
Contributing to the site

We are keen to make this space as collaborative and open as possible. Much like Wikipedia - we are open to receiving resources or text to help grow our site. If you are someone who uses services or a carer, a commissioner or a provider, we would be more than happy to add your contributions to one of our pages.

Rules of the site

  • Any submissions should be closely related to the topics discussed here - self-directed support, commissioning, asset-based areas or the broader themes of the Network.
  • We ask that contributors have their name alongside their piece.
  • Submissions should not be overly promotional for any individual, product or service.
  • The owner of the site reserves the right to edit or remove content.

Our contributors:

James Anthony
Ewan King
Alex Fox
Clenton Farquharson
Anna Severwright
Martin Walker
Ryan Wise
Tim Parkin
Natasha Burberry
Linda Doherty
Caroline Spiers