Parish Church of St Michael

1,000 years of heritage, historic church of the Dukes of Northumberland

Alnwick’s ancient parish church was identified by the celebrated journalist Simon Jenkins as one of the thousand best churches in England. It has stood on the promontory above old Canongate since Norman times – the interior still contains some random decorated stones of this earliest period.

It is a story that spans the entire history of Alnwick and the Dukes of Northumberland.

Dedicated in early times to St Mary and St Michael ('patron saint' of Alnwick), then merged in the 1970s with the former Anglican parish of St Paul's, today it is known simply as St Michael's Church.

Most of the remaining handsome stone fabric was cut in the 14th century and used to raise the tower and remodel the nave and aisles in the Perpendicular style of the times.

Fascinating features include the ancient carved stone 'Hotspur' capital, which commemorates Harry, son of the 4th Lord Percy, a notable warrior who was killed at the battle of Shrewsbury in 1403.

Amongst many other points of interest are medieval grave slabs, memorials, wartime rolls of honour, a remarkable collection of stained glass windows, and a stunning 21st century font carved in Kilkenny limestone.

A new ring of ten bells is currently being installed, along with major repairs to the church tower. Two of the church's original medieval bells are now on permanent display inside the church (pictured below), and you can see the new set of ten bells being struck in the video (see below).

Visitor information: in addition to regular services, the church is open to visitors from 10:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Saturday from May to October - so go in and enjoy its architectural grandeur and be refreshed by the tranquillity of this lovely sacred space.

Additional information:

Take a virtual tour of St Michael's Church.

Sunday services: 8:30am, 10:00am and 6:00pm - see website for details of these and other services.

St Michael's Church website:

Listed Grade I:

Two of St Michael's original medieval bells, now on permanent display in the church


Hear the ten new bells being tested before being hung in the belltower.