Hello, I recently got my company account and when I first setup the account it asked my if I wanted to move my private library to my new company account. Unfortunately I missed this step and said no even though my answer actually had to be yes. I wanted to know if there is a way to get back to this wizard and migrate my images to the new lightroom cloud library. Thanks.

Profile photos/videos - these can be generally "public" - probably don't need to precisely track who can access them but I don't want people scraping them on the Internet either, so tracking if someone downloaded 50,000+ photos in a day would be good ideally to likely ban them. Otherwise perhaps no need to track or block access.

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Chat photos/videos - these must be "private" - only the two chat partners should be able to see these (or admin) as just like a Whatsapp chat or SMS, you can't have random other people seeing your private photos by guessing a URL.

When a user uploads a photo/video, it will be transmitted to my server, where I will resize/transcode/validate/rename it, and then I will transfer that finished file into S3 according to my folder/name convention for that user.

Thus when someone is given their user profile to view, they can use the link URL stored in there to access the photo from S3 via that filename/path. Or if I wanted temporary expiring S3 URLs, I could have them request one from my server, and generate/return it to them based on the file they want.

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to handle it - this would mean I am basically just running a mostly public bucket. Filenames will be somewhat randomized but someone could randomly access photos out of there any time.

This might be a good enough solution for profile photos/videos. Or maybe unnecessary. It would require constant creation of new temporary URLs on an ongoing basis and checking of whether existing URLs are expired when people need to download profiles again. Maybe not worth it at all for the "public" media.

While it is probably okay for profile photos to sit "publicly" (via auto-expiring or permanent link), if someone sends a photo to another user in a chat, certainly only those two users should be able to see it.

Or could I create an access account of some kind (IAM?) for every user of my app synced with my own account creation/validation process, then add somewhere in AWS which photos they are or aren't allowed to view, and on login to my system also grant them an AWS token for access?

A simpler solution for keeping chat media private might be making only my server read the private/chat media from S3. My server could request it, then provide it to the correct users directly through their server validated websockets. This guarantees only the correct users can access these media files but requires two data transits (S3 > my server > user) rather than direct (S3 > user).

Ideally, if I could somehow require some photos/videos to require my server's validation token to download from AWS, and I could track who is downloading what this way, and have certain photos/videos accessible to people with certain tokens, then I could protect the bucket from scrapers and also protect photos against inappropriate accesses.

There are going to be many different solutions here and I'd encourage you to reach out to your local AWS Solutions Architect to discuss. But in the interests of answering the question here's what I would do - noting again that there are going to be other ways to do this.

If it were me, I would use CloudFront. Presumably access to the content is primarily going to be through your application and each request to the content is going to have some sort of authorisation header or JWT or something. Use Lambda@Edge on each request to determine if the header is authentic and that it has access to the content that is being requested and if so, allow it.

If you have public content (i.e. content that doesn't require authentication) then the Lambda@Edge function can simply approve access; or you might put those resources in a path which doesn't invoke the Lambda@Edge in order to save costs. I'd argue though that almost all access should be authenticated - you really wouldn't want random parties on the internet scraping content from the site.

That still won't stop someone with credentials doing the scraping - for that you could monitor at the CloudFront access logs - although that might be have too much lag involved. Another way would be to have the Lambda@Edge function above (or another) track the number of requests coming from a specific client (use the header again) and deny access if it looks "suspicious". You might also use WAF here and look at the number of requests from a specific IP address and block based on that.

For validating permission to private photo/videos, rather than having Lambda send another message back to another server, I am thinking an easy solution would be to write a text file ("meta" file) for each photo/video with the same name that stores the permission for it in it.

For example, "photo1.jpg" has "photo1.txt" written at same time/location when added to S3 by my server, and "photo1.txt" contains inside (JSON or whatever) saying "users A & B can access it" (private photo for just them). If public, something saying "all valid users can access" or no meta file at all.

This would save me having another database maintenance/access just for permissions, and I could also store data like height/width of photos in the meta files for reference. I am not sure if this is wise. It is just what came to mind.

Short answer: Yes, that makes sense. Longer: The Lambda@Edge can do pretty much whatever you like but watch out for operations which are high latency - the function is being executed within the timeframe of the user request - there is a timeout of 5 seconds in any case. Using S3 is probably ok; DynamoDB may be better; and we also just launched KeyValueStore which might be helpful. Again, a chat with an AWS Solutions Architect will be very handy.

I noticed that I had some difficulty trying to upload a profile photo and cover photo on twitter when using the private tab with tor option for brave. Why does this happen and what can be done to solve it?


Can you please install Brave-Browser version 0.55.18 and see if you are able to reproduce the issue?

Brave-Browser 0.55.x is the upcoming Brave 1.0 browser which will replacing 0.25.x.

Hello all. I use Flickr mostly for photo storage. I have lots of images I want to store but I want to make sure no one else can see them and/or steal them. Can someone give me step by step instructions on how to keep every file I upload private so only I can see them? Is there a way I can make everything private every single time I upload or do I have to go through a bunch of steps every time I upload? Thanks!!!!


Posted at 12:07PM, 29 May 2014 PDT(permalink)

Thanks Mabel but when i go to "you" and then look down at the ribbon, it says I have 2166 photos. When I try to move them into the work area it keeps failing. I also have thousands more images I want to upload right now. When I upload them, will it offer me an option to make everything private? Lastly, where do you see the 206 public photos? I'm so confused.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

Todd Radunsky: To see what the public sees, the fastest way is to simply log out of Flickr, or use another browser that isn't logged in, and view your photostream. That way you'll see what we see. If you use the Organizr, you can display just tht content that's still public:


Along the top of the ribbon of thumbnails are view options. Click the "more options" link, and then there's a menu that will let you choose "only public content". You can then batch edit that content to be private.

The Organizr can't handle more than a couple hundred images at a time, which is why it was probably choking on you before.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

And then for future uploads, go to your accounts settings:


Then anything you upload afterwards will be private. Though it's still a good idea to view your photostream while logged out to make sure it's as you expect.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

sorry all. perhaps im not that bright but I'm not getting this at all. When signed in it looks like my photostream is 2600 photos+ When I sign out my photostream is 266 pictures. I have no idea how to make these 266 photos private, nor do I understand how to make future photos I upload private. I went to preferences and hit the button to make all my stuff private but it appears I still have 266 photos that AREN'T private and I dont know why or how to change it. Much of what is written above is confusing and makes no sense the way im reading it. Can someone please tell me step by step instructions on how to make the 266 photos I have that are public, private? Why are they public if I have everything marked so only I can see it? So confused.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

Todd Radunsky: As I said above, the setting in your account preferences is for all FUTURE uploads. That's why I included instructions for making your currently public images private as well.

Go here: www.flickr.com/photos/organize

Click "more options" at the bottom above the ribbon of thumbnails.

In the dropdown menu above the thumbnails, choose "only show public images".

Drag all of these images up into the Organizr (you can select them all by selecting the first thumbnail, go to the end of the strip, while holding SHIFT select the last thumbnail.) That will select all of them. Then drag them up into the batch area.

Under "Permissions" choose "who can see". Then you can select "only you". Make sure to hit SAVE when you're done. You should see a bar running saying it's working.

When you're done, log out and see if it worked.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 


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