When looking at the log of a pod in K8S Lens it seems that tqdm messes up the log to the point of making it completely unreadable. If I do kubectl logs there is no issue, also in the Terminal of Lens.

There are many Kubernetes administration tools to choose from, whether you prefer a command-line utility or a graphical user interface. I recently covered k9s, a text-based interface that many day-to-day Kubernetes administrators enjoy, but you have to navigate through many Kubernetes-specific terms to use it. A lot of people who use Kubernetes less often would rather have a colorful, clean visual guide. This is where Lens, an open source integrated development environment (IDE) tool for administering Kubernetes clusters, comes in.

Download Logs From Lens

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You can download Lens for Linux, macOS, or Windows from either its GitHub page or its website. Linux installs are offered through AppImage, and this tutorial walks you through the installation process. After installation, Lens appeared in my applications list (the blue box with the L in the center).

Managing Kubernetes means keeping an eye on one or more clusters. To add a cluster to Lens, click the large + sign, choose your cluster from the drop-down list, and click Add Cluster. Environments are automatically picked up from your ~/.kube/config file.

Lens is a beautiful and powerful alternative to managing Kubernetes from the command line. There are some times when you'll want to use the command line, mostly due to the drawbacks of manually editing charts before launching them or for tracking environmental changes. If you have good log-keeping practices in your cluster, this may not be a problem. If you are a visual person, Lens is a great way to explore your Kubernetes cluster and handle 95% of your administrative tasks.

The Audit Logs feature collects activities from Account Users in Poly Lens. This allows an Admin to review activities, including time, date, IP address, or Login Type. Additionally, Event Details can be viewed, however this requires Poly+.

Lenses follows the Twelve-Factor App approach: all logs are emittedunbuffered as a stream of events to both stdout and to rotating files inside the directory logs/.With Linux and Containers, one can integrate logging with the existing collection infrastructure.

Under logs/ you will find three files: lenses.log, lenses-warn.log and metrics.log.The first contains all logs and is the same as the stdout.The second contains only messages at level WARN and above.The third one contains timing metrics and can be useful for debugging.

EMF enables you to ingest complex high-cardinality application data in the form of logs and easily generate actionable metrics from them. The embedded metric format is a JSON specification used to instruct CloudWatch Logs to automatically extract metric values embedded in structured log events.

The metrics created with EMF are created asynchronously by the CloudWatch service. This means that by using EMF when processing logs might also reduce the execution duration of your Lambda functions compared to using the PutMetricData API which is a synchronous call.

A police officer on a DUI stop logs into the online Law Enforcement Notification System (LENS) and finds that not only is the driver under federal supervision for a prior drug offense, but the conditions of release stipulate no alcohol use.

If you need to share or commit your logs, you can download them to your local machine in a .log file. When you do so, you can also choose to download all logs for the Pod in a single file using the dropdown menu.

By default, Lens retrieves only the documents from the fields.For bucket aggregations, such as Top values, you can add documents that do not contain the fields,which is helpful when you want to make a comparison to the whole documentation set.

Amazon CloudWatch ServiceLens is a new feature that enables you to visualize and analyze the health, performance, and availability of your applications in a single place. CloudWatch ServiceLens ties together CloudWatch metrics and logs, as well as traces from AWS X-Ray to give you a complete view of your applications and their dependencies. This enables you to quickly pinpoint performance bottlenecks, isolate root causes of application issues, and determine users impacted.

CloudWatch ServiceLens enables you to gain visibility into your applications in two main areas: infrastructure monitoring (using metrics and logs to understand the resources supporting your applications) and transaction monitoring (using traces to understand dependencies between your resources). CloudWatch ServiceLens provides a Service Map that visualizes the contextual linking of all your resources, along with an intuitive interface so you can dive deep into correlated monitoring data.

To view the namespace graph, choose the Graph option from the menu at the top left. This view is shown in the screenshot below. It represents traffic through the service mesh over time, using data collected via Istio telemetry.

Kubernetes is a portable and extensible open-source system for automating, deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications and services. It helps decouple systems, storage, and networks from their physical implementation.

When Lens is installed, it searches for kubeconfig files in the public directory. Some clusters may already be listed (such as the local development cluster). When you click Browse > Clusters in the welcome window or select the catalog icon from the upper right corner. When you find your cluster and click it, Lens will automatically connect to the cluster and allow you to manage it.

Lens takes the hassle out of digging through logs. If you need to search logs for errors on a specific pod, you no longer have to fight kubectl to investigate issues. Just select a pod and click the Pod Logs button:

You can now view the pod logs in a tabbed view here. Browse logs for multiple containers in a specific Pod and optionally display logs with timestamps. If a container crashes within a pod, you can also view logs from the previous container. No need to remember kubectl parameters.

Device diagnostic logs contain personally identifiable information (PII), such as about what processes or applications the user starts during typical operations. When multiple users share a HoloLens device (for example, users sign in to the same device by using different Microsoft Entra accounts) the diagnostic logs may contain PII information that applies to multiple users. For more information, see Microsoft Privacy statement.

The HoloLens device. While filing a report in Feedback Hub, the user can select Save a local copy of diagnostics and attachments created when giving feedback. If the user selects this option, the Feedback Hub stores a copy of the diagnostic information on the HoloLens device. This information remains accessible to the user (or anyone that uses that account to sign in to HoloLens). To delete this information, a user must have Device owner or Admin permissions on the device. A user who has the appropriate permissions can sign in to the Feedback Hub, select Settings > View diagnostics logs, and delete the information.

To view the MDM Diagnostics on HoloLens 2, select your WiFi icon, then navigate to Settings -> Accounts > Access work or school and select Export your management logs. HoloLens sends the log files to your account and displays their location on your desktop PC.

In a Mobile Device Management (MDM) environment, the IT administrator can use the DiagnosticLog configuration service provider (CSP) to configure diagnostic settings on enrolled HoloLens devices. The IT administrator can configure these settings to collect logs from enrolled devices.

In situations where the device is not able to collect diagnostics via Feedback Hub or the Settings Troubleshooter, you can collect diagnostics manually. One scenario where this is necessary is when the device cannot connect to Wi-Fi or you can't access other methods mentioned above. The diagnostics collect crash dumps and logs from the device that help a Microsoft support engineer isolate issues.

Offline Diagnostics generation and management is controlled differently depending on your OS version. Previously it was controlled by the telemetry setting, but is now directly controlled via MDM policy. If disabled via either setting or MDM policy, then diagnostic logs cannot be collected using this mechanism.

Wait a minute for the device to prepare the zip archives. (A temporary file named HololensDiagnostics.temp may become visible while the device generates the zip archives. Do not access or save that file. When the process finishes it will be replaced by the zip archives.)

In scenarios where a device seems to be low on disk space when diagnostic logs are collected, an additional report named StorageDiagnostics.zip will be created. The threshold of low storage is determined automatically by Windows storage sense.

For managed devices when troubleshooting behavior, confirming that an expected policy configuration is applied is an important step. Previously to this new feature, this had to be done off device via MDM or near the device after exporting MDM diagnostic logs gathered via Settings -> Accounts > Access work or school, and select Export your management logs and viewed on a nearby PC.

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