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Instagram offers a verification check for accounts representing well-known brands and influencers where there is a high likelihood of the account being impersonated. This is to help ensure that Instagram users are dealing with authentic brands and people that they want to follow.

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Instagram first allowed users to request for verification in August 2018. And for those that have the sticker, it means that the account has gone through a series of manual verification checks by Instagram itself.

If you, your business or brand is at risk of being impersonated, then you should request verification as soon as possible. There are many advantages to getting the Instagram verified sticker, some of which are listed below:

Instagram only allows one account per person to receive the blue verification badge. Hence, if you have multiple business accounts, you will have to choose the main one to undergo the verification process.

In order to become verified, your Instagram account needs to represent a well-known figure or brand. It must be highly searched and/or featured in multiple news sources. Instagram does not consider promotional or paid content associates for account review.

Important Note: If you provide misleading or false information during the process of verification, Instagram will remove your verified blue badge. They may also take additional action, such as deleting your account.

Anyone can apply to get verified on Instagram. Below are the steps you should take in order to enter the verification process for getting the blue checkmark next to your name on your Instagram profile.

Yet another core requirement for getting verified on Instagram is that your account must be newsworthy. One way to achieve this is by getting your name in the news. You can send out press releases and media kits to get your name in the media.

Another way to increase your chances of approval for the blue checkmark on Instagram is to get your followers involved. On most social media channels, engagement rate is considered a strong signal of authenticity.

Instagram suggests encouraging your customers to tag your brand in their posts so that other people can see posts from customers who use your products or services. Take advantage of the latest Instagram story features like polls and Q&As to encourage your audience to interact more with your account.

There are a lot of people online who will attempt to sell you fast and easy Instagram verification. These are all scams. The steps to apply for blue check verification are very simple. Anyone can follow them, and there is no need to attempt to verify your Instagram account using a third party service.

Some of the things that may result in your badge being taken away include: transferring or selling your badge, using your bio, profile picture, or Instagram name to market or promote other services, and so on.

You cannot create the blue checkmark for your Instagram profile. It needs to be granted by the Instagram team after they have manually reviewed your profile and information to verify that you meet all the criteria for verification.

One of the most important things you can do to show your audience that you are authentic is to use your Instagram bio effectively. Taking the time to complete your bio in full will not only increase your chances of verification, but it also helps you even if you do not get verified.

Link to your Instagram account from other official sources, such as your Facebook page, Twitter account, YouTube channel, and website. Doing this is especially helpful if you already own a verified account on any of the other channels. Just remember not to link to any of your other social media profiles from your Instagram bio.

Yet another effective way to show your authenticity on Instagram is to go behind the scenes with Instagram stories. This will give you a chance to give your audience a peep behind the scenes so they can get to know the people behind your brand.

Getting verified for Instagram certainly has its perks. Use the information in this article to help you increase your chances of getting approved so you can start enjoying the many benefits that come with having the blue checkmark next to your name on Instagram.

And remember, whether you get the blue check or not, you can still experience phenomenal results on the platform by focusing on producing high-quality, engaging content that your audience will love and appreciate. For best results on Instagram, you can also try out tools like Instagram automation tools and social listening.

Never post more than three photos a day. There are a few circumstances where this rule can be broken: Fashion Week, on a particularly fantastic vacation, or your birthday. If you do post three photos in one day, you cannot post a photo the next day. If you want to #regram a picture that a friend has just posted, under no circumstances is it acceptable to #regram at the same time. Wait a few hours. You have the same followers, no one wants to see that twice in a row on their feed.

This unofficial Instagram API is designed to give you back the functionality to access public data that was removed from the Instagram API in 2020. It also enables anyone to extract public data from Instagram without imposing limits on whether you are an Instagram Business or Creator, or whether you are accessing public consumer account data.

Instagram has about 1 billion monthly active users and is especially popular with younger users, a demographic that can otherwise be difficult for brands to reach. With so many active users, you can imagine that there is a lot of useful data on the site.

The number of results Instagram scraper can return varies heavily based on the content you want to scrape. To get an idea you can always open the required url in an incognito window in your browser (Chrome, for example) and check what Instagram shows users who are not logged in.

Our Instagram scrapers are ethical and do not extract any private user data, such as email addresses, gender, or location. They only extract what the user has chosen to share publicly. We therefore believe that our scrapers, when used for ethical purposes by Apify users, are safe. However, you should be aware that your results could contain personal data. Personal data is protected by the GDPR in the European Union and by other regulations around the world. You should not scrape personal data unless you have a legitimate reason to do so. If you're unsure whether your reason is legitimate, consult your lawyers. You can also read our blog post on the legality of web scraping.

Last but not least, Instagram Scraper can be connected with almost any cloud service or web app thanks to integrations on the Apify platform. You can integrate with Make, Zapier, Slack, Airbyte, GitHub, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and more. Or you can use webhooks to carry out an action whenever an event occurs, e.g. get a notification whenever Instagram Scraper successfully finishes a run.

The Apify API gives you programmatic access to the Apify platform. The API is organized around RESTful HTTP endpoints that enable you to manage, schedule, and run Apify actors. The API also lets you access any datasets, monitor actor performance, fetch results, create and update versions, and more.

Instagram is the social network for photo sharing. As we emphasized in this post, it is critical to pay special attention to the sizes of the photos, videos, and Instagram stories that you share. The same applies to other social networks.

The first step is to decide on the type of logo when you kick start your design process. Do you want to showcase your company name in a monogram logo? Or do you want to add just a symbol, icon, mascot, or a combination of text and icon to your Instagram logo? Knowing how you want it to look will help you narrow down your search and find the right IG logo for visual identity. For example, consider using a nail logo symbol or icon for your nail-art business.

Once you have your new brandmark ready, you can use it on your Instagram account. You can integrate your logo into your stories and put it on your feed. You can also use it in your videos, ads, and sales posts for uniform branding purposes, just like you do with your TikTok logo. This will help boost your brand recognition among followers once they see it in their feeds. That's how your branding will be consistent.

Instagram is a thriving community for both individuals and businesses alike. This boom has turned it into a competitive space. By having a great brand representation, you can stand out here, making it easier for your audiences to find you.

While we have an extensive library of icons, symbols, and graphics, we recommend you include a smile, camera, necklace, nail, or any other relevant icon to your business. Having appropriate icons help followers to distinguish your Instagram business from others.

Adding an Instagram QR code to your menu will not only give diners an appetizing sneak preview of your dishes, it will also increase engagement by encouraging them to post snaps of their food and tag your establishment.

Another great benefit of becoming a paid subscriber is analytics data: subscribers using dynamic QR codes can see the date, time, device type, and location for each scan event, in real time, available as both a PDF and an Excel file. This is the perfect opportunity to check where, when, and how often your Instagram QR code is being used, allowing you to optimize your marketing strategy for maximum effect.

Absolutely! With an Instagram QR code from QRStuff, a simple scan of your code on any compatible device will take the user directly and seamlessly to your Instagram feed. QRStuff also offers QR codes for instant access to other social networks including Twitter and Facebook, so check out the homepage for more details. e24fc04721

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