Payments for digital India

The fastest and easiest way to collect payments and make payouts for growing businesses


Cashfree is a full stack payments solution. It helps Indian businesses accept and send money and is used by 50,000+ businesses for vendor payouts, wage payouts, bulk refunds etc.

Cashfree is next generation payment gateway that is easy to integrate and supports instant refunds. Cashfree is also India’s leading API banking platform that lets businesses send money round-the-clock and instantly to bank accounts and cards with a simple API that can be integrated with their product, instead of uploading complicated files on their corporate banking portal.

Setting Up Integration

  • Log in to the Cashfree Merchant Dashboard. If you do not have a Cashfree account you can sign up by using this link.

  • Under API keys section copy the AppId and Secret key values(Production).

  • Paste the values on the App Dashboard.

TIP: Before accepting real payment , test the integration with Test API keys.

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