


1.   Álvarez, I., Barbero, J., Zofío, J.L. (2020). A Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB, Journal of Statistical Software, 49.

2. Aparicio, J., Zofío, J.L. (2020). Economic Cross-Efficiency, Omega, 100.

3.   Arias-Aranda, D., Bautista-Carrillo, F. G., Fernández-Menéndez, J., Minguela-Rata, B. (2020). An empirical analysis of the impact of AMT and e-commerce on innovation and performance in Spanish firms. International Journal of Product Development, 235-256.

4.   Balk, B.M., Barbero, J., Zofío, J.L. (2020) A Toolbox for calculating and decomposing Total Factor Productivity Indices. Computers & Operations Research, 23.

5. Balk, B.M., Zofío, J.L. (2020). Symmetric decompositions of cost variation. European Journal of Operational Research, 185, 1189-1198.

6. Carpio-Pinedo, J., Gutiérrez, J. (2020). Consumption and symbolic capital in the metropolitan space. Integrating 'old' retail data sources with social big data. Cities, 106, 102859. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2020.102859).

7.   Condeço-Melhorado, A., Mohino, I., Moya-Gómez, B., García-Palomares, J.C. (2020). The Rio Olympic Games: A Look into City Dynamics through the Lens of Twitter Data. Sustainability, 12, 7003. (DOI:10.3390/su12177003).

8. De Lucio, J, Minguez, R., Minondo, A., Requena, F. (2020). New exporters benefit more from information spillovers. Applied Economics Letters, 27 (19), 1587-1591.

9. De Lucio, J, Minguez, R., Minondo, A., Requena, F. (2020). The contribution of granular and fundamental comparative advantage to European Union Countries´ export specialisation. The world Economy, 43 (11), 2983-3005.

10. Dones, M., Fernández, P., Marín, S., Pérez, J. (2020). Efectos de la crisis del COVID-19 sobre el mercado laboral de la ciudad de Madrid: Estudio realizado por el Colegio de Economistas de Madrid en colaboración con Ceprede. Available at:

11. Fernández-Menéndez, J., Rodríguez-Ruiz, Ó., López-Sánchez, J. I., Delgado-Piña, M. I. (2020). Innovation in the aftermath of downsizing: Evidence from the threat-rigidity perspective. Personnel Review, 1859-1877.

12. Forcadell, F., Sanchez, A., Guerras, L.A., Romero-Jordán, D. (2020). Is the restructuring-performance relationship moderated by the economic cycle and the institutional environment for corporate governance?. Journal of Business Research, 110, 397-407.

13. Gimenez-Fernandez, E. M., Beukel, K., Tyler, B. B., Spielmann, N., Cerrato, D., Discua Cruz, A. F., Minciullo, M. (2020). Should we patent it or keep it a secret? The moderating role of proactive orientation in family versus non-family SMEs. International Small Business Journal, en prensa.

14. Gimenez-Fernandez, E. M., Sandulli, F. D., Bogers, M. (2020). Unpacking liabilities of newness and smallness in innovative start-ups: Investigating the differences in innovation performance between new and older small firms. Research Policy, en prensa.

15. Gimenez-Fernandez, E. M., Sandulli, F. D. (2020). High skilled workers mobility in Spain and Europe: motivations and implications. UCJC Business & Society Review, 70-89.

16. Martín-de Castro, G., González-Masip, J. J., Fernández-Menéndez, J. (2020). The role of corporate environmental commitment and STP on technological talent recruitment in service firms. Knowledge Management Research & Practice.

17. Llano C., Pérez J., El Khatabi F., Steinberg F. (2020). Weaponized trade policy: the impact of US tariffs on the European automobile sector. Economic Systems Research.

18. Llorca, M., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., Jamab, T. (2020). Objetive vs subjetive fuel poverty and self-assessed health. Energy Economics, 87.

19. Osorio-Arjona, J., García-Palomares J.C. (2020). Spatio-Temporal mobility and Twitter: 3D visualization of mobility flows. Journal of Maps, 16(1), 153-160 (DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1778549).

20. Pablo-Martí, F., Arauzo-Carod, J.M. (2020). Spatial distribution of economic activities: a network approach. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 15(2), 441-470.

21. Persyn, D., Díaz-Lanchas, J., Barbero, J. (2020). Estimating road transport costs between and within European Union Regions. Transport Policy, 10.

22. Romero, D., Sanz, I., Sanz, J.F. (2020). Is the incorporation tax a barrier to productivity growth?. Small Business Economics, 55, 23-38.

23. Suárez Fernández, S., Prieto Rodríguez, J., Pérez-Villadóniga, M.J. (2020). The changing role of education as we move to popular to highbrow culture. Journal of Cultural Economics.



1. Abeliansky, A.L., Barbero, J., Rodriguez-Crespo, E. (2021). ICTs quality and quantity and the margins of trade. Telecommunications Policy, 14.

2.   Alonso-García, J., Pablo, F., Nuñez, E. (2021). Omnichannel Management in B2B. Complexity-based model. Empirical evidence from a panel of experts based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. Industrial Marketing Management, 95, 99-113.

3. Argüelles, P., Orea, L. (2021). Managing power supply interruptions: a bottom-up spatial (frontier) model with an application to a Spanish electricity network. Empirical Economics, 60, 2867-2896.

4. Aranguren, M.J., De Lucio, J., Mínguez, R., Minondo, A., Requena, F. (2021). Export markets: substitutes, complements or independent?. Applied Economics Letters, 28(3), 165-169.

5. Balk, B.M., De Koster, R., Kaps, C., Zofío, J.L. (2021). An evaluation of cross-efficiency methods: With an application to warehouse performance. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 406.

6. Barbero, J., Mandras, G., Rodriguez-Crespo, E., Rodriguez-Pose, A. (2021). Quality of government and regional trade: evidence from European Union regions. Regional Studies, 11.

7. Barbero, J., Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, J.M., Zofio, J.L. (2021). Is more always better? On the relevance of decreasing returns to scale on innovation. Technovation, 15.

8. Barbero, J., Diukanova, O., Gianelle, C., Salotti, S., Santoalha, A. (2021). Economic modelling to evaluate Smart Specialisation: an analysis of research and innovation targets in Southern Europe. Regional Studies, 14.

9. Barbero, J., de Lucio, J., Rodríguez-Crespo, E. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 on trade flows: Measuring their impact through government policy responses. PloS ones


10. Barros, C., Gutiérrez, J., García-Palomares, J.C. (2021). Geotagged data from social media in visitor monitoring of protected areas; a scoping review. Current Issues in Tourism. (DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2021.1931053)

11. Bueno, F.; Romero-Jordán, D., Del Rio, P. (2021). Analysing the Drivers of Electricity Demand in Spain after the Economic Crisis. Energies.

12. De Lucio, J. (2021). Estimación adelantada del crecimiento regional mediante redes neuronales LSTM. Investigaciones regionales, 45-64.

13. De Lucio, J., Mora-Sanguinetti, J. (2021). Drafting “better regulation”: The economic cost of regulatory complexity. Journal of Policy Modeling.

14. Díaz-Lanchas J., Llano C., Zofío J. L. (2021). A trade hierarchy of cities based on transport cost thresholds, Regional Studies, en prensa.

15. Escalonilla, M., Cueto, B., Perez-Villadóniga, M.J. (2021). Long-term effects on youth career of entering the labour market during the Great Recession. Applied Economics.

16. Garrido-Prada, P., Delgado-Rodriguez, M.J., Romero-Jordán, D. (2021). Testing critical levels in product and geographic diversification: A structural threshold approach. European Journal of International Management, 16, 529-547. (Q3 JCR).

17. Gimenez-Fernandez, E.M., Abril, C., Breuer, H., Gudiksen, S.K. (2021). Gamification approaches for open innovation implementation: a conceptual framework. Creativity and Innovation, en prensa.

18. Mieszkowski, K., Barbero, J. (2021). Territorial patterns of R&D+I grants supporting Smart Specialisation projects funded from the ESIF in Poland. Regional Studies, 11.

19. Moreno, D., Sánchez-Moral, S., Diez-Pisonero, R. (2021). Localizando trabajadores del conocimiento en grandes regiones urbanas: un análisis integrado de las trayectorias personales y los factores de atracción y retención en Madrid. Revista Internacional de Sociología (CSIC), en prensa.

20. Moya-Gómez, B., Stępniak, M., García-Palomares, J.C., Frías-Martínez, E., Gutiérrez, J. (2021). Exploring night and day socio-spatial segregation based on mobile phone data: The case of Medellin (Colombia). Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 89. (DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2021.101675).

21. Moyano, A., Stępniak, M., Moya-Gómez, B., García-Palomares, J.C. (2021). Traffic congestion and economic context: changes of spatiotemporal patterns of traffic travel times during crisis and post-crisis periods. Transportation. (DOI: 10.1007/s11116-021-10170-y).

22. Llano, C., Pérez, S., Rincón-Aznar, A. (2021). Market fragmentation and the rise of sub-national regulation. Annals of Regional Science, 1-33.

23. Pérez, S., Llano, C. (2021). Modelling sovereign debt ratings for sub-national governments: the case of Spain before and after the crisis. Empirica, 48(2), 373-395.

24. Pérez-Fernández, O., García-Palomares, J.C. (2021). Parking Places to Moped-Style Scooter Sharing Services Using GIS Location-Allocation Models and GPS Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10, 230. (DOI:10.3390/ijgi10040230).

25. Rodriguez-Alvarez, A. (2021). Air Pollution and life expectancy in Europe: does investment in renewable energy matter?. Science of the Total Environment, 792.Saiz, P. and Zofío, J.L. (2021). The Making and Consolidation of the First National Trademark System: Diffusion of Trademarks across Spanish Regions (1850-1920). Regional Studies, en prensa.

26. Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. Llorca, M., Jamasb T. (2021) "Alleviating energy poverty in Europe: front-runners and laggards", Energy Economics, 103, 105575.

27. Romero-Jordan, D., Del Rio, P. (2021). Analysing the drivers of the efficiency of households in electricity consumption. Energy Policy, 64. (Q1 JCR Economics).

28. Sanchez-Larrion, R., Arrazola, M., de Hevia, J. (2021). Exports and Imports. Is there simultaneity? A structural model for supertrading economies. The Singapore Economic Review.

29. Sandulli, F.D., Rodriguez-Ferradas, M., Gimenez-Fernandez, E.M. (2021). The Transition of Regional Innovation Systems to Industry 4.0: The case of Basque Country and Catalonia. European Planning Studies, en prensa.

30. Salas, R., Pérez-Villadóniga, M.J., Prieto-Rodríguez, J., Russo, A. (2021). Were traffic restrictions in Madrid effective at reducing NO2 levels?. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.

31. Talavera-García, R., Romanillos, G., Arias-Molinares, D. (2021). Examining spatio-temporal mobility patterns of bike-sharing systems: the case of BiciMAD (Madrid). Journal of Maps (DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1778549).



1.   Alonso-Garcia, J. et al. (2022) ‘Digitalization in B2B Marketing. Omnichannel Management from a PLS-SEM approach’, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. doi: 10.1108/JBIM-09-2021-0421.

2. Aparicio, D., Hernández, M.S., García-Palomares, J.C., Gutiérrez, J. (2022). Exploring the spatial patterns of visitor expenditure in cities using bank card transactions data. Current Issues in Tourism, 25 (7). (DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2021.1991898).

3. Arias-Molinares, D., García-Palomares, J.C., Gutiérrez, J. (2022). On the path to mobility as a service: a MaaS-checklist for assessing existing MaaS-like schemes. Transportation Letters. (DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2022.2038987).

4. Arias-Molinares, D., García-Palomares, J.C., Gutiérrez, J. (2022). Micromobility services before and after a global pandemic: impact on spatio-temporal travel patterns. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. ( [JCR Impact factor 2021: 3.963, Q2/D4 - 51/128 SSCI Environmental Studies].

5. Arias-Molinares, D. Gutiérrez, A., Ocaña-Ortiz, R. (2022). Exploración del impacto de la pandemia COVID 19 en los sistemas públicos de bicicletas compartidas: los casos de Madrid (BiciMAD) y Buenos Aires (EcoBici). Revista Transporte y Territorio, 27. pp.103-131. (DOI: 10.34096/rtt.i27.12218).  [JCR Impact factor: 0,02, Q4/D10 - 50/50 SSCI Transportation]. Open Access:

6. Barbero, J.; Conte, A.; Crucitti, F.; Lazarou, N.-J.; Sakkas, S.; Salotti, S. (2022). The Impact of the Recovery Fund on EU regions. A Spatial General Equilibrium Analysis. Regional Studies. Forthcoming.

7.   Barbero, J.; Christensen, M.; Conte, A.; Lecca, P.; Rodríguez-Pose, A.; Salotti S. (2022). Improving Government Quality in the Regions of the EU and its System-Wide Benefits for Cohesion Policy. Journal of Common Market Studies, Forthcoming.

8.   Barbero, J.; Rodríguez-Crespo, E. (2022). Technological, institutional, and geographical peripheries: regional development and risk of poverty in the European regions. The Annals of Regional Science, 69, 311–332.

9.   Barbero, J.; Diukanova, O.; Gianelle, C.; Salotti, S.; Santoalha, A. (2022). Economic modelling to evaluate Smart Specialisation: an analysis of research and innovation targets in Southern Europe. Regional Studies, 56(9), 1496-1509.

10. Bas, J., Zofío, J.L., Cirillo, C., Chen, H., Rakhaf, H.A. (2022), “Policy and industry implications of the potential market penetration of electric vehicles with eco-cooperative adaptive cruise control,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 164, pp. 242-256.

11. Carpio-Pinedo, J., Romanillos, G., Aparicio, D., Martín-Caro, M. S. H., García-Palomares, J. C., Gutiérrez, J. (2022). Towards a new urban geography of expenditure: Using bank card transactions data to analyze multi-sector spatiotemporal distributions. Cities, 131, 103894. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.103894).

12. Cristóbal Campoamor, A., Rodríguez-Crespo, E. (2022). Rekindling New Economic Geography in Times of COVID-19: Labor Mobility Responses to Health Shocks in Central and North America. International Regional Science Review, 01600176221116565.

13. De Lucio, J., Palomeque, M. (2022). Music preferences as an instrument of emotional self-regulation along the business cycle. Journal of cultural Economics.

14. Escalonilla, M., Cueto, B., Pérez-Villadóniga, M. J. (2022). Is the Millennial Generation Left Behind? Inter-Cohort Labour Income Inequality in a Context of Economic Shock. Social Indicators Research, 164(1), 285-321. (Q2 JCR Social sciences)

15. Escudero-Castillo, I.; Mato-Diaz F.J., Rodriguez-Alvarez, A. (2022): “Effects of Precarious Work on Mental Health: Evidence from Spain”, Applied Economics.

16. Escudero-Castillo, I.; Mato-Diaz F.J., Rodriguez-Alvarez, A. (2022): “The effect of unemployment on mental health: The Spanish Case”, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 25,3: 79-89

17. Gallego, N., Llano, C., Zofío, J.L. (2022). Transportation gateways and trade: how accessibility to the border shapes the spatial concentration of commerce, Regional Studies, 57(3), pp. 537-559. (Q1 JCR Economics).

18. Kapelko, M., Oude-Lansink, A., Zofío, J.L. (2022). “Endogenous Dynamic Inefficiency and Optimal Resource Allocation: An application to the European Dietetic Food Industry,” European Journal of Operational Research, 303(3), pp. 1444-1457.

19. Gimenez-Fernandez, E. M., Ferraris, A., Troise, C.,  Sandulli, F. D. (2022). Openness strategies and the success of international entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 28(4), 935-951. (Q2 jcr index Business, Management).

20. Marco, R., Llano, C., Pérez-Balsalobre, S. (2022). Economic complexity, environmental quality and income equality: A new trilemma for regions?. Applied Geography, 139, 102646.

21. Moral-Carcedo, J. (2022) Dissuasive effect of low emission zones on traffic: the case of Madrid Central. Transportation.2022-08-04 | Journal article. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-022-10318-4

22. Lopez-Sanchez, J.I., Arroyo-Barriguete, J.L. (2022). Robot and Automation. Which are the Impacts on the Productivity, Jobs and Inequality of the Countries?. Biosystems & Biorobotics, vol 30, 73-79 Springer

23. Orea, L., Alvarez, I. (2022): “How effective has the Spanish Lockdown been to battle COVID-19? A spatial analysis of the coronavirus propagation across provinces”. Health Economics, 31(1), 154-173

24. Orea, L., Alvarez-Pinilla, A. (2022). Alternative specifications of human capital in production. Economics and Business Letters, 11, 172-179. (Q3 JCR Economics)


25. Pablo-Martí, F., Alañón Pardo, Á., Myro Sánchez, R. (2022) ‘The choice of Madrid as the capital of Spain by Philip II in the light of the knowledge of his time: A transport network perspective’, PLoS ONE, 17(6), pp. 1–39. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269419.

26. Pablo-Martí, F., López-Requena, J. (2022) ‘The Hispania Map of the Hogenberg Road Atlas ( 1579 ) and the Current Spanish Transport Network’, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 112(4), pp. 1–17. doi: 10.1080/24694452.2022.2042183.

27. Peiró-Palomino, J., Rodríguez-Crespo, E., Suárez-Varela, M. (2022). Do countries with higher institutional quality transition to cleaner trade?. Ecological Economics, 201,107554.

28. Perez-Villadoniga, M.J.; Rodriguez-Alvarez, A., Roibás, D. (2022): “The contribution of resident physicians to hospital productivity”, European Journal of Health Economics, 23:301-312.

29. Perez, L., Rodríguez-Alvarez, A., Shmarev, A. (2022): “Gambling Outlets Location in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Madrid”, Journal of Gambling Studies.

30. Persyn, D.; Díaz-Lanchas, J., Barbero, J. (2022). Estimating road transport costs between and within European Union regions. Transport Policy, 124, 33-42.

31. Prieto-Rodriguez, J., Perez-Villadoniga, M. J., Salas, R., Russo, A. (2022). Impact of London Toxicity Charge and Ultra Low Emission Zone on NO2. Transport Policy, 129(C), 237-247. (Q1 JCR Economics).

32. Sáiz, P., Zofío, J.L. (2022), “The Making and Consolidation of the First National Trademark System: Diffusion of Trademarks across Spanish Regions (1850-1920),” Regional Studies, 56(2), pp. 256-275.

33. Sanchez Moral, S., Arellano, A.; Díez-Pisonero, R. (2022). Understanding the role of neighborhood characteristics and distance to workplace in the residential location patterns of knowledge workers in large cities, Cities, 127,

34. Sánchez-Moral, S., Vale, M., Arellano, A. (2022). Skill-Relatedness and Regional. Economic Development in Spain during the International Crisis and the Post-Crisis Period. Papers in Regional Science, 101( 3), pp. 573– 602.

35. Sanchez-Larrion, R.; Arrazola, M., de Hevia, J. (2022). Exports and Imports. Is there simultaneity? A structural model for supertrading economies. The Singapore Economic Review, 67(4), 1545-1559. (Q3 JCR)

36. Suárez-Varela, M., Rodríguez-Crespo, E. (2022). Is dirty trade concentrating in more polluting countries? Evidence from Africa. Economic Analysis and Policy.

37. Suarez-Fernandez, S., Perez-Villadoniga, M. J., Prieto-Rodriguez, J. (2022). Price salience in opinion polls and observed behavior: The case of Spanish cinema. Economic Modelling, 111, 105848. (Q1 JCR Economics).

38. Vidal‑Meliá, Lidia, Carmen Arguedas, Eva Camacho‑Cuena, José L. Zofío (2022), “An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Imperfect Compliance on Technology Adoption,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 81, pp. 425–451.



1. Alvarez, I.; Orea, L., Wall, A. (2023). Estimating the propagation of both reported and undocumented COVID-19 cases in Spain: a panel data frontier approximation of epidemiological models. Journal of productivity analysis, 59, 259-279. 

2. Aparicio, J., Zofío, J.L. (2023). Decomposing profit change: Konüs, Bennet and Luenberger indicators, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 87 (Part B), 101573. (Q1 JCR Economics).

3. Aparicio, J., Zofío, J.L., Pastor, J. (2023). Decomposing Economic Efficiency into Technical an Allocative Components: An Essential Property, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 197, pp. 98-129. (Q2 JCR Mathematics Applied)

4. Arrazola, M.; Hevia, J.; Perrote, I., Sánchez-Larrion, R. (2023). Discrimination in access to employment for graduates with disabilities: Proposals for improvement. Disability and Society. (Q2 JCR).

5. Barbero, J., Zofío, J.L. (2023). The Measurement of Profit, Profitability, Cost and Revenue Efficiency through Data Envelopment Analysis: A Comparison of Models Using BenchmarkingEconomicEfficiency.jl, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 101656 Advance online publication. (Q1 JCR Economics).

6.Billón, M.; Rodríguez-Andrés, A., Rodríguez-Crespo, E. (2023). Broadband use and trade facilitation: Impacts on bilateral trade of Sub-Saharan countries. Forthcoming, African Development Review. (Q2 JCR Development Studies)

7. Carmona-Lavado, A., Gimenez-Fernandez, E. M., Vlaisavljevic, V., Cabello-Medina, C. (2023). Cross-industry innovation: A systematic literature review. Technovation, 124, 102743. (Q1 JCR Management)

8. Gamarra, A.; Arrazola, M., Sanz-Sanz, J.F. (2023). The Elasticity of Taxable Income of Low-income Earners: Bunching Evidence from Spain. Applied Economics. 55(21), 2389-2412. (Q2 JCR Economics).

9. Gimenez‐Fernandez, E. M., Stefan, I., Beukel, K., Sandulli, F. (2023). Exploring the dynamics of openness and formal appropriability and its impact on innovation performance in start‐ups. R&D Management, 53(3), 434-458. (Q2 jcr index Business, Management).

10. Pablo-Martí, F., Romanillos, G. (2023) The naïve map of 16th century Spanish roads. Journal of Maps.

11. Pastor, J.T., Zofío, J.L., Aparicio, J., Borrás, F. (2023). The standard reverse approach for decomposing economic inefficiency, Journal of the Operational Research Society. Advance online publication. (Q2 JCR Operations Research)

12. Pastor, J.T., Zofío, J.L., Aparicio, J. Pastor, D. (2023). A general direct approach for decomposing profit inefficiency, Omega, 119, 102889. (Q1 JCR Management).

13. Persyn, D.; Barbero, J.; Díaz-Lanchas, J.; Lecca, P.; Mandras, G.; Salotti, S. (2023). The ripple effects of large-scale transport infrastructure investment. Journal of Regional Science. Forthcoming. (Q2 JCR Economics)

14. Santos, A.; Barbero, J.; Salotti, S.; Diukanova, O.; Pontikakis, D. (2023). On the road to regional ‘Competitive Environmental Sustainability’: the role of the European structural funds. Industry and Innovation.  Accepted Manuscript.(Q1 JCR Economics).

15. Santos, A.; Barbero, J.; Salotti, S.; Conte, A. (2023). Job creation and destruction in the digital age: Assessing heterogeneous effects across European Union countries. Economic Modelling. 126(106405): 1-12. JCR Economics).

16. Navarro, A.; Arrazola, M., de Hevia, J. (2023). Technological sophistication in manufacturing trade between the ASEAN and the EU: challenges and opportunities. Asia Europe Journal, 21(1), 23-42. (Q3 JCR)

17. Navarro, A.; Arrazola, M., de Hevia, J. (2023). Determinants of High-tech Exports: New Evidence from OECD Countries. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. (Q2 JCR).

18. Rodriguez, O.; Sandulli, F.D.; Gallego, J. (2023). Where new knowledge industries emerge? The creation of the Artificial Intelligence industry in Europe. European Planning Studies.

19. Zofío, J.L., Aparicio, J., Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, J.M. (2023). The influence of bottlenecks on innovation systems performance: Put the slowest climber first. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 193, 122607. (Q1 JCR Business, Regional & Urban Planning).


Libros e informes


1. Orea, L., Álvarez, I. (2020). “Production Economics in Spatial Analysis”, in Ray, S.C., Chambers, R. y Kumbhakar, S. (eds.) Handbook of Production Economics, Springer.

2.   Orea, L., Álvarez, I., Perez, J.A. (2020). “The impact of land consolidation on livestock production in Asturias´ parishes: a spatial production analysis”, in Aparicio, J., Lovell, C.A.K., Pastor, J. y Zhu, J. (eds.) Advances in Efficiency and Productivity II, Springer Nature´s International Series in Operations Research & Management Science: NY, pp. 173-192.

3.   Orea, L., Álvarez, I., Serven, L. (2020). “A two-level top-down decomposition of aggregate productivity growth: the role of infrastructure”, in Aparicio, J., Lovell, C.A.K., Pastor, J. y Zhu, J. (eds.) Advances in Efficiency and Productivity II, Springer Nature´s International Series in Operations Research & Management Science: NY, pp. 173-192.

4. Orea, L. (2020). “The Measurement of Firms’ Efficiency using Parametric Techniques", in Data Science and Productivity Analytics, Charles, Vincent, Aparicio, Juan, Zhu, Joe (Eds.)(pp. 161-199), Springer (Springer International Series in Operations Research and Management Sciences).



1.   Condeço-Melhorado, A.M. (2021). Road Transportation and Territorial Scale. International Encyclopedia of Transportation, pp. 315-319, ISBN 9780081026724. (DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102671-7.10443-9).



1.   Arias-Molinares, D. Gutiérrez, J. (2022). Las nuevas formas de movilidad en las ciudades: de los servicios de movilidad compartida a la movilidad como servicio. En: Gago-García, C., Córdoba-Ordóñez, J., Alonso-Logroño, M.P., Jordá-Borrell, R., Ventura-Fernández, J. (coords) (2022). Territorios comunes, miradas compartidas: aproximaciones desde la Geografía. (pp. 149-164). Valencia. Universitat de Valencia (UPV). ISBN: 978-84-1118-062-7. (DOI:10.7203/PUV-OA-078-8).

2. García-Palomares, J.C., Arias-Molinares, D. (2022). Nuevas formas de movilidad en la ciudad. En Río-Fernandez, J. A., Lois-González, R.C. y Beltrao-Sposito, M.E. (Editores) (2022). El mundo visto de las ciudades (pp. 583-590).  Editorial Tirant Humanidades. ISBN: 974-84-18970-21-4.

3. Muñoz, F. F. (2022). Intentionality and innovation. In C. Antonelli (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation (pp. 278-284): Edward Elgar.

4. Muñoz, F. F. (2022). Intentionality and complexity. In C. Antonelli (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation (pp. 272-277): Edward Elgar.

5. Orea, L., Álvarez, I. (2020): “Production Economics in Spatial Analysis”, in Ray, S.C., Chambers, R. y Kumbhakar, S. (eds.) Handbook of Production Economics, Springer.

6. Pastor, Jesús T., Juan Aparicio, José L. Zofío (2022), Benchmarking Economic Efficiency: Technical and Allocative Fundamentals, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (ISOR, volume 315), Springer Nature:



1. Orea, L.; Alvarez, I., Serven, L. (2023) The structural and productivity effects of infrastructure provision in developed and developing countries. Advances in Econometrics. Essays in Honor of Subal Kumbhakar. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Documentos de trabajo


1. Argüelles, P., Orea, L. (2020). “Managing power supply interruptions: a bottom-up spatial (frontier) model with an application to a Spanish electricity network”, Efficiency Series Paper 01/2020, Oviedo Efficiency Group, Universidad de Oviedo.

2. Barbero, J., Diukanova, O., Gianelle, C., Salotti, S., Santoalha, A. (2020). "Economic modelling to evaluate Smart Specialisation: an analysis on research and innovation targets in Southern Europe," JRC Working Papers on Territorial Modelling and Analysis 2020-01, Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

3. De Lucio, J., Mínguez, R., Minondo, A., Requena, F. (2020). "Impact of Covid-19 containment measures on trade," Working Papers 2101, Department of Applied Economics II, Universidad de Valencia.

4. Orea, L., Álvarez, I. (2020).How effective has been the Spanish lockdown to battle COVID-19? A spatial analysis of the coronavirus propagation across provinces”, Efficiency Series Paper 02/2020, Oviedo Efficiency Group, Universidad de Oviedo.

5. Orea, L., Álvarez, I. (2020). "How effective has been the Spanish lockdown to battle COVID-19? A spatial analysis of the coronavirus propagation across provinces," Working Papers 2020-03, FEDEA.

6. Persyn, D., Diaz-Lanchas, J., Barbero, J., Conte, A., Salotti, S. (2020). "A new dataset of distance and time related transport costs for EU regions," JRC Working Papers JRC119412, Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

7. Saiz, P., Zofio, J.L. (2020). "The Making and Consolidation of the First National Trademark System: Diffusion of Trademarks across Spanish Regions (1850-1920)," Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG) 2060, Utrecht University, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Group Economic Geography, revised Dec 2020.

8. Zofio, J.L., Diaz-Lanchas, J., Persyn, D., Barbero, J. (2020). "Estimating foreign and national trade elasticities in the EU internal market using Generalised Transport Costs," JRC Working Papers on Territorial Modelling and Analysis 2020-05, Joint Research Centre (Seville site)




1. Barbero, J., Mandras, G., Rodríguez-Crespo, E., Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2021). "Quality of government and regional trade: Evidence from European Union regions," Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG) 2102, Utrecht University, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Group Economic Geography, revised Jan 2021.

2. Barbero, J., Salotti, S. (2021). "A general equilibrium analysis of the effects of the 2014-2020 European Cohesion policy in the Portuguese regions," JRC Working Papers on Territorial Modelling and Analysis 2021-02, Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

3. Barbero, J., Mandras, G., Rodríguez-Crespo, E., Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2021). "Quality of government and regional trade in the EU," JRC Working Papers JRC124475, Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

4. De Lucio, J., Mora-Sanguinetti, J.S. (2021). "New dimensions of regulatory complexity and their economic cost. An analysis using text mining," Working Papers 2107, Banco de España.

5. Orea, L., Álvarez, I., Wall, A. (2021). “Estimating the propagation of the COVID-19 virus with a stochastic frontier approximation of epidemiological models: a panel data econometric model with an application to Spain”, Efficiency Series Paper 01/2021, Oviedo Efficiency Group, Universidad de Oviedo.

6. Rodríguez-Alvarez, A., Llorca, M., Jamasb, T. (2021). “Alleviating energy poverty in Europe: front-runners and laggards”. Frederiksberg: Copengagen Business School Working paper N. 04-2021.



1. Arrazola, M., De Hevia, J., Coste, I.P., Sánchez, R. (2022). “Brecha de género en la inserción laboral de los graduados españoles”. Papeles de Trabajo del Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1-69.

2. Orea, L., Álvarez, I. y Serven, L. (2022) “The structural and productivity effects of infrastructure provision in developed and developing countries”, Efficiency Series Paper 01/2022, Oviedo Efficiency Group, Universidad de Oviedo.


1. Alvarez, I., Barbero, J., Orea, L., Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2023). “How institutions shape the economic returns of public investment in European regions”. Efficiency Series Paper 03/2023, Oviedo Efficiency Group, Universidad de Oviedo.

2. Alvarez, I., Barbero, J., Orea, L., Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2023). “How institutions shape the economic returns of public investment in European regions”. JRC Working Papers on Territorial Modelling and Analysis 2023-08, Joint Research Centre Seville.

3. De Lucio, J., Mínguez, R., Minondo, A., Requena, F. (2023). “The negative impact of disintegration on trade: the case of Brexit”. Working Papers 2302, Department of Economics II, Universidad de Valencia.

4. De Lucio, J., Diaz-Mora, C., Mínguez, R., Minondo, A., Requena, F. (2023). Do firms react to supply-chain disruptions? Working Papers 2306, Department of Economics II, Universidad de Valencia.

5. Du, K., Orea, L., Álvarez, I. (2023). “Fitting spatial stochastic frontier models in Stata”. Efficiency Series Paper 04/2023, Oviedo Efficiency Group, Universidad de Oviedo.

6. Llorca, M., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. (2023). “Economic, environmental and energy equity convergence: evidence of a Multi-Speed Europe?”. Efficiency Series Paper 05/2023, Oviedo Efficiency Group, Universidad de Oviedo.

Informes técnicos

Gutiérrez, J., Benítez, C., García-Palomares, J.C., Romanillos Arroyo, G., Rubinstein, E., Leaño, J.M., Ribeiro, K.M., Scholl, L., Moya Gómez, B. and Condeço Melhorado, A. (2020). "Cómo aplicar Big Data en la planificación del transporte: el uso de datos de GPS en el análisis de la movilidad urbana", Banco Iberoamericano de Desarrollo.

Trabajo en proceso

1. Álvarez, I., Romero, D. and Orea, L.  The productivity effect of innovation and public tools in Spanish firms: a stochastic frontier analysis approach.

2. Álvarez, I., Romero, D. y Orea, L.  The productivity effect of innovation and public tools in Spanish firms: a stochastic frontier analysis approach.

3. Arrazola, M., de Hevia J., Romero-Jordán, D. Effects of corporate tax cuts on Total Factor Productivity growth in small firms.

4. Bournakis, I; Romero-Jordan, D. Corporate tax, export, and R&D decisions.

Trabajos en revisión

1. Alonso-García, Pablo-Martí, Barrio Pedro, Cuesta (2023) “Constraints on industrial customer performance in an omnichannel ecosystem” Review of Managerial Science (Mayor changes)

2. Alvarez, I., Barbero, J., Orea, L., Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2023). “How institutions shape the economic returns of public investment in European regions”. Regional Studies. En revisión.

3. Arrazola, M., de Hevia J., Perrote, I., Sánchez-Larrión, R. Discrimination in Access to Employment for Graduates with Disabilities: Proposals for Improvement.

4. Arrazola, M., de Hevia J., Perrote, I., Sánchez-Larrión, R. Graduate employability: Public versus Private Universities.

5. Arrazola, M.; Hevia, J.; Perrote, I. y Sanchez-Larrion, R. (2023). Who gets a better job? Comparing the employability of public and private university graduates in Spain. Higher Education Policy. En 2ª revision

6. Arias-Molinares, D.; García-Palomares, J.C.; Romanillos, G., Gutiérrez, J. Uncovering spatio-temporal micromobility patterns using the Time Geography framework. Journal of Geographical Systems. Segunda revisión.

7. Arias-Molinares, D.; García-Palomares, J.C., Gutiérrez, J. Micromobility services before and after a global pandemic: COVID-19 impact on spatio-temporal travel patterns. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Segunda revisión.

8. Barroso, V.; Grau, P.; Romero-Jordán, D.; Sanz-Labrador, I. Tax mix changes: long run growth and budget effects in OECD countries.

9. Bournakis, I; Romero-Jordán, D. (2023). Corporate Tax, R&D and Export Decisions: Evidence from European Firms. Review of World Economics. Revista JCR Q3 En 1ª Revisión.

10. Du, K., Orea, L., Álvarez, I. (2023). “Fitting spatial stochastic frontier models in Stata”. Stata Journal. En segunda revisión.

11. Forcadell, F. ; Guerras, L.A. ; Romero-Jordán, D. Sánchez, A. ; The effect of business portfolio restructuring and internationalization on performance: Evidence from European firms. European Management Review, TERCERA revisión.

12. Gamarra, A.; Sanz-Sanz, J.F., Arrazola, M. (2023). The Individual Laffer curve: Evidence for the Spanish Income Tax. Empirical Economics. En revision.

13. Iribas, A.; Romero-Jordán, D.; Santero, R. What is driving Energy Intensity in Spain? An ARDL approach with Structural Breaks.

14. Navarro, A., Arrazola, M., de Hevia J. Technology and Exports Sophistication in Spain: A Regional Approach.

15. Navarro, A., Arrazola, M., de Hevia J. Determinants of High-tech Exports: New Evidence from OECD Countries. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, segunda revisión.

16. Navarro, A., Arrazola, M. and de Hevia J. Technological intensity in manufacturing trade between ASEAN and the EU: challenges and opportunities. Asia Europe Journal, segunda revisión.

17. López-Requena y Pablo-Martí (2023) “The Spanish Gough Maps” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Minor changes)

18. Orea, L., Perez, J.A., Álvarez, I. Does land consolidation promote livestock production and combat rural depopulation in northern Spain. Journal of Agricultural Economics. Segunda revision.

19.Parreño, Pablo-Martí   (2023) “FCM form municipal governance improvement”              PLOS ONE (Minor changes)

Conferencias y seminarios



1. Alvarez, Inmaculada; Orea, Luis (2020). How effective has the Spanish lockdown been to battle COVID-19? A spatial analysis of the coronavirus propagation across provinces. I Reunión Virtual de Estudios Regionales. Madrid 2020

2. De Lucio, J, Minguez, R., Minondo, A., Requena, F. (2020). Granularidad en las exportaciones de las provincias de España. I international on-line conference on regional science

3. Orea, L., Alvarez, I. (2020). How effective has been the Spanish lockdown to battle COVID-19? A spatial analysis of the coronavirus propagation across provinces. I international on-line conference on regional science.

4. Rodríguez-Alvarez, A., Perez-Villadóniga, M.J., Roibás, D. (2020). The Contribution of Resident Physicians to Hospital Productivity. EUHEA 2020. Congreso Virtual. Julio 2020.

5. Rodríguez-Alvarez, A., Perez-Villadóniga, M.J. Roibás, D. (2020). The Contribution of Resident Physicians to Hospital Productivity. North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW-XI). Virtual. Junio 2020

6. Sánchez-Moral, S., Arellano, A., Díez-Pisonero, R. (2020). Spatial residential patterns of workers in the creative industries: an exploratoty analysis for the city of Madrid. Conferencia Internacional 'Rethinking Clusters'. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia y Universidad de Valencia




1. Alvarez, Inmaculada; Orea, Luis; Wall, Alan (2021). Estimating a stochastic epidemic frontier model that controls for undocumented COVID-19 cases with an application to Spain. XLVI Reunión de Estudios Regionales. Madrid 2021.

2. Arias Molinares, D., Gutiérrez Puebla, J., García Palomares, J.C., Romanillos Arroyo, G. and Talavera García, R. (2021). Exploring the spatio-temporal dynamics of moped-style scooter sharing services in urban areas. XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte. Julio de 2021. Universidad de Burgos

3. Barbero, J., Rodríguez, E., De Lucio, J. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 on trade flows: measuring their impact through government policy responses. XXII Conference on international economics.

4. Barbero, J., Rodriguez, E., De Lucio, J. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 on trade flows: measuring their impact through government policy responses. XXIII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada.

5. De Lucio, J., Minguez, R., Minondo, A., Requena, F. (2021). The importance of top exporters at regional level. XXII Conference on international economics.

6. De Lucio, J., Minguez, R., Minondo, A., Requena, F. (2021). The importance of top exporters at regional level. XXIII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada.

7. De Lucio, J., Palomeque, M. (2021). Culture consumption along the cycle: music as well-being self-regulator. XXIII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada

8. De Lucio, J. (2021). “Does the top exporter alter the comparative advantage of subnational exports?” XXIII Conference on international economics.

9. De Lucio, J. (2021). New Dimensions of Regulatory Complexity and their Economic Cost. An Analysis using Text Mining. 62ª Riunione Scientifica Annuale della Società Italiana di Economía

10. De Lucio, J. (2021). New dimensions of regulatory complexity and their economic cost. XLVI Reunión de Estudios Regionales.

11. De Lucio, J. (2021). The importance of top exporters at regional level. XLVI Reunión de Estudios Regionales.

12. De Lucio, J. (2021). New dimensions of regulatory complexity and their economic cost. An analysis using text mining. 3rd GCD Workshop on Regional Development and Innovation

De Lucio, J. (2021). La economía española tras la pandemia desde una perspectiva sectorial e internacional. III Encuentro Red Investigadores Internacionalización

13. De Lucio, J. (2021). El sentimiento de las letras de las canciones y su relación con las características musicales. XXXVII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española para el procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural

14. Escudero-Castillo, I., Mato-Díaz, J., Rodríguez-Alvarez, A. (2021) Trabajo y salud mental: el efecto de la precariedad laboral sobre la salud Mental. XXIII Applied Economics Meeting (Virtual conference)

15. Gonzalez Escalonilla, M., Cueto, B., Pérez Villadóniga, M.J. (2021) Inter-cohort income inequality in a context of economic shock. XIV Jornadas de Economía Laboral, Asociación Española de Economía del Trabajo, Facultad de Empresa, Marketing y Comunicación de UNIR, la Universidad en Internet

16. Gutiérrez Puebla, J. (2021). “La vertebración regional y nuevos vectores de movilidad”. IX Jornadas de Geografía Económica, VIII Congreso del Grupo de Estudios Regionales y IX Congreso de Geografía de los Servicios. Asociación Española de Geógrafos. Madrid, jueves 6 y viernes 7 de mayo de 2021.

17. Moyano, A., Moya-Gómez, B., Stepniak, M., García-Palomares, J.C. (2021). Variación de la congestión del tráfico en Madrid en el periodo 2012-2017: Análisis de los perfiles de velocidad mediante nuevas fuentes de datos. XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte. Julio de 2021. Universidad de Burgos

18. Orea, L., Wall, I., Alvarez, I. (2021) Estimating a Stochastic Epidemic Frontier Model that Controls for Undocumented COVID-19 Cases with an Application to Spain. Virtual North American Productivity Workshop

19. Orea, L., Argüelles, P. (2021) Managing power supply interruptions: A bottom-up spatial (frontier) model with an application to a Spanish electricity network. Virtual North American Productivity Workshop

20. Pérez-Fernández, O., García-Palomares, J.C. (2021). Estacionamientos para servicios de motocicletas compartidas a partir de modelos de localización-asignación GIS y datos GPS. IX Jornadas de Geografía Económica, VIII Congreso del Grupo de Estudios Regionales y IX Congreso de Geografía de los Servicios. Asociación Española de Geógrafos. Madrid, jueves 6 y viernes 7 de mayo de 2021. XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte. Julio de 2021. Universidad de Burgos

21. Romanillos Arroyo, G., García Palomares, J.C., Moya Gómez, B., Gutiérrez Puebla, J., Torres, J., López, M., Cantu Ros, O.G., Herranz, R. (2021) Urban population dynamics during the covid-19 pandemic based on mobile phone data. XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte. Julio de 2021. Universidad de Burgos

22. Sandulli, F. ; Hilpert, U. ; Gimenez, E. ; Gallego, J. (2021). Ponencia “Desarrollo de Competencias Innovadoras para la Transición Industrial en Madrid y en España” Jornada Sobre Política Industrial para una Transición Justa. Fundación Friederich Ebert e IndustriALL (Federación Europea de Sindicatos y Asociaciones de Trabajadores de Industria), Madrid 18-19 de Noviembre 2021.

23. Sandulli, F. ; Fossas, M. ; López Sánchez, J.I. (2021).Ponencia “Estado de la Digitalización y la Industria 4.0 en la Industria Madrileña y Española” Jornada Sobre Política Industrial para una Transición Justa. Fundación Friederich Ebert e IndustriALL (Federación Europea de Sindicatos y Asociaciones de Trabajadores de Industria), Madrid 18-19 de Noviembre 2021.




1. Alvarez, Inmaculada; Barbero, Javier ; Orea, Luis; Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés (2022). Does institutional quality and European funds affect the traditional drivers of economic development in European regions? XLVII Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Granada 2022.

2. Alvarez, I., Barbero, J., Orea, L., Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2022). Do institutional quality and European funds affect the traditional drivers of economic development in european regions?. ERSA, Hungría. 22-26 agosto 2022

3. Alvarez, I., Barbero, J., Orea, L., Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2022). Institutional quality and economic development determinants in european regions. EWEPA, Portugal. 27-29 junio 2022

4. Álvarez, I., Romero, D., Orea, L. (2022). ¿Son relevantes el progreso tecnológico y los incentivos fiscales en las mejoras de eficiencia de las empresas manufactureras españolas?. 1º Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad, Badajoz, 15 y 16 septiembre 2022.

5. Arias Molinares, D.,  García-Palomares, J. C., Romanillos-Arroyo, G., Gutiérrez, J. (2022). Micromobility services after COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the analysis of spatio-temporal patterns. Extraordinary IGU Centennial Congress (IGU2022) "Climate change, resilience, urban health and well-being". Paris (Francia). Del 18 al 22 de julio del 2022.

6. Arias Molinares, D., Romanillos, G., García-Palomares, J. C., Gutiérrez, J., Uncovering spatio-temporal micromobility patterns using the Time Geography framework. XIX Congreso de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica. “TIG al servicio de los ODS” - Zaragoza, 12 a 14 de septiembre de 2022

7. Arias Molinares, D.; García Palomares, J.C.; Romanillos, G.; Gutiérrez, J.. Servicios de micromovilidad antes y después de una pandemia global: impacto de la COVID-19 en los patrones espaciotemporales de las nuevas formas de movilidad. XLVII Reunión de Estudios Regionales (RER), Universidad de Granada los días 19, 20 y 21 de octubre de 2022.

8. Arias Molinares, D.; García Palomares, J.C.; Gutiérrez, J. Nuevas formas de movilidad en las ciudades: de la movilidad compartida a la Movilidad como Servicio (MaaS). XLVII Reunión de Estudios Regionales (RER), Universidad de Granada los días 19, 20 y 21 de octubre de 2022.

9. Barbero, J., Rodríguez-Crespo, E., Santos, A., (2022). Green and digital transition: Assessing regional patterns of EU subsidies. XLVII Reunión de Estudios Regionales / International Conference on Regional Science. Octubre 19-22. Granada, España.

10. Barbero, J., Zofío, J.L. (2022). Efficiency and productivity measurement using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in Julia. I Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad, Universidad de Extremadura, Septiembre 15—16, 2022, Badajoz, España

11. Barbosa, S., Sáiz, P., Zofío, J. L. (2022) “Approaches for future policy measures to target systemic innovation processes” NetSurvey Workshop – Berlin

12. Barbosa, S., Saiz, P., Zofío, J.L. (2022). "The Emergence of Innovation Networks: Patents, Collaboration, and National Innovation Systems in the European Periphery over the Long Term". EU-SPRI ECC Manchester.

13. Barbosa, S., Saiz, P., Zofío, J.L. (2022). "The Emergence of Innovation Networks: Patents, Collaboration, and National Innovation Systems in the European Periphery over the Long Term" EU-SPRI Utrecth 2022 (June 2022).

14. Carpio-Pinedo, J., Romanillos-Arroyo, G. (2022). Forma de la ciudad ciclable. Bicicleta y configuración del entorno urbano. VI Congreso Internacional on Urban Form-Hispanic (ISUF-H) "Forma urbana y resiliencia: los desafíos de salud integral y el cambio climático". Madrid (España).

15. Carrascal Incera, A.; Orea, L. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on Europeans’ economies: first and second-order supply and demand shocks. I Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad. Badajoz, 2022

16. Carrascal Incera, A.; Orea, L. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on Europeans’ economies: first and second-order supply and demand shocks. European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA). Oporto, 2022.

17. De Lucio, J. (2022). “Does the top exporter alter the comparative advantage of subnational exports?”61 ERSA Congress 2022

18. De Lucio, J. (2022). “Stabilizaing downturns with music consumption”. XXXV Congreso Internacional Asepelt 2022

19. De Lucio, J. (2022). “Stabilizing downturns with music consumption”. XXIII Applied Economics Meeting.

20. De Lucio, J. (2022). “Comparativa de arquitecturas de redes neuronales para modelización de variables económicas”. XXIII Applied Economics Meeting

21. De Lucio, J. (2022). “Does the top exporter alter the comparative advantage of subnational exports?” XXIII Applied Economics Meeting.

22. Gutiérrez Navratil, F., Pérez Villadoniga, M.J., Prieto Rodríguez, J. (2022).  Performing art attendance in movie theaters: omnivorous or traditional consumers?. EWACE 2022, Turin, Italy, September, 2022.

23. Marco, R., Llano, C., Pérez-Balsalobre, S. (2021). Economic complexity, environmental quality and income equality: A new trilemma for regions?. XLVI Reunión de Estudios Regional, International Conference on Regional Science. Madrid.

24. Marco, R., Llano, C., Pérez-Balsalobre, S. (2022). Economic complexity, environmental quality and income equality: A new trilemma for regions?. GEOINNO2022, 6th Geography of Innovation Conference. Milan.

25. Orea, L.; Wall, A.; Alvarez, I. (2022). Estimating a Stochastic Epidemic Frontier Model that Controls for Undocumented COVID-19 Cases with an Application to Spain. 15th International Conference on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2022). Londres, 2022.

26. Orea, L., Pérez Villadóniga, M.J., Rodríguez Álvarez, A. (2022). Innovation and Employment. XVII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Oporto, Portugal, June 2022 

27. Rodríguez-Alvarez, A. (2022). The Effect of Innovation and Quality on Efficiency, Productivity and Costs. I Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad. Badajoz. Septiembre de 2022.

28. Rodríguez Álvarez, A. (2022). The Cost of the poor quality in health care. XVII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Oporto, Portugal, Junio 2022

29. Romanillos, G., Carpio-Pinedo, J. García-Palomares, J. C., Gutiérrez, J., Aparicio-Pindado, M.S. Hernández Martín-Caro (2022) Análisis espaciotemporal y multisectorial del uso de tarjetas bancarias: Hacia una nueva geografía urbana del consumo. XIX Congreso de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica. “TIG al servicio de los ODS” - Zaragoza, 12 a 14 de septiembre de 2022

30. Santos, A., Barbero, J., Salotti, S., Pontikakis, D. (2022). On the road to regional ‘Competitive Environmental Sustainability’: how can European funds support regions in the transition?. XXIII Conference on International Economics - Jornadas de Economía Internacional, Junio 16-17, 2022, Málaga, España.

31. Saiz, P., Bas, J., Zofio, J.L., Barbosa, S. (2022). "Unravelling the Brand: Does Trademark Graphic Information Really Matter?" EBHA Madrid 222 (June 2022) GEOINNO 2022 Milan (July 2022)

32. Sánchez-Moral, S.; Arellano, A.; Méndez, R. (2022): Teleworking in large cities in times of pandemic: an exploratory analysis of socio-demographic and spatial patterns in Madrid. 61st Congress European Regional Sience Association (Pesc-online, Ago. 2022).

33. Sánchez-Moral, S.; Arellano, A.; Méndez, R. (2022): Teletrabajo y pandemia: un análisis exploratorio en la región metropolitana de Madrid. Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía (Salamanca, Jul. 2022).

34. Talavera-García, R., Pérez-Campaña, R., Santiago-Ramos, J. (2022). Walk, rest, meet, exercise, play: providing a more accurate level of service of urban parks in Madrid. NECTAR Clusters 4 y 6 "Mobility and Accessibility after the Pandemic: Emerging Trends and Policy Challenges". Sevilla (España). Del 5 al 7 de octubre del 2022.

35. Tinelli, F., Condeco-Melhorado, A., Arias-Molinares, D. (2022). Willingness yo pay for a MaaS offering: the case of Madrid. International Conference on Mobility as a Service (ICoMaaS). Tampere University. 29-30 noviembre del 2022.

36. Zofío, J. L., Barbero, J, Díaz-Lanchas, J., Persyn, D. (2021). Trade Elasticities in the EU Internal Market: A Spatial Econometrics Approach. XLVI Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Noviembre 24—26, 2021, Madrid, España.




1. Arias-Molinares, D., García-Palomares, J.C., Gutiérrez, J. (2023). Understanding, comparing and visualising cycling and other shared mobility services’ behaviour in Madrid. NECTAR Clusters 4 "Active Micro-Mobility – Modeling Spatial Behaviour of Cyclists and Pedestrians". Lyon (Francia). Del 16 al 17 de Marzo del 2023.

2. Barbero, J.; Rodríguez-Crespo, E., Santos, A. (2023). Green and digital transition: Assessing regional patterns of European Union subsidies. XXIII Reuniones de Economía Mundial, Santander (España)

3. Barbosa, S., Sáiz, P., Zofío, J. L. (2023) "Unintended Consequences of IPRs. Historical lessons from Emerging Innovation Networks in Spain" PhD Days UPV - CSIC Valencia

4. Carrascal-Incera, A.; Orea, L. (2023). TFP growth, embeddedness, and Covid-19: a novel production model that allows estimating trade elasticities. 8th Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Measurement. Milan, 2023.

5. Carrascal-Incera, A.; Weilin, L.; Orea, L.; Sickles, R. (2023). Beyond borders: how spillovers and commercial networks shape European productivity. North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW). University of Miami, Miami, 2023.

6. Orea, L.; Pérez-Villadoniga, M.J.; Rodriguez-Alvarez, A.; Sickles, R. (2023). Why do firms (not) adopt automated and digital capital? North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW). University of Miami, Miami, 2023.

7. Orea, L.; Alvarez, I., Serven, L. (2023). The structural and productivity effects of infrastructure provision in developed and developing countries. North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW). University of Miami, Miami, 2023.


1. Alvarez, I. (2023). The public tools to promote R&D investment in manufacturing Spanish firms. I WORKSHOP ON INNOVATION AND REGIONAL GROWTH. REGIOLAB, Universidad de Oviedo.

2. Gutiérrez Puebla, J. (2022). "Big Data, SIG y nuevas geografías: siguiendo la huella digital de las actividades humanas". Conferencia inaugural del XIX Congreso de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica. “TIG al servicio de los ODS” - Zaragoza, 12 a 14 de septiembre de 2022

3. Orea, L. Estimating the propagation of both reported and undocumented COVID-19 cases in Spain: a panel data frontier approximation of epidemiological models, Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de Estadística, Enero 2023.

4. Orea, L. The structural and productivity effects of infrastructure provision in developed and developing countries, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, Mayo 2022.

5. Rodríguez-Alvarez, A. (2022). New Model for the analysis of energy poverty. Social Situation Monitor - Research Seminar: The social and labour market impact of rising prices in the EU”. European Commission. Bruselas. Octubre de 2022.

6. Zofio, J.L. (2022). “The Emergence and Historical Evolution of Innovation Networks: Patents, Collaboration, and National Innovation Systems in the European Periphery”, School of Public Policy, Georgia Tech, Georgia, USA, October 2022.

7. Zofio, J.L. (2022). Benchmarking Economic Efficiency: Technical and Allocative Fundamentals. 1er Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad, Universidad de Extremadura – Badajoz, septiembre de 2022. Keynote speaker

Phd Thesis



1. Javier Bas Vicente (2020). Parametric and Non-Parametric Approaches for the Prediction of the Diffusion of the Electric Vehicle. Supervisor: José L. Zofío. Institution: University of Maryland and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Apto Cum Laude. European doctorate mention.

2. Sara Suarez Fernández (2020). New Perspectives in the Analysis of Cultural participation and its limits. Supervisor: Juan Prieto Rodríguez and María José Pérez Villadóniga. Institution: Universidad de Oviedo.

3. Santiago Pérez Balsalobre. (2020). Ensayos sobre complejidad y barreras comerciales a nivel subnacional. Supervisor: Rocio Marco y Carlos Llano. Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

4. José Carpio Pinedo (2020). Spaces of consumption in the mobile metropolis: symbolic capital, multi-accessibility and spatial conditions for social interactions. Supervisor: Patxi Lamíquiz Daudén y Javier Gutiérrez Puebla. Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

5. Joaquín Osorio Arjona (2020). Oportunidades de los datos geolocalizados de Twitter en el estudio de la movilidad metropolitana. Supervisor: Juan Carlos García Palomares. European doctorate mention. Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

6. Daniel Egidio Álvarez (2020). Las cadenas logísticas en los hinterlads portuarios: El caso de los complejos exportadores en la República Argentina. Supervisor: Javier Gutiérrez Puebla. Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid.



1. José Antonio Álvarez López (2021). Un modelo de evaluación métrica para garantizar la generación de modelos de negocio basados en innovación disruptiva. Supervisor: José de Hevia y María Arrazola. Institution: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

2. Marta González Escalonilla (2021). Efectos de la Gran Recesión en el mercado laboral español: un análisis de la población joven. Supervisor: Begoña Cueto Iglesias and María José Pérez Villadóniga. Institution: Universidad de Oviedo. 



1. Ordanovich, Dariya (2022). Extreme heat and human health: The effects of extreme temperatures and pollution on health in Spain. Supervisor: Javier Gutiérrez Puebla (tGIS - UCM) y Diego Ramiro Fariñas (CSIC). Programa de Geografía. Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

2. Salas Peña, Aitor (2022). Operativa de los sistemas de transportes de mercancías por carretera: un modelado basado en agentes. Supervisor: Juan Carlos García Palomares (tGIS - UCM) y Blanca Rosa Cases Gutierrez (UPV/EHU). Programa de Geografía. Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.



1. Arias Molinares, Daniela (2023). Análisis de los patrones espacio-temporales de los servicios de micromovilidad: Situando BiciMAD en contexto. Spatiotemporal analysis of micromobility services: Placing BiciMAD in context. Dirigida por: Javier Gutiérrez Puebla (tGIS - UCM) y Juan Carlos García Palomares (tGIS - UCM). Programa de Geografía. Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Lectura: 10 de mayo de 2023.

2. Pérez-Fernández, Onel Antonio (2023). Modelos de localización-asignación de servicios en Sistsemas de Información Geográfica: incorporando el dinamismo de la distribución de la demanda y del funcionamiento en las redes. Dirigida por: Juan Carlos García-Palomares (tGIS - UCM). Programa de Geografía. Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Lectura: 30 de mayo de 2023.

Estancias de investigación

José Luis Zofio. Universidad Erasmo de Rotterdam, six months during 2020.

Inmaculada Alvarez. Loughborough University (UK), 4 months during 2020. Mobility Grant “Programa Salvador de Madariaga”, PRX19/000589.

Luis Orea. Loughborough University (UK), 4 months during 2020. Mobility Grant “Programa Salvador de Madariaga”, PRX19/000596.

Luis Orea visitó la Copenhagen Business School en abril de 2022

Daniela Arias realizó una estancia en durante 3 menes (30/05 - 31/08/2022) en la Universidad Técnica de Múnich, con financiación del Guest Scientist @Oskar Von Miller Forum y Erasmus+ scholarship.

Fátima el Khatabi realizo una estancia en la Universities of Göttingen durante tres meses en abril de 2022.

Luis Orea. Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School. Duración: 1,3 semanas. Fecha: 2022

Luis Orea. Department of Economics, University of Miami. Duración: 9 semanas. Fecha: 2023

Inmaculada Alvarez. Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Oviedo. Duración: 2 semanas (2 estancias). Fecha: 2023

José L. Zofío. School of Public Policy. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta (Georgia, EE.UU.). Duración: 2 semanas. Fecha: 9/10/2022-23/10/

Incoming visitants

·       Filippo Tinelli, doctorando de la Universidad de Boloña, Italia. Estancia de investigación en el Grupo tGIS, los meses de 5/10/2020 al 04/12/2020. Tutora: Ana Condeço

·       Jacek. Wojciech Kwiatkowski. Universidad de Varsovia. Estancia Erasmus de Docente. 19 al 25 de junio de 2021.

·       Carlos Cañas, doctorando de la Universidad de Malta. Estancia de investigación en el Grupo tGIS. Del 4 de enero de 2021 al 30 de diciembre. Tutor de la estancia: Javier Gutiérrez.

·   Paulo Almeida Jr., Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal. 01/06/2021 al 31/07/2021. Tutora: Ana Condeço

·   Prof. Achille Fonzone, Professor of Transport Analysis and Planning at Edinburgh Napier University. 01/10 al 31/10/21.

·   Wenzhe Sun. Postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Urban Management at Kyoto University. 03/09/2022 al 31/09/2022. Tutor: Gustavo Romanillos

·   Andrea C. Bosisio. Profesora de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina). Duración: 4 semanas. Período: 2022. Wenzhe Sun Investigador de la 京都大学/Universidad de Kyoto (Japón). Duración: 4 semanas. Período: 2022.

Proyectos y contratos de investigación

Competitive Projects

1.  Title: “Deep learning Anticipated Urban Mobility peaks (DARUMA)”

Funding Institution: Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020. PROYECTOS DE I+D+i DE PROGRAMACIÓN CONJUNTA INTERNACIONAL 2020 - 2 (EIG-CONCERT-JAPAN)

Duration: 1/4/2021 - 31/3/2024

Total quantity (euros): 120.000 €.

Participant institutions: Kyoto University, Nagoya University, Budapest University, Technical University of Munich, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Principal Researcher: Juan Carlos García Palomares


2.  Title: “Evaluación, análisis y predicción de los cambios en la movilidad urbana tras la pandemia a partir de Big Data geolocalizado (NEWGEOMOB)”

Funding Institution: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyectos de I+D+I, del Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (Proyectos I+D+i 2020)

Duration:  01/09/2021 - 31/08/2024

Total quantity (euros): 80.700 €.

Principal Researcher: Juan Carlos García Palomares


3.  Title: Interregional Relations in Europe” (IRIE)

Funding institution: ESPON 2020 EGTC

Principal Researcher: Xabier Velasco Echeverria (Empresa pública “Navarra de Suelo y Vivienda, S.A. (NASUVINSA, Spain)

Participant institution: CEPREDE (UAM), with principal researcher Carlos Llano. Research team CEPREDE: Carlos Llano, Julián Moral, Julián Pérez, Miguel Ángel Almazán, Santiago Pérez-Balsalobre, Juan Pardo, Nuria Gallego, Fátima el Khatabi.

Duration: april 2020 - april 2022

Total quantity: 1,1 millions of euros (202,137 € corresponds to CPREDE/UAM)


4.  Title: Innovación y estrategias empresariales en un entorno sostenible. Ref, PID2020-112984GB-C21

Funding institution: Convocatoria 2020 de «Proyectos de I+D+i», en el marco de los Programas Estatales de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i y de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020.

Duration: 2021-2023

Total quantity (euros): 85.305,00€

Principal researchers: Elena Huergo y Francisco Javier Velázquez


5.  Title: Ein spanisch-deutscher Vergleich zu Chancenstruktureller Transformation und Innovation. Ref. 2020-449-30

Funding institution: Convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación de la Hans Bockler Foundation (Alemania)

Duration: May 2020-May 2022

Total quantity: 55.000€ 

Principal Researchers: Francesco Sandulli (UCM) Ulrich Hilpert (University of Jena)

6.  Title: Efectos intersectoriales y regionales de las políticas ante la epidemia del COVID-19 (Ref. PID2020-113076GB-100)

Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Duration: 01/09/2021 - 31/12/2023

Total quantity (euros): 29.403€

Principal Researcher: Inmaculada C. Álvarez


7.  Title: Benchmarking the efficiency and productivity of innovation systems to improve industrial strategies and policies (BENCH&INNOV&POL) (EIN2020-112260)

Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Duration: October 2020-june 2022

Total quantity (euros): 10.000€

Principal researcher: José Luis Zofío


8.  Title: Estudio de la capacidad de España para afrontar los shoks: resiliencia, innovación, productividad y empleo. Ref. PID2020-115183RB-C21

Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Duration: 01/09/2021 - 31/12/2023

Total quantity (euros): 76.109€

Principal researcher: Ana Rodríguez


9.  Title: Análisis Económico e Inteligencia (Ref. EPU-INV/2020/006)

Funding institution: Convocatoria de excelencia. V Plan Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica para el periodo 2016-2020 de la Comunidad de Madrid (V PRICIT) 

Duration: December 2020 – December 2023.

Total quantity (euros): 150.000€

Principal researcher: Juan de Lucio

10. Título: “Innovación económica, social y política en Madrid en el contexto de la (post) pandemia: estrategias y dimensiones territoriales”. (PID2020- 112734RB-C33)

Financiador: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

Duración: 2021-2024

Cantidad financiada (euros): 42.350€

Investigador principal: Simón Sánchez Moral


11. Título: Bedingungen nachhaltiger lndustriepolitik, “Condiciones para una política industrial sostenible

Financiador: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

Duración: 01/09/2022 al 31/03/2025

Cantidad financiada (euros): 121.658,00€

Investigador principal: Francesco D. Sandulli y Ulrich Hilpert (Universidad de Jena)


12. Título: Diseño de una encuesta sobre el grado de utilización por parte de los exportadores españoles de las preferencias arancelarias contenidas en los acuerdos de libre comercio ratificados por la UE Financiador: Ministerio de Industria Comercio y Turismo.

Duración: Septiembre 2021-Junio 2022

Cantidad financiada (euros): 14150€

Investigador principal: Juan De Lucio

13. Título TourMobility - Análisis de la movilidad turística a partir de Big Data geolocalizado: el impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19
Tipo: Convocatoria competitiva
Código: PID2021-127499OB-I00
Investigadores Principales: Javier Gutiérrez Puebla y Borja Moya-Gómez (tGIS - UCM)
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Plan Estatal I+D+i)
Entidades participantes: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España).

Periodo: 1/9/2022 - 31/8/2025

Financiación: 66.500€ 


Research contracts/agreements with companies and institutions

1. Título: “Impacto del COVID-19 sobre la Actividad Exterior de la Economía Española” Ref: COVID-19 UAH 2019/00003/016/001/007

Financiador: Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

Duración: junio 2020 – Diciembre 2020.

Cantidad financiada (euros): 5.000 €

Investigador principal: Juan De Lucio


2. Título: Seguimiento del impacto del COVID-19 sobre la actividad exterior de la economía española. Ref. COVID-19 UAH 2020/00003/016/001/003

Financiador: Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

Duración: mayo 2021 – Diciembre 2021

Cantidad financiada (euros): 9.000€

Investigador principal: Juan de Lucio


3. Título: “Realización de técnicas cualitativas para el análisis de necesidades de la oferta de oportunidades de negocio.”

Financiador: ICEX

Duración: septiembre 2020 – Febrero 2020

Cantidad financiada (euros): 31.460€

Investigador principal: Juan De Lucio


4. Título: “Realización de técnicas cualitativas para el análisis de necesidades de las empresas españolas en materia de apoyo a la internacionalización”

Financiador: ICEX

Duración: Septiembre 2020 – Diciembre 2020

Cantidad financiada: 36.300€

Investigador principal: Juan De Lucio


5. Título: “Estimación y predicción de variables económicas utilizando técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial”

Financiador: Ministerio de Hacienda – Instituto de Estudios Fiscales

Duración: 30/4/2020-30/4/2021.

Cantidad financiada (euros): 3512 €

Investigador principal: Juan De Lucio


6. Título: Asesoramiento sobre la realización de técnicas cualitativas para el análisis de necesidades de las empresas españolas en materia de apoyo a la internacionalización.

Financiador: ABAY Analistas Económicos SL

Duración: 16/10/2020 – 16/02/2021

Cantidad financiada (euros): 4.477€

Investigador principal: Juan De Lucio


7. Título: “Disentangling COVID-19 as a driving force of path development processes in Spain”.

Financiador: Regional Studies Association (MeRSA-2020)

Duración: 2021-2022.

Cantidad financiada: 5.000€.

IP: Simón Sánchez Moral


8. Título: Género, instituciones y bienestar social.

Financiador: Proyecto concedido por el Instituto de Estudios Fiscales en la Convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación 2023

Duración: 2023

Cantidad Financiada: 7800 euros

Investigador principal: Miriam Hortas Rico y Ernesto Rodríguez-Crespo 


9. Título: Análisis de la cadena de valor de la DOP Sidra de Asturias

Empresa/administración financiadora: Consejo Regulador DOP Sidra Asturias

Duración, desde: 20 enero 2022  hasta: 20 agosto 2022

Investigador responsable: Luis Orea, José Antonio Pérez

Importe: 4500


17.   Title: “Cátedra Extraordinaria de Movilidad Ciclista”

Funding Institution: Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid

Duration: 2020 – 2022.

Total Quantity (euros): 120.000€

Principal Researchers:  Javier Gutiérrez Puebla and Juan Carlos García Palomares