What are you thoughts on rumble adc? Ive won 4 games so far. Ive always thought rumble was a stupid champ and easy to play around but players relax around him. I think the best feature is his fast wave clear which lets you roam before your laner.

I tried a lotta things against him... So far the only top laner i have a good time with against him is barrier warwick... I've heard some people say ranged is good against her but honestly it quite unviable if the jng is not a tank, cause then we're left with no meat shield for the damage... Not to mention that the only tank jng in meta rn is sejuani (maybe poppy but i haven't seen her too much but I stand vulnerable to correction) and she isn't ganking your lane if u ranged... Every time I see rumble in Competitive play there is no time the rumble player loses lane unless thier jng is focused on bot and the other teams jng helps... Like, I don't want solo kills... Maybe just push him under turret and harass him ig... Maybe make him miss CS... That sorta thing... Like make him feel the lane isn't his grandma's backyard

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Went against a rumble one trick that froze the wave and anytime i went to break the freeze i take a flamethrower to the face and lose half my HP. He ends up pushing the wave back to me but i just get harassed under tower and dove by his JG while he puts his R ontop of me and i just melt.

Hi, Recently I been trying to make techno in the style of Dax J and 999999999, and this subreddit is helping me alot. However I'm having some trouble with gain staging and mastering, The advices that I always hear are that you should keep your kick around -12dB / -8dB , adjust the other tracks by hear and keeping your master channel under -6dB (premastering). My question is: should my kick and rumble TOGETHER be around -12dB / -8dB or just my kick? If it should be just the kick how much dB should the rumble be lower than the kick?

Its prettey much impossible to play pokemon rumble rush unless sombody removed the whole end if service info and had it as an offline version, You know like modify it and have it as an apk in secret but it feels illegal to copy an entire pokemon game so i highly about they will be able to get pokemon rumble rush back

Recently I won worms rumble in a Reddit giveaway and I was hyped to put the bad boy on. Now from I had seen worms franchise was a turn-based throw shit at people type game which could be played with friends and nearby and-- oh wait why does the steam description say online pvp, what is going on. I google out to my disappointment that it is an online-only pvp with co-op or single-player mode. That had already made me skeptical of what I was going in and then steam showed me a notification "Worms Rumble has finished downloading"

So I'll admit, rumble is a pretty rare matchup, but I was playing ranked with my friends and was paired against rumble top... It was quite honestly the worst laning experience of my life. Free infinite poke making farming a nightmare, super tanky and hard to kill, and does soo much damage. I don't understand how one would play against such a champion, its so frustrating seeing him take no damage while my health bar drains and he nukes me with each ability. So my question is this, anyone know how to play against this?

I recently got back onto the ranked grind and every single time I see rumble he is unstoppable. He does absolutely unbelivable damage with no resources and defensive tools and he seems to be strong at every level of the game. I can't gank him as he just turns and kills and in teamfights his ulti is an auto win.

There is NO WAY that rumble and maybe league as a whole has no fundamental blue side bias on on coding level. Riot acknowledged some damage related rumble bug back in patch 4.9 ( ) maybe its still here.

Hey dudes. Just looking for tips vs rumble since he seems pretty ridiculous in lane with his constant shields, poke and slows as well as his mobility. I'm finding hard to lane against him so any help is appreciated. I tried asking in rumblemains but they seem a bit protective of their secrets lol, although I did hear I should engage when his flamethrower is down ... Which is a start I guess?

So, let me begin with, I am currently a rumble main, trying to solo queue my way to GC3 or higher, but mostly just having fun. It turns out the players here are some of the most consistently toxic players I've played with.

You get matched with all sorts of skill levels, some are good at the standard playlists, others are good at the rumble side and some are just good at both. The number of times someone has told me to learn to play or that I'm so bad in the last few days is staggering. Never experienced this in another gamemode.

Perhaps it's just because everyone thinks they can reach SSL in rumble and don't actually enjoy it, especially when they lose. Typically the most toxic players are previous RNGeniuses, so this reason would follow.

It sounds (no pun intended) impossible and using common knowledge about the sub-bass range, I'm guessing if you have them both going at the same time it'll get muddy. Even after side-chaining things logically due to compressor, it seemed to be counter intuitive, because the rumble takes up the entire gap of time between each kick trigger or vice-versa with sub-bass. I'm guessing at this point you would just choose a sub bass, or choose a rumble and they're mutually exclusive. Another question I have; could you layer a rolling "mid-bass" bass line on top of a rumble? I know you can definitely layer sub-bass with mid-bass, but with a rumble? If you couldn't tell I'm new to the techno production scene, coming from mainly making trance.

I've heard people suggest using normal cast for your ultimate for at least when you're learning the champion(you can set it so only a few buttons are normal cast). The vector casting or whatever it's called of Rumble ultimate is the same as Viktor E, and it's really weird to get used to. My first few rumble games were absolutely miserable because I had no idea how to use it. I've been using Quick Cast with indicators all my life, which is basically normal cast.

Pretty much the title. I'm stuck in champ 3 in rumble and I don't know how to get ranked higher. I've tried going into free play, I tried listening to music, I tried selling my soul to the devil, and it all hasn't worked. I eat, sleep, and breathe rumble, and I've even resigned to doing a 1 hour training routine before queuing. I have no idea what to do, and I really just want to get to grand champ. It pains me when I queue into a game and XxFortniteBoss420xX can't aerial, while I'm practically basing my entire life around rumble. It's been 8 months, I'm going crazy, send help, preferably in the form of RNG Champs with advice.

so i recently tried conqueror/riftmaker rumble recently and it feels so nice, it reminds me of the old will of the ancients build from years ago. But what are good secondary runes and build options? I don't know if I should build him more tanky or just keep going for full damage, does anyone have any insight?

So it appears that Crash Team Rumble has an incredibly low player base. Based on the article published by truetrophies.com ( -team-rumble-ps5-player-count) there was an incredibly low player base on the launch of the game and it has been only worse since then.

I played rumble some a while back when he was meta in jungle wondering what his best role is I played one game of him top and one jungle recently. this champ is really fun and want to know his best role

legit impossible to lane as melee mid, there's no window of opportunity you can abuse rumble with in lane, with Yasuo you windwall, with Zed you have his W shadow, with Fizz you have E, with Vlad you have his pool and Q but with rumble? All his cooldowns are less than 10 at base, his missiles are on a charge, his flamethrower is an automatically won trade against any melee mid in the game, if he has sh!t cooldown management and burns all his cooldowns at once he still has his empowered autos from overheat which chunks you hard enough to make the trade even for him. If i want to walk up to CS he can flamethrower me inside my minion wave and win regardless of how many minions i have stacked, if i want to play from ranged he can zone me with missiles. So he's like any other lane bully, but lane bullies usually have their weakness in teamfighting but rumble has AOE, has bruiser levels of tankyness and his R combos so well with so many ults. I know im gonna get downvoted to hell for this but idc I need to vent somewhere cuz Ive lost so much lp to complete asswater midlaners who have 0 knowledge on trading but win lane anyway because they lock in rumble and use their keyboard, i have to give up all lane prio and he just runs around the map getting fed and I have no agency to do anything about it

I understand that technically, you don't have to play every day, but you're at a huge disadvantage compared to someone who does the rumbles every day. If you are doing a rumble every 2-3 days, you are probably not getting your prime glories for most of the runeterra opens.

b. Increase timeframe between each rumble (e.g. the current format, but over 3 days as an example). This presents the obvious problem of fewer daily players, but also gets rid of the problem with using shards as competitive currency e24fc04721

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