After Care

-Lash After Care

You just paid a pretty penny for some amazing eyelash extensions. You’re looking hot and feeling even hotter! But how do you take care of these precious puppies? Here is a list of my best lash extension aftercare tips. If you are new to lash extensions it may feel a bit overwhelming, but trust me, it’s worth it! Get the best retention and keep your natural lashes healthy with these tips and you’ll never need to wear mascara again.

Wash your lashes with the recommended cleanser EVERYDAY.

Please do not use anything else. Using products that are not specifically recommended could contain oil and break down the adhesive, causing extensions to fall off prematurely. There are many cosmetic ingredients that contain oil found in most cleansers. Using only water does not wash your lashes. Dirt, oil and skin cell debris will build up, eventually causing irritation. So again, please wash your lashes everyday. *Not washing your lashes can result in clumping (natural lashes may fall out) and build up of dirt and debris (may lead to blepharitis and other eye irritations)

Brush lashes everyday AFTER they have dried.

Wet lashes weigh more than dry lashes. So if you are brushing them while they are wet, you may be putting too much pressure on the natural lash and causing premature fall out.

Come to your appointment with squeaky clean lashes.

As a lash artist, I want to give my clients the fullest lashes possible. If lashes are dirty, and need to be cleaned at your appointment, it takes away from lashing time. Sad but true. Also, extension adhesive bonds at it BEST to clean lashes. So to get the best retention, and the fullest touch-up, please head to your appointment with squeaky clean lashes.

Please, please…..DO NOT rub, pick or pull on your lashes.

Doing this will breakdown the adhesive bond, and causes the base of your extension to start to lift. When the bases begin to lift it causes irritation and leads to premature extension fall out and possible natural lash loss. This is a RETENTION KILLER.

DO NOT wear mascara with your extensions.

Mascara will break down the adhesive bond holding your extensions on to your natural lash. If you think you need mascara because your extensions are not showy enough, consider upgrading to Volume or Mega Volume lashes and ditch the mascara. 

Sleep on your back. 

I know this is a hard one! We can’t control what we do in our sleep! I’ve been lashing for many years, and if you sleep on your lashes (natural or extensions), the natural lashes will start to fold inward as your get older, creating a permanent kink in your natural lashes. (I’ve seen it many times). This leaves room for a very small bonding area on the natural lashes and correction technique during the extension application process is necessary. Unfortunately, correction technique does not last as long as bonding to a healthy, straight lash, so it will affect the retention of your extensions. Sleeping on your extensions will also cause them to look whacked!

 Be careful of extreme heat.

Saunas, steam rooms, hot yoga classes, opening the oven with your face in it (yup, this happens), steam from cooking on stovetops and lighters. When extensions come in contact with extreme heat like hot ovens, smoking BBQs and flames from lighters, it will singe the tips of the extensions (just like it would singe your hair). This may not cause them to fall out prematurely BUT if will kink the tips (and your lashes will get kinky..and not in a good way ;). So please be careful. Saunas, steam rooms and hot yoga classes will break down the adhesive and cause premature fall out. So if you’re a fan of the hot sweaty boxes, you may want to book your lash appointments closer together.

Keep ALL oils away from your lash extensions.

Did you know that the eyelids are the oiliest part of your face? And they are right above your lash line! Keep your eyelids clean and pat them dry multiple times a day if you have oily skin. You may even need to wash them 2 times per day if you’re super oily or wear lots of make-up.

Schedule your touch-up before you leave your appointment.

Most top-notch lash artists have busy schedules and will not be able to accommodate you last minute. To ensure that you get your appointment when you need a fill, schedule your next appointment before you leave the salon.

-Permanent Make Up After Care

After care is crucial for producing a beautiful and lasting result. Follow the instructions below:

 Keep the area clean by washing (with CLEAN hands) and mild soap (no fragrances). Do not use washcloth or sponge to remove soap. Simply splash with water. Do not use cleaning creams, acne cleansers, or astringents. Use mild, natural soap. 

Apply the after balm with freshly washed hands (Q- tips are preferred). Use the balm very sparingly... too little is better than too much! Blot off excess with a clean tissue. 

Never touch the procedure area without washing your hands immediately before, and after. 

Do not scrub, rub, or pick the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before its ready, the pigment underneath can be pulled out. 

Do not use any makeup near the procedure area (including mascara) for eyeliner procedure for at least 3 days. It's recommended to purchase NEW makeup if possible to avoid contamination or bacterial infection 

ALWAYS use sunblock after the procedure area is healed to protect from fading 

NO Bathing, water, hot tubs, saunas, gardening, and contact with animals for the first 7 days after appointment. 

What's Normal?

Its normal to experience symptoms of a minor infection for the first 2-4 days following the procedure. Symptoms of a minor infection including (but not limited to) redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure area. Itching scabbing, light bruising and dry tightness are also normal. Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling and bruising. The aftercare balm is soothing for the itching and tightness. 

Too dark and slightly uneven appearance

 After 2-7 days the darkness will fade and once the swelling dissipates, unevenness usually disappears. If they look too dark or still a bit uneven after 4 weeks, then we can make adjustments at the touch up appointment (NOT before 4 weeks)

Color change/ loss, As the procedure area heals, the color will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear. 

This can all be addressed during the touch up appointment, and is why the touch up is necessary. The procedure area has to be completely healed before we can address any concerns. A minimum of 4 weeks' time. 


 If signs of the minor infections (redness, swelling, tenderness) persist outside the normal span of 2-4 days, or persists to the following symptoms: Red streaks going from the procedure site towards the Heart. Elevated Body Temperature Purulent Drainage from the Procedure Site. YOU MUST SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. These could be signs of a serious /life threatening infection and or illness. Failure to follow after care instructions may result in infections, pigment loss or discoloration. I have read, and understand and agree to the above instructions. I've asked clarifying questions of my artist so I fully understand the procedure and after care instructions: