3b9a1e18e not found in cabinet file quicktime.cab. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the cd-rom, or a problem with this package." I downloaded the installer from apple, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I use an ASUS laptop.

Just solved the problem for me: The latest version of QT is not compatible with Win8. So I was told by one of my company technicians to use the win7-modus in win8 to install the exe-file. Installation with no problems. :-)

Just save this as a .bat (or.cmd) file, and call it from your (Computer Configuration) GPO. Although note that I've not tested it from a GPO, only as a double-click and as a Task Sequence step in SCCM. Of course the QuickTimeInstaller.exe needs to be present in the \\server\share\applications\quicktime path!

Hi, I work in social media and I recently started my own business. After knocking a lot of doors I finally got my first contract that needs to be brought out on Wednesday. And when I open my AE to start this gig guess what. I got a "Quicktime not installed...." thing. Just to let you know, I've read plenty of cyclical threads here troubleshooting QuickTime errors with After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, and CC | Creative Cloud blog by... So I started the first solution on installing the last version of quicktime tha'ts clearly not the problem since it didn't work. So following the second solution which is to remove the DVCPROHDVideoOut QuickTime component I simply just can't find it unless I am looking in the wrong folder. c:\Program Files (x86)\Quicktime\ and when I get there I got this:  

I've been using Magix for almost 10 years and all of a sudden I can't play MP4's, says I don't have quicktime. I went to this forum to look for answers, a suggestion was to download Quicktime. After I installed the latest one (2016) I was able to upload MP4's again. So problem solved?

I found a 'work around'. The MP4 seems to play on Premiere elements (w/o quicktime?) so I exported it out as an MPEG which Magix reads. Premiere Elements was one of the programs I tried out only to go back to Magix. Premiere is an Apple leaning software, so maybe it has the QT software installed, but wouldn't that follow that Magix should also be able to access it? Might we expect an update to address this or am I the only one to have this problem?

Hi, that's the one I downloaded and installed. Magix only returned to normal when playing videos after I deleted that file/program from my PC and rebooted. I read an article which read that the last QT was optimized for Windows 7 so there's no guarantees it'll work on 10. It even said playing the video might be a problem w/ newer compression/codec technology as QT is no longer supported.

One tip it said was you can run QT as if you were running it on Windows 7 by choosing that option after you've installed it. When I tried to install it previously, it opened a QT window that read 'loading' the whole time. Hopefully this is a big enough issue Magix will put out an update.

Sorry my post previous 2 back was confusing. Because the file exported correctly it shows that it is not a codec activation problem but more like a display problem in MEP. Please update Windows and install the Intel UHD driver that Ray has indicated. When my PC updated to Win10 2004, it installed a much earlier Intel Driver for some reason.

"Sep 11, 2019 - Current software is 100% malware and does big damage to your system! Sourceforge shouldn't allow crap like this on their platform! project now contains what I would consider malware -- it installs the Mezaa advertising client. Really very annoying."

No, iTunes does not need QuickTime. That, and the last release of QuickTime for Windows has a severe security flaw in it. All users were cautioned to uninstall it. Apple has stated there will be no more updates for the Windows version of QuickTime because newer Windows versions (such as Windows 10) already have the necessary components to support what QuickTime did. It's mentioned here.

Obvisiously Apple dont like Quicktime on Windows. Thats why we have an outdated QT 7 version which cant be installed on Windows 10 without a hack. Only old Quicktime versions with security holes can be installed.

There are hundreds of codecs out there, some with some very odd variations, so a comprehensive list of codecs would be difficult to come by much less which ones work with or without QuickTime. Besides, there are several factors that would determine if a codec would work on a system or not. For example, an MP4 might work without QuickTime or it might not depending on what else you have installed. There are just too many variables to make a list.

He's only asking for a list of the few codecs that require Quicktime. Not all, just those for which he'll need to install something else to get a fuller functionality of AE. It's a very fair question, and something that should be provided. It is arrogant to not provide it, and contemptuous of users, too.

Yeah, after uninstalling QT player after being told all windows users should remove it because of vulnerabilities, I would have thought the codecs (or just the decoders) would have been included when media encoder was installed. Whatever, installing Resolve fixed it on Windows 10. Now that I have Resolve on my system, maybe it's time to give it a try.

Quicktime for Windows is a messy affair indeed. Every security expert and Microsoft warn against installing Quicktime, and for good reason: the quicktime player is compromised, and if you do have to install Quicktime, only install the codecs, and AVOID installing the player.

Okay, by "doesn't work", I mean the install seems to go well, but when I hit the "play sample" button, I get an error message saying "The install program was unable to call the movie player" and then another message saying that the installation has not been completed. If I try to run the movie player, I get a message saying that one of the library files is damaged.

A quicktime logo does appear on the Control Panel, but when I click on it, the driver window (I don't know the technical term for it) comes up, but it says it's not installed. When I go to the Drivers control panel and click on [MCI] Quicktime for Windows, I get an error that says "Cannot load the [MCI] QuickTime for Windows Driver. The driver file may be missing." Trying to reinstall Quicktime doesn't help.

The order I go by is SoundBlaster, S3 Driver, then QuickTime.

If a game has a specific version of QuickTime it installs try that first. It may not like the higher version.

Here's another link in case it's useful.


The video driver won't install. I'm trying to follow the steps I found here for getting 3.1 to work with Dosbox, but for some reason, when I type "setup" under the windows directory after 3.1 has already been installed, I get the installation setup instead of the one being displayed.

I still haven't gotten quicktime to work. Even when I reinstall 3.1 and the drivers in the order that was recommended, quicktime still refuses to fully install, I still have the same problems that I mentioned before. Either I'm not installing the drivers correctly, or perhaps my DOSBox configuration is the culprit? If so, I have no idea where I'd change it.

Verify that QuickTime for Windows was installed correctly. A sure way to tell would be to open your control panels and look for a control panel named "QuickTime 32". If the control panel is not there, then you have not installed QuickTime by double-clicking on QT32INST.EXE. If the control panel is there, take the opportunity to click the "Verify Setup" button to make sure all the files are installed properly.

UPDATE. I think it's about some extra validations on the installer. I happen to have W10 Pro x64 but I upgraded from W7 and it says a newer version is installed. That means, the program itself runs but the installer on recent versions have some extra logic that prevents it from running on untested environments. 0852c4b9a8

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