Hostinger provides its users with two Composer versions. If you need Composer version 1.10, use the composer command.

Otherwise if you need a newer 2.0 version or you are using PHP 8.0+, use the composer2 command.

Furthermore, composer.json also checks for version compatibility for your project. If you use an older package, composer.json will let you know that one may avoid future issues.

Install Composer


After executing the previous command, your project directory will have two new files (composer.json and composer.lock) and a folder named vendor. This is a specific directory where Composer stores all your packages and dependencies.

Composer is not a package manager in the same sense as Yum or Apt are. Yes,it deals with "packages" or libraries, but it manages them on a per-projectbasis, installing them in a directory (e.g. vendor) inside your project. Bydefault, it does not install anything globally. Thus, it is a dependencymanager. It does however support a "global" project for convenience via theglobal command.

Composer in its latest version requires PHP 7.2.5 to run. A long-term-supportversion (2.2.x) still offers support for PHP 5.3.2+ in case you are stuck witha legacy PHP version. A few sensitive php settings and compile flags are alsorequired, but when using the installer you will be warned about anyincompatibilities.

Composer needs several supporting applications to work effectively, making theprocess of handling package dependencies more efficient. For decompressingfiles, Composer relies on tools like 7z (or 7zz), gzip, tar, unrar,unzip and xz. As for version control systems, Composer integrates seamlesslywith Fossil, Git, Mercurial, Perforce and Subversion, thereby ensuring theapplication's smooth operation and management of library repositories. Beforeusing Composer, ensure that these dependencies are correctly installed on yoursystem.

Composer offers a convenient installer that you can execute directly from thecommand line. Feel free to download this fileor review it on GitHubif you wish to know more about the inner workings of the installer. The sourceis plain PHP.

The installer will check a few PHP settings and then download composer.pharto your working directory. This file is the Composer binary. It is a PHAR(PHP archive), which is an archive format for PHP which can be run onthe command line, amongst other things.

You can install Composer to a specific directory by using the --install-diroption and additionally (re)name it as well using the --filename option. Whenrunning the installer when followingthe Download page instructions add thefollowing parameters:

Note: On some versions of macOS the /usr directory does not exist bydefault. If you receive the error "/usr/local/bin/composer: No such file ordirectory" then you must create the directory manually before proceeding:mkdir -p /usr/local/bin.

Note: You may also use composer instead of composer/composer as image name above. It is shorter and is a Docker official image but is not published directly by us and thus usually receives new releases with a delay of a few days. Important: short-aliased images don't have binary-only equivalents, so for COPY --from approach it's better to use composer/composer ones.

This installer script will simply check some php.ini settings, warn you if they are set incorrectly, and then download the latest composer.phar in the current directory. The 4 lines above will, in order:

By default the installer and composer self-update will download the latest stable version only. You may select a different download channel though.

 If you would like to help test pre-release versions you can use the --preview flag on either the installer or self-update.

 For snapshot builds, which are done from the latest Composer commit, you can use the --snapshot flag.

 To programmatically install specific major versions you can use the --1 or --2 flag. To select the latest 2.2 LTS you can use --2.2.

To start using Composer in your project, all you need is a composer.jsonfile. This file describes the dependencies of your project and may containother metadata as well. It typically should go in the top-most directory ofyour project/VCS repository. You can technically run Composer anywhere butif you want to publish a package to, it will have to be ableto find the file at the top of your VCS repository.

Composer uses this information to search for the right set of files in package"repositories" that you register using the repositorieskey, or in, the default package repository.In the above example, since no other repository has been registered in thecomposer.json file, it is assumed that the monolog/monolog package is registeredon (Read more about Packagist, andabout repositories).

How does Composer download the right files? When you specify a dependency incomposer.json, Composer first takes the name of the package that you have requestedand searches for it in any repositories that you have registered using therepositories key. If you have not registeredany extra repositories, or it does not find a package with that name in therepositories you have specified, it falls back to (more below).

Committing this file to version control is important because it will cause anyonewho sets up the project to use the exact sameversions of the dependencies that you are using. Your CI server, productionmachines, other developers in your team, everything and everyone runs on thesame dependencies, which mitigates the potential for bugs affecting only someparts of the deployments. Even if you develop alone, in six months whenreinstalling the project you can feel confident the dependencies installed arestill working even if your dependencies released many new versions since then.(See note below about using the update command.)

If there is already a composer.lock file in the project folder, it means eitheryou ran the update command before, or someone else on the project ran the updatecommand and committed the composer.lock file to the project (which is good).

Either way, running install when a composer.lock file is present resolves and installsall dependencies that you listed in composer.json, but Composer uses the exact versions listedin composer.lock to ensure that the package versions are consistent for everyoneworking on your project. As a result you will have all dependencies requested by yourcomposer.json file, but they may not all be at the very latest available versions(some of the dependencies listed in the composer.lock file may have released newer versions sincethe file was created). This is by design, it ensures that your project does not break because ofunexpected changes in dependencies.

As mentioned above, the composer.lock file prevents you from automatically gettingthe latest versions of your dependencies. To update to the latest versions, use theupdate command. This will fetch the latest matchingversions (according to your composer.json file) and update the lock filewith the new versions.

Note: Composer will display a Warning when executing an install commandif the composer.lock has not been updated since changes were made to thecomposer.json that might affect dependency resolution.

Composer has platform packages, which are virtual packages for things that areinstalled on the system but are not actually installable by Composer. Thisincludes PHP itself, PHP extensions and some system libraries.

Note: Composer provides its own autoloader. If you don't want to use thatone, you can include vendor/composer/autoload_*.php files, which returnassociative arrays allowing you to configure your own autoloader.


Eventually what did the trick for me was to download and install composer executable (here -Composer). Then download XMAP or AMPPS. When running the composer setup, it asks you to point it to a php.exe file, then point it to the PHP file in either XMAP or AMPPS.

I was able to install composer on HostGator's shared hosting. Logged in to SSH with Putty, right after login you should be in your home directory, which is usually /home/username, where username is your username obviously. Then ran the curl command posted by @niutech above. This downloaded the composer to my home directory and it's now accessible and working well.

Most of the time you can't - depending on the host. You can contact the support team where your hosting is subscribed to, and if they confirmed that it is really not allowed, you can just set up the composer on your dev machine, and commit and push all dependencies to your live server using Git or whatever you prefer.

Composer is a popular dependency management tool for PHP, created mainly to facilitate installation and updates for project dependencies. It will check which other packages a specific project depends on and install them for you, using the appropriate versions according to the project requirements. Composer is also commonly used to bootstrap new projects based on popular PHP frameworks, such as Symfony and Laravel.

PHP projects often depend on external libraries, and managing those dependencies and their versions can be tricky. Composer solves that problem by keeping track of project versions and dependencies, while also facilitating the process of finding, installing, and updating packages that are required by a project.

We need a string-to-slug converter. From the search results, the package cocur/slugify, which appears as the first result in that page, seems to be a good match, with a reasonable amount of installations and stars.

You might notice the special character ^ before the version number in composer.json. Composer supports several different constraints and formats for defining the required package version, in order to provide flexibility while also keeping your project stable. The caret (^) operator used by the auto-generated composer.json file is the recommended operator for maximum interoperability, following semantic versioning. In this case, it defines 4.0 as the minimum compatible version, and allows updates to any future version below 5.0. 2351a5e196

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