Inkscape does not require (or offer) any specific way of installing fonts. Essentially, one has to download whatever fonts one would like and place them in the default font directory. Many Linux distributions and other operating systems will allow to install a font by double-clicking on the file, which will then install/copy the font into the correct directory for you.

Once done doing this, you need to rebuild your font cache files (only if you are using Linux or some other OS for which font caches are used) so other programs can effectively use the fonts. Do this by going to your default font directory (/usr/share/fonts) and typing as root:

Inkscape Download Fonts

Download 🔥 🔥

Previously, GNOME's Nautilus file browser had a special location called fonts:/// which could be used to install fonts. After the migration to GVFS, this no longer works, but may be re-added some time in the future.

This is a known bug witch is going to be fixed in 0.94x and 1.0. You need to have all your fonts installed for all users to be seen by Inkscape in Windows. Until then (or users who do want to update) here's how to fix it:

I've been shown by another user that if I add additional font directories in the text section of preferences I can use fonts which are not installed. I am trying to do this, but it doesn't show me those fonts. Does anyone else do this? I'm using Windows 10 and versioin 1.01 of Inkscape. I've assigned the directory under Preferences>Text, but cannot see any of the fonts in that folder.

If you put it in the AppData folder (c:\Users\[USERNAME]\appData\Roaming\inkscape\fonts\), then you can open existing files with those fonts and edit them, but you can't create new text and change it to that font. So a workaround is to install the fonts to system, create an SVG file with text in those fonts and uninstall the fonts again (if you don't want to leave them installed).

@Barb24 After a bit of additional digging (see here), I reverted to version 1.0 and everything works as it should. There is an existing bug report on it, so hopefully it will be fixed in due course. Downgrading was pretty easy - uninstall the current version, download the previous version, install it. Settings remain the same, so the instant it opened I could see my formerly missing fonts.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I just recently upgraded my computer to windows 10 version 1809. Since installing inkscape .92.4 I am unable to see my fonts that I have installed. They worked fine on my last computer but not this one. I have tried restarting inkscape. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the fonts. I am the admin and have admin rights. I read somewhere to right click on font and change to "install for all users" but I do not have that option. I even tried creating another user but that didn't work. I'm completely lost. Please help.

Once in the Fonts folder you can do 1 of 2 things. 1. locate the font you want installed into Inkscape (or any other program it is not showing up for) from that point RIGHT CLICK and then you will see "Install for all users" and it will install it HOWEVER in order for it to show in in Inkscape you MUST close out of all Inkscape windows and open it back up again for it to appear! 2. you can just click the top box for it to select all the fonts (if you forgot the name or if you downloaded a lot) and then once all selected, pick a font and right click and then install for all users and it will install them, if you already have that font installed it will ask you if you want to replace or or skip it and just choose whatever you want, it wont matter.

The worst thing is that I have not found a way for it to automatically install any new fonts into Inkscape without having to go through this whole process EVERY SINGLE TIME I download a new font! ?? I would hope soon that it can be fixed because in the past I never had this issue and it is very frustrating to say the least! If someone out there knows a secret on how to have it automatically install for all users without having having to do all these steps after you install/download a new font to your computer, please please PLEASE PAAAALEEEESE share your magic wisdom with us all!!!

and by doing this it will allow me to download fonts and they will show up in my inkscape without me having to close out of all the windows and going to my font folders and clicking "install for all users" each time!?!?!?!?

ok well can you tell me how to UNINSTALL the 7-zip?!?! I did nothing for me in fact after I looked in Inkscape after I downloaded a font, I had to go to my font folder and tried to right click to install for all users and that option wasnt even there, i had to unclick and right click AGAIN for that option to show up and even then it still didnt show up in inkscape, I had to close out of all the inkscape windows and restart the program all over again in order for the new font to show up. So i am not sure how that was suppose to work but can ou tell me how to uninstall it please?

I did restart inkscape. That is why I feel there is no use to have that 7-zip. Unless I did something wrong? So Aero can you walk me through the proper steps of what I need to do, I downloaded the 7-zip software, what else am I suppose to do from there? maybe that is where I am messing up, Im not an idiot when it comes to computers but im not a genius either and I cant read minds as far as what all I am suppose to do. Can you help me out here before I uninstall please? Thanks

Im not sure what you mean by "shell integration" but I did everything else you said to do and basically I didnt see a new inkscape folder appear but I saw one that was next to the file you wanted me to "extract" that I didnt know if it was there before or not, I opened that folder, there was not a inkscape.exe there were only 2 inkscapes, 1 was a ms-dos application and the other was just an application, so i clicked on the application one and then went to the help-about inkscape and it was the exact same version I have always had. so what am i doing wrong??

I am having the same issue. After hours of trying to figure this our and reading many forums and hints. I found what works for me. I also didn't have the install for all users when I right clicked. What I had to do was right click the zip file and extract all. Once is did that the file would pop up and then I had the option to right click and install for all users. Hope this helps. Still need to restart inkscape but all my fonts are there now.

@DesignsByDenise For all of the above, I think We exactly have the same case and I've found the solution. Just uninstall your recent inkscape, then check the dialog box that says delete all user preferences, and click next until the installation is finished. Then install again the latest inkscape version. Aftaer that you will see ALL the font that installed in your windows, also showing in inkscape.

If you can't install anyfont with double click or right click, go to font settings and install the font in it.

Since Inkscape uses SVG as its native file format, we need to take a quick look at how SVG describes font faces. SVG 1.1 (which for fonts is basically the same as CSS 2.1 ) defines the following font-selection properties:

I see all my fonts listed, but when I select the text icon and start typing, all I see are irregular, oversized objects such as rectangles. It was working fine in the morning and then this started happening later on that same day. Since then I have uninstalled and installed Inkscape but without success,

So I am having a similar problem and have found this thread helpful but my fonts still are not showing up in Inkscape (or GIMP for that matter), but do work fine in MS Paint. It is especially irritating because these are the only fonts I've ever paid for and the only ones I've ever had a problem with functioning. Specifically, I am using the National Forest font family, which has several subheadings/types/etc. (I'm not a typographer, I don't know what to call these things). Inkscape and GIMP only recognize the Regular and Bold options but when I open the "Font" menu in Inkscape it does show the Cursive style in the preview pane...just not in any document I create. So I can create this in Paint

Hoping someone can help me with this. I recently purchased a new Lenovo Windows 10 laptop, 64 bit system. I have been using Inkscape on my older laptop for a couple of years now with no issues. I have downloaded the most recent version of Inkscape for 64 bit .exe version to my new laptop. When I try to put text into Inkscape, I am unable to use any of my fonts (which are already installed for all users). The only option I get is sans serif, when I click on the dropdown arrow next to the font, I get a blank box with the Inskcape logo on the left and the X on the right, but no fonts appear, and then the entire app just shuts down. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, I have restarted. I've tried everything I can think of, but cannot get it to work on this computer. I should also mention that I am not operating in S mode. I hope someone can help. Thanks!

I can see all my fonts in the Text and Font menu, but even if I choose one and try to set it as a default, it goes back to sans serif. Two images attached. Showing my text and font menu, and then when I click the drop down for fonts, right before the program closes.

I had this problem too. You have to install fonts for all users in order for them to appear in Inkscape, Right click on the font file you want to install an select "Install for all users", then restart Inkscape if necessary.

In every program I use, the ability to preview fonts on the page is crucial to save time selecting one of the hundreds of fonts I use. In inkscape, if I use the up/down arrows to select fonts, nothing happens until I select apply. Is there a way to do this? I'm afraid of the answer :)

You will not be able to use the SVG file directly as a font in a webpage, for instance.This is because SVG fonts have been removed from the official SVG standard.However, they are useful for font-making in Inkscape, and other font-making programs can still convert them to other font file formats. 2351a5e196

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