Barcelona 20th-22nd June 2023

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It's still time. 

The deadline has been extended until 18 May 2023

The INMARTEC 2023 Organising Committee is happy to announce the extension of the deadline until 18 May 2023.


Please ensure that you have registred your abstract at:


INMARTECH Symposia were initiated, and are coordinated, by the annual International Research Ship Operators meetings (IRSO, formerly ISOM) with the purpose of providing a forum for marine technicians to meet and exchange knowledge and experiences, thereby aiming to improve equipment performance, deployment and operational techniques during scientific cruises on research vessels.


INMARTECH will be hosted by the Marine Technology Unit (UTM) from the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) from 20th to 22nd of June 2023 in Barcelona (Spain) at the World Trade Center.

The UTM provides the technical support and logistical management to the Spanish Research Council oceanographic vessels and Antarctic stations. Its about 40 marine technicians offers a wide range of onboard and onshore activities ranging from maintenance of equipment, instrumentation operation and technical assessment onboard (research cruises) and acquisition and archiving of oceanographic data.

World Trade Center Barcelona

WTC Barcelona’s congress and meeting centre comprises a total of 4,000m2 of versatile, adaptable spaces bathed in Mediterranean light. It provides top-quality facilities equipped with leading-edge technology mean we’re in a position to host any kind of event in Barcelona, ranging from inspiring workshops in one of several meeting rooms facing the sea, to large events at the Auditorium, the most representative venue at the business complex. 

WTC is just ten minutes away from the airport and a few minutes from Barcelona’s city centre


During the three days of the symposium, parallel sessions will be held with presentations on different topics of interest to the community of technicians, practical sessions and demonstrations by companies in the sector that participate in the event. We will also have the opportunity to attend two specific talks about the state of the art and future of marine research platforms.

The specific agenda of activities will be updated during the next weeks and months until the closing of the inscriptions and reception of the contributions abstracts.


This symposium is open to all Marine Science Technicians (seagoing or not)  who wish to share their work and experiences  with the the  community and technicians and students willing to learn form the community  experience.

Registration is now open.

 (Click below for details and access to registration form)

The registration fee is 250€

For any questions please contact with INMARTECH 2023 Contact: 

KeyNote Speakers

We will have the opportunity to enjoy with two special talks on the "State of the art and future of marine observation systems" and "Current Status and Foreseeable Evolution of the European Research Vessels.

The specific details of both talks will be reflected in the provisional and final publication of the agenda.

Call for contributions OPEN 

INMARTECH Symposia were initiated to provide a forum for marine technicians to meet and exchange knowledge and experiences.   Share your experiences and submit an abstract for the INMARTECH 2023 meeting.  We are accepting proposals for posters, talks, and technical demonstrations. 

Please send your abstract (maximum of 2 max pages including image) with your full name, contact details and affilation indicating the preferred topic to, The final inclusion of your contribution on a specific topic session will decided by  technical board. 

Deadline for submit abstracts 30th April 2023

Please submit your Presentation or Poster in the following link:


Hydro Acoustics/ Sensors

In situ Observations Sytems

Seismics & Coring

Wire  & Winches

Manned / Unmanned Vehicles

Vessels / Platforms

Data Mangement

Ship-Shore Communications

"In house" Technical "SOLUTIONS"


One of the keys to the success of the Inmartech symposium is the participation of companies in the sector. Not only for their invaluable contribution they make in sponsoring the event but also in the links and synergies that are established between them and the technicians who work with the technologies they develop, and in the invaluable possibility of showing their latest products and future projects .

Conference sponsorship gives you the opportunity to showcase your company and its products to an audience upwards of 200 international conference attendees  from a privileged position. Your sponsorship and presence at INMARTECH 2023 will not only provide significant recognition of your company and products, but will also give attendees educational value as they will have the opportunity to individually interact with your product.

INMARTECH 2020 Contact: 

Inmartech 2023 by UTM