Installing Kali Linux (single boot) on your computer is an easy process. This guide will cover the basic install (which can be done on bare metal or guest VM), with the option of encrypting the partition. At times, you may have sensitive data you would prefer to encrypt using Full Disk Encryption (FDE). During the setup process you can initiate an LVM encrypted install on either Hard Disk or USB drives.

In our guide, we are using a clean disk, so we have four options to pick from. We will select Guided - the entire disk, as this is the single boot installation for Kali Linux, so we do not want any other operating systems installed, so we are happy to wipe the disk.

Install Kali


A Kali Linux Live image on a CD/DVD/USB/PXE can allow you to have access to a full bare metal Kali install without needing to alter an already-installed operating system. This allows for quick easy access to the Kali toolset with all the advantages of a bare metal install. There are some drawbacks, as disk operations may slow due to the utilized storage media.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a software package on modern Windows installs that allow you to run Linux alongside your Windows system in an optimized container. The Kali WSL package allows easy access to the Kali toolset. This comes with the same drawbacks of a standard VM, but allows for less overhead and tighter integration with your Windows systems.

Note: You can also edit the boot menu configuration in the BIOS menu, but that is permanent and may need to be changed post-installation. It is usually preferred to find a way to access the boot menu when starting up the computer, as this will only be a temporary configuration.

Lately there's been an influx of people who are installing Kali as their daily driver, main Linux distribution to use for desktop usage; asking questions that are a direct result of misunderstanding what Kali is for and ignoring the strong advice of the distribution to not use it that way. Such questions are a waste of everyone time's including your own, but more importantly, may discourage you from trying to use Linux again by assuming that that is the normal experience.

RPM packages are precompiled and built for Red Hat Based Linux Distribution and can be installed only using yum, Zypper and RPM based package managers.

Since Kali Linux is based on Debian you can not install RPM packages directly using apt or dpkg package managers.

All of these options require some amount of trust in Heroku. The first two pull a script down from the Internet and pipe it into sh, which always makes me a bit uneasy. I suspect they both request elevated privileges during the install process. Instead of piping the file directly in to sh as Heroku recommends, I suggest you download it and at least give it a quick read through the first time.

I got the image from my terminal

see here: 

( I know apt-key is not in OpenSUSE, but can i resolve this problem at all? OR can i resolve this problem and install katoolin on OpenSUSE with another method?

You apparently do not understand what katoolin is. There is nothing to install - this is script which installs various Kali tools. Script itself does nothing beyond that and everything this script does can be done without it (adding debian repository is not really a rocket science). Which makes me wonder, whether you understand what Kali is and what you intend to do with these tools once they are installed (or do you even know what will be installed).

Same as mine too - I kept getting the problem 'E: Unmet dependencies.'libc6 (2.34) is required, however, 2.34-4 must be installed. I attempted an apt fix-broken install. I tried Sudo apt-get -f install to force the installation.

All the relevant packages are in the AUR. If you don't know which packages you want, you could just check the list of packages included in Kali (or blackarch if you must) then install them from the AUR. Of course, if you don't know which packages you want, there are bigger fish to fry. Don't install a bunch of pentesting packages 'cause it's l33t or cool, figure out what you want to learn, then get the packages you need to support that learning.

I'm not into the pentesting world, but there are other aspects of computing I am engaged with. So if / when I install a new system, I know what packages I want to install or look for as I know what tools I need. I know what tools I need because I know how they work and interact with each other. Having a system install everything someone else thought I might need would be silly as I'd 1) not really know what was installed 2) not know how what was installed worked, and 3) not know how the different installed tools interacted with each other.

Now, if there are a whole bunch of tools that you already understand pretty well and you just want an efficient way to install all of them as a group, then just make a meta package depending on them (or just go with the simpler approach of keeping a text file with the list of package names, then `pacman -S - < /path/to/package_list`.

This is actually how I run BlackArch and it is very convenient rather than going one by one installing stuff from aur. Also, the BlackArch repo already has 'category' sets for tool groups - exploitation, reversing, sniffer, etc...

Blackarch has the *additional* problem that they provide derivative distro installers which automatically add this repository. (Also the problem where they have terrible QA.) So if you use blackarch, it is unclear whether you're eligible for support for the rest of your system, even if your problems don't come from the [blackarch] repository at all. Often, the forum staff will simply assume that blackarch users are blackarch distro users, not blackarch repository users, since they most often are...

You should probably just install the packages manually. If you don't know which packages you need, you probably shouldn't be installing security tools on your daily driver anyway. Just run Kali in a VM if you want an easy solution. For my pen testing toolset I use Docker to conveniently access the security tools I need but still have them separate from my base install.

In those PPa's are more than 500+ hacking tools available,this guy has done a very good job!!Those tools are all open source and they don't belong to any name or something else. :D Ubuntu is a great distribution and it has many,many tools and packages available via repositoryinstall them like this :

Answers will be the same again. Install each tools you want individually by compiling or by installing from repos, or AUR, or else download the script kiddies distro you are attracted to and use them (no offense to the distro themselves, which are powerful tools, but the intent here starts to clarify more and more to me).

@Marfnl: Apologies for not replying sooner. The build for Debian should be compatible with Kali Linux since it is based on Debian. It installed and ran when I tried it out on a Kali Linux VirtualBox image.

Tried to install on kali linux 20.02, it works mostly if you add som packages by yourselves. What finally breaks it is when you run the and it tries to install winbind and so on. Anyone got it to work on kali linux if so which version?

I followed the clear steps outlined for Linux install but when I launch Autopsy a big window opens up with the menus and it is blank. I can see and pull down the menus but I never see the opening screen for creating new cases etc.

I made sure to uninstall java8 (as shown by Mark_McKinnon) and then reinstall the full version as shown in the document apreistman linked in the reply. (Just FYI: I had originally used that exact document and had indeed done the full install as shown. But I did it again anyways.)

With your help, I have one guess: Did I create a problem by installing Autopsy under root (I always work under root and have no user set up) and the instructions in the GitHub doc (see above) ask to set up the JAVA_HOME under /usr/lib/jvm/bellsoft-java8-full-amd64.

Hey @jibel, could you describe a bit better what you are trying to do so that I can help you?

You need to install balenaOS on your system, which is a read-only system. What you can try to achieve is to install and use the same packages that Kali uses inside a container.

Hey, you should be able to download the AppImage file from the balenaEtcher homepage - most OSs can run this directly, but in some I believe you have to explicitly install FUSE. The balena homepage is here:

Python 2 is no longer being maintained in the Debian repositories. This means that we must find a way to work around this issue. pyenv solves this problem by allowing us to install multiple versions of Python that do not conflict with each other.

as Mathematica installs 32-bit binaries, it may have overlooked some following dependencies, the 64-bit versions of these libraries were already on my system and may have been taken for granted (although it might have been installed as a dependency for something else...) As new releases come, this may resolve itself, you'll just have to watch the error messages and act accordingly...

As @shohei noted, you can also directly download the main .zip release archives and extract them to get a terraform executable. The APT packages for Terraform on just wrap that same executable with APT metadata, and so an executable installed in that way should behave identically to one installed using APT.

I am trying to install Kali Linux from the Microsoft Store on Windows 10 20H2 but it is being blocked by Sophos as a PUA (due to the nature of the apps it uses). is there a way to allow install and use of this without Sophos scanning it? can I add an exception in Sophos Central even just for one user?

I had installed Kali-Linux and Ubuntu successfully and updated everything. However, when installing Packages (I'd have the link for the list here but the forum said no) for Kali (only had the bare minimum of Kali installed) I came upon an issue, in every successive package un-met dependencies kept popping up that wouldn't be installed, no matter the package they would lead back to a package called 'set' that wouldn't install (its part of the kali-headless package install). ff782bc1db

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