Note We highly recommend that you install the latest security update available. They provide advanced protections from the latest security threats. They also provide capabilities that we have added to support migration. For more information and context about how we are hardening DCOM, see DCOM authentication hardening: what you need to know.

To help you identify the applications that might have compatibility issues after we enable DCOM security hardening changes, we added new DCOM error events in the System log. See the tables below. The system will log these events if it detects that a DCOM client application is trying to activate a DCOM server using an authentication level that is less than RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY. You can trace to the client device from the server-side event log and use client-side event logs to find the application.

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"The server-side authentication level policy does not allow the user %1\%2 SID (%3) from address %4 to activate DCOM server. Please raise the activation authentication level at least to RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY in client application."

To help reduce app compatibility issues, we have automatically raised the authentication level for all non-anonymous activation requests from Windows-based DCOM clients to RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY at a minimum. With this change, most Windows-based DCOM client requests will be automatically accepted with DCOM hardening changes enabled on the server side without any further modification to the DCOM client. Additionally, most Windows DCOM clients will automatically work with DCOM hardening changes on the server side without any further modification to the DCOM client.

Note Enabling the registry key above will make DCOM servers enforce an Authentication-Level of RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY or higher for activation. This does not affect anonymous activation (activation using authentication level RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE). If the DCOM server allows anonymous activation, it will still be allowed even with DCOM hardening changes are enabled.

FTP, short for File Transfer Protocol, is a network protocol that was once widely used for moving files between a client and server. It has since been replaced by faster, more secure, and more convenient ways of delivering files. Many casual Internet users expect to download directly from their web browser with https and command-line users are more likely to use secure protocols such as the scp or sFTP.

Device-mode destinations that load their code on your site might also set their own anonymous ID for the user that is separate and different from the Segment generated one. Some destinations use the Segment anonymousId. Read the documentation for each Destination to find out if a Destination sets its own ID.

The options object described in the previous section behaves differently from the options.context.traits object discussed here. The traits object described here does not cause anonymousId to persist across different calls.

A double-hop typically involves delegation of user credentials across multiple remote computers. For example, assume you have a SQL Server instance named SQL1 where you created a linked server for a remote SQL Server named SQL2. In linked server security configuration, you selected the option Be made using the login's current security context. When using this configuration, if you execute a linked server query on SQL1 from a remote client computer named Client1, the windows credentials will first have to hop from Client1 to SQL1 and then from SQL1 to SQL2 (hence, it's called a double-hop). For more information, see Understanding Kerberos Double Hop and Kerberos Constrained Delegation Overview

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) offers several configurable options for authenticating users and client applications against the report server. By default, the report server uses Windows Integrated authentication and assumes trusted relationships where client and network resources are in the same domain or in a trusted domain. Depending on your network topology and the needs of your organization, you can customize the authentication protocol that is used for Windows Integrated authentication, use Basic authentication, or use a custom forms-based authentication extension that you provide. Each of the authentication types can be turned on or off individually. You can enable more than one authentication type if you want the report server to accept requests of multiple types.

All users or applications who request access to report server content or operations must be authenticated using the authentication type configured on the report server before access is allowed. The following table describes the authentication types supported by Reporting Services.

Authentication settings are configured for default security when the report server URL is reserved. If you modify these settings incorrectly, the report server will return HTTP 401 Access Denied errors for HTTP requests that cannot be authenticated. Choosing an authentication type requires that you already know how Windows Authentication is supported in your network. At least one authentication type must be specified. Multiple authentication types can be specified for RSWindows. RSWindows authentication types (that is, RSWindowsBasic, RSWindowsNTLM, RSWindowsKerberos, and RSWindowsNegotiate) are mutually exclusive with Custom.

Reporting Services does not validate the settings you specify to determine whether they are correct for your computing environment. It is possible that default security will not work for your installation, or that you will specify configuration settings that are not valid for your security infrastructure. For this reason, it is important that you carefully test your report server deployment in controlled test environment before making it available to your larger organization.

Background processing does not accept requests from end-users, however it does authenticate all requests for unattended execution purposes. It always uses Windows Authentication and it authenticates requests using the Report Server service or the unattended execution account if it is configured.

Even though a normal user cannot be added via an API call, any user thatpresents a valid certificate signed by the cluster's certificate authority(CA) is considered authenticated. In this configuration, Kubernetes determinesthe username from the common name field in the 'subject' of the cert (e.g.,"/CN=bob"). From there, the role based access control (RBAC) sub-system woulddetermine whether the user is authorized to perform a specific operation on aresource. For more details, refer to the normal users topic incertificate requestfor more details about this.

API requests are tied to either a normal user or a service account, or are treatedas anonymous requests. This means every process inside or outside the cluster, froma human user typing kubectl on a workstation, to kubelets on nodes, to membersof the control plane, must authenticate when making requests to the API server,or be treated as an anonymous user.

Kubernetes uses client certificates, bearer tokens, or an authenticating proxy toauthenticate API requests through authentication plugins. As HTTP requests aremade to the API server, plugins attempt to associate the following attributeswith the request:

Client certificate authentication is enabled by passing the --client-ca-file=SOMEFILEoption to API server. The referenced file must contain one or more certificate authoritiesto use to validate client certificates presented to the API server. If a client certificateis presented and verified, the common name of the subject is used as the user name for therequest. As of Kubernetes 1.4, client certificates can also indicate a user's group membershipsusing the certificate's organization fields. To include multiple group memberships for a user,include multiple organization fields in the certificate.

The API server reads bearer tokens from a file when given the --token-auth-file=SOMEFILE optionon the command line. Currently, tokens last indefinitely, and the token list cannot bechanged without restarting the API server.

When using bearer token authentication from an http client, the APIserver expects an Authorization header with a value of Bearer . The bearer token must be a character sequence that can beput in an HTTP header value using no more than the encoding andquoting facilities of HTTP. For example: if the bearer token is31ada4fd-adec-460c-809a-9e56ceb75269 then it would appear in an HTTPheader as shown below.

The signed JWT can be used as a bearer token to authenticate as the given serviceaccount. See above for how the token is includedin a request. Normally these tokens are mounted into pods for in-cluster access tothe API server, but can be used from outside the cluster as well.

A note about requirement #3 above, requiring a CA signed certificate. If you deploy your ownidentity provider (as opposed to one of the cloud providers like Google or Microsoft) you MUSThave your identity provider's web server certificate signed by a certificate with the CA flagset to TRUE, even if it is self signed. This is due to GoLang's TLS client implementationbeing very strict to the standards around certificate validation. If you don't have a CA handy,you can use the gencert scriptfrom the Dex team to create a simple CA and a signed certificate and key pair. Or you can usethis similar scriptthat generates SHA256 certs with a longer life and larger key size.

Note: The Kubernetes API server defaults to sending token reviews for backwards compatibility.To opt into receiving token reviews, the API server must be started with --authentication-token-webhook-version=v1.{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "TokenReview", "spec": { # Opaque bearer token sent to the API server "token": "014fbff9a07c...", # Optional list of the audience identifiers for the server the token was presented to. # Audience-aware token authenticators (for example, OIDC token authenticators) # should verify the token was intended for at least one of the audiences in this list, # and return the intersection of this list and the valid audiences for the token in the response status. # This ensures the token is valid to authenticate to the server it was presented to. # If no audiences are provided, the token should be validated to authenticate to the Kubernetes API server. "audiences": [" ", " "] }}{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "TokenReview", "spec": { # Opaque bearer token sent to the API server "token": "014fbff9a07c...", # Optional list of the audience identifiers for the server the token was presented to. # Audience-aware token authenticators (for example, OIDC token authenticators) # should verify the token was intended for at least one of the audiences in this list, # and return the intersection of this list and the valid audiences for the token in the response status. # This ensures the token is valid to authenticate to the server it was presented to. # If no audiences are provided, the token should be validated to authenticate to the Kubernetes API server. "audiences": [" ", " "] }}The remote service is expected to fill the status field of the request to indicate the success of the login.The response body's spec field is ignored and may be omitted.The remote service must return a response using the same TokenReview API version that it received.A successful validation of the bearer token would return: ff782bc1db

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