What is Literature? 

Before M.A


After M.A 

The term "Literature" refers to anything that is written - novels, poems, plays, essays, and other written works. However, after studying English literature at the master's level, my perspective has evolved to appreciate literature as something far more profound. Literature is not merely a collection of words on a page but it is a powerful medium that allows authors to explore profound themes, challenge societal norms, and ignite the imagination of readers. Through literature, writers can transport us to different times and places, immersing us in worlds that may be vastly different from our own, yet still resonate with universal truths.

"Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary."

                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Boris Pasternak

This quote captures how literature reveals the richness of human experiences with simple yet profound language. It emphasizes how literature can transform ordinary moments into extraordinary insights, showing the depth within everyday life. Through literature, the stories of ordinary people become a gateway to deeper understanding, enriching our perception of humanity and the world around us. Reading literature enables us to understand and learn from the characters' lives, experiences, and complexities. 

"Writers don't give prescriptions, they give headaches."

                                                         - Chinua Achebe 

Literature involves a critical examination of literary works through various theoretical lenses, such as formalism, structuralism, post-structuralism, feminism, Marxism, postcolonialism, and ecocriticism, among others. These theoretical frameworks provide invaluable tools for interpreting and understanding the nuances, symbolism, and underlying meanings embedded within literary texts. Literature encompasses a rich diversity of forms, ranging from the timeless masterpieces of great literature to the enduring classics and the widely embraced works of popular literature. Each type offers unique insights into the human experience, reflecting the complexities of society, culture, and individual lives. Great literature provokes thought and it rejects simplistic answers or moral prescriptions. Writers challenge assumptions, inspiring intellectual "headaches" that foster growth and understanding.  

In short, literature acts as both a mirror reflecting the complexities of human experience and a beacon guiding us through life's journey. Through its portrayal of diverse characters and narratives, literature offers invaluable lessons, insights, and inspiration. As we immerse ourselves in the world of literature, we not only find relaxation but also discover opportunities for growth, learning, and self-discovery. Literature holds the power to illuminate our path, enrich our understanding of the world, and shape our perspectives for the better.