Write for Us!

Why a publication?

Building a strong community for students to express their ideas and thoughts for other students to learn about sits at the core of Innostation values. Allowing students to express themselves through writing is a great start towards that, which is why our team decided to start a publication.

Why should you write for us?

Innostation writers are able to earn volunteer hours for articles they publish, along with Innostation points — our organization’s point system that unlocks various opportunities within our community (access to exclusive events, higher priority for certain volunteering opportunities, …)

Publication Guidelines: Article Topic Guidelines

No 18+ content, indecent images. Content MUST be relevant to middle and high school students.

Avoid content promoting racism, discrimination, hate, self-harm, suicidal thoughts…

All articles must be in English.

Articles containing unsupported claim and false information will not be published. Misinformation does NOT align with our values.

Please avoid plagiarizing off another writer’s work. Any violated intellectual property rights will result in all writer’s articles being taken down by our editors.

Kindly avoid going into very technical topics: Your articles can still be technical; however, it needs to be somewhat understandable for our audience in order to keep the publication content relevant to our audience..