I found his Inside Tube Amps book a reasonably good starting point as a

fledgling tech, and sorting out the vague bits, the impossible-to-use index,

and all the ambiguities helped me even more; even if I had to find answers

elsewhere (like this NG!) at least that book helped me to understand my

questions.Above all, it inspired me to make my first amp from scratch; not his single

channel class A in the book, but a 3 channel & reverb 50W monster which is

still gigged 3-4 times a week and sounds fantastic. And that was my first!Here in the UK the importers for Torres Amplifiers, Vyse Ltd. publish a

little catalogue which details his mods for guitars and amps (you can view

this catalogue online at if you want).The claims he makes for these kits (or maybe, claims made by Vyse on his

behalf) are absolutely incredible! How do we all manage without?I've gone on a bit already, but I'd like to invite opinions regarding these

mod kits.Has anyone any experience of them?Which ones have you tried? What was the mod? What did it set out to do?Did it work?What goes into these mods? What do you get for your money?I understand, for example, the Bullet-proof kit (Part# BP100AK) which claims

to protect "the amp against voltage spikes, current overloads, dead speakers

and all the gremlins that can destroy the amp or tubes." consists of a

handful of discreet components; a few varistors, a fuse & fuse holder

assembly, the odd resistor, and a photocopied piece of paper which vaguely

tells you what to do. All this for 18, and 3 shipping within the UK.

Under 5's

worth of components and a 29p stamp! I've got to say this is secondhand

info however. I haven't seen it for myself.His Righteous Reverb Kit for Fender Amps (Part# RFAK) "Makes the Reverb

sound much more integral. If you use the Reverb on your amp this is an

essential modification. Makes the old circuit sound like an afterthought."

Wow. Wonder what it actually sounds like!The Dual Stage Master Volume for Fender Amps (Part# DMFAK) is apparently

"One of the most amazing kits you can install on any amp". As long as it's

a Fender. And as long as it's made before 1980.What's YOUR experience of his guitar kits or his amp kits? Tell all!Ignore the subject title, I don't have a problem with Dan Torres personally.

It's just that this subject has been hinted at time and time again and IMHO

it needs to be discussed properly. And I'm sorry this post is so long!Seasons' greetings, etc.Hugh Jorifice.

Hugh Jorifice wrote:

> Hi everyone! It seems increasingly popular in this NG to kick Dan Torres'

> mods. Sometimes with good reason it would seem, although I can't comment on

> him as a person as I haven't had the pleasure.

Inside Tube Amps Dan Torres Pdf Download

Download 🔥 https://urllio.com/2yGAFZ 🔥

Ok, go to deja, use this link 

and do a search for Torres, and you are guaranteed to find mountains of

reasons why people around here hate his name. Very recently, someone posted some links to some pictures of an amp that

he bought from Danny old boy, frightening slop hacking if you ask me. 

Who posted those links? If I have time I'll look around for that, it

was very recent.Pete--

I've been shoved off better doorsteps than yours,

I can assure you --Mr. Natural

PMG wrote:

> Hugh Jorifice wrote:

> >

> > Hi everyone! It seems increasingly popular in this NG to kick Dan Torres'

> > mods. Sometimes with good reason it would seem, although I can't comment on

> > him as a person as I haven't had the pleasure.

> [.......]

> > Seasons' greetings, etc.

> >

> > Hugh Jorifice.

> Ok, go to deja, use this link 

> and do a search for Torres, and you are guaranteed to find mountains of

> reasons why people around here hate his name.

> Very recently, someone posted some links to some pictures of an amp that

> he bought from Danny old boy, frightening slop hacking if you ask me.

> Who posted those links? If I have time I'll look around for that, it

> was very recent.

The repairs don't earn me much, I put an invoice into the stores every few

months for maybe a few hundred quid. Or, I'm partial to the odd bargain;

one store gave me a brand-new Gibson Les Paul Studio, FOC, for services

rendered. Alright, it had laquer flaking off the back of the headstock (ie,

a factory second), but when did someone last give YOU a new LP? The money

isn't great, but it's not me undercharging. There just isn't the volume of

work here.I've only met a few famous people (and Les Gray out of Mud is NOT one of

them!), and I've never been invited to a party on the basis of being an amp

repairman. It never once even crossed my mind that it COULD be glamorous.

I mean, the other day at the TV store a customer threw his remote at me

because he couldn't tune his new VCR. At least with amps I'm dealing with

fellow musos, not assholes. A shitload of money? Doing this job in this

town? Forget it!Basically, I love to tinker with the amps. I like learning as I work on

them. I like understanding them just a bit more than |I did yesterday. I

like getting them as good as they can be. I like going to gigs and hearing

one of 'my' amps.I like going into a music store and being treated like royalty. Others get

the hard-sell. I get a coffee and biscuits.Danny, you must have worked hard to get this far. You're an inspiration. I

feel like a beginner when I read your posts (and other posts from equally

esteemable persons).I comfort myself with the knowledge that if you've achieved this much, I

MUST be younger than you!Hugh Jorifice.

(Remove NOSPAM if replying personally)"Danny Russell" wrote in message


He has, according to the list on his catalogue, done amps, etc. for SRV,

Dave Gilmour, Sheryl Crow band, Lenny Kravitz, Jeff Healey band, Robert Cray

band, Steve Miller, The Eagles, Pat Travers band, Jefferson Starship, and

The Rolling Stones.So what's the story? Are all these people poor judges of tone?And what about his kits? Do they suck or not?

Kindest regards,

> He has, according to the list on his catalogue, done amps, etc. for SRV,

> Dave Gilmour, Sheryl Crow band, Lenny Kravitz, Jeff Healey band, Robert Cray

> band, Steve Miller, The Eagles, Pat Travers band, Jefferson Starship, and

> The Rolling Stones.

> So what's the story? Are all these people poor judges of tone?

Can you say that any of those people are actually good judges of what's

happened to their equipment? I don't know. Besides, you have the guy

do a mod for you, and if you have a recognizable name, then "poof"

you're on the list, right? Even if you decided it was a terrible mod.

His kits are what he generally takes the most criticism for actually,

he'll sell you a bag of parts (several people here can do that) and bad

instructions, no support, and if he by some odd chance sent you the

wrong parts (reportedly anyhow) then tough shit for you, no refunds. If you know how to do the mods that he sells kits for, then you could

not POSSIBLY have any use for his kits, and if you don't know how to do

the mods to start with, then you need to find someone who DOES know how

to do the mods, and that person has no need for the Torres kit, right?Pete

Use your maintenence skills to lower your effective cost of living. 

For example, make your car last twice as long as everyone elses, etc. 

Developing some strict control over your immediate environment and

some fresh new habits puts you in charge of your own destiny. 

Wasteful old habits keep you helplessly dependent. Forever.

> The repairs don't earn me much, I put an invoice into the stores every few

> months for maybe a few hundred quid. Or, I'm partial to the odd bargain;

> one store gave me a brand-new Gibson Les Paul Studio, FOC, for services

> rendered. Alright, it had laquer flaking off the back of the headstock (ie,

> a factory second), but when did someone last give YOU a new LP?

> The money

> isn't great, but it's not me undercharging. There just isn't the volume of

> work here.

> I've only met a few famous people (and Les Gray out of Mud is NOT one of

> them!), and I've never been invited to a party on the basis of being an amp

> repairman. It never once even crossed my mind that it COULD be glamorous.

> I mean, the other day at the TV store a customer threw his remote at me

> because he couldn't tune his new VCR. At least with amps I'm dealing with

> fellow musos, not assholes. A shitload of money? Doing this job in this

> town? Forget it!

> Basically, I love to tinker with the amps. I like learning as I work on

> them. I like understanding them just a bit more than |I did yesterday. I

> like getting them as good as they can be. I like going to gigs and hearing

> one of 'my' amps.

> I like going into a music store and being treated like royalty. Others get

> the hard-sell. I get a coffee and biscuits.

Ya see? Now we've hit on something important. When I started making

decent money was after I realized that the stores were only pretending

to treat me nice so they could screw me every time I turned my back. 

You havt'a start puttin up your own shingle. Only you know what's in

your own best interest.

Like ol' Leo, I'll probably be slavin away till I croak. Ya see the

trick is to take periodic catnaps. Sorta makes you feel as if your

awake again. I can't envision retirement. Sitting around, just

waiting to die. Anyway, thank you for the kind words.

Actually I flatly refuse to grow up as you can tell from my posts. I

have a short attention span, I'm awkward in social situations, I

despise authority, whatever. I'm happy. My weekend begins tonight

(Monday off). -Danny

>Actually I flatly refuse to grow up as you can tell from my posts. I

>have a short attention span, I'm awkward in social situations, I

>despise authority, whatever. I'm happy. My weekend begins tonight

>(Monday off). 152ee80cbc

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