Innovation in Smart City Projects


research PROJECT

August 2023

Cities are evolving towards becoming more intelligent and efficient, aiming at improving citizens’ quality of life, and the efficiency of operation and urban services, respecting and preserving economic, social, and environmental aspects. This challenge of designing and implementing a new urban scenario, commonly known as a smart city, uses innovation, technology, and governance in an articulated and integrated way. A smart city project redefines urban governance to develop new approaches to make cities more efficient, humane, and sustainable. The InovaCID project (Innovation in Smart City Projects with Artificial Intelligence) proposes the use of artificial intelligence with machine learning in smart city projects. Smart City Projects with AI are an innovation that addresses the problems of urban centers with learning mechanisms and, in addition, promotes the optimization of urban systems The InovaCID project supports the digital transformation of cities, focusing specifically on health systems and energy efficiency. In InovaCID, AI allows aspects of urban centers that were difficult to treat until then, such as the tremendous volume of data, the heterogeneous requirements, and the multiple objectives inherent to an urban governance context, to be met innovatively and efficiently. 


InovaCID Research Topics:

Research Activities:


Instituto ANIMA supports the InovaCID project

PPGCOMP UNIFACS supports the InovaCID project

PPDRU UNIFACS supports the InovaCID project