🌤️ Fódlan Skies 🌤️

In this version of Fódlan, Byleth accompanied the Golden Deer. However, the timeline still very much followed the Crimson Flower route; five years into the war, an alliance was formed between the Adrestian Empire and the Leicester Alliance, leading to the defeat of the Kingdom of Faerghus, and thus, unification of Fódlan under the Adrestian Empire's rule.

However, during the final battle against the Immaculate One, Edelgard von Hresvelg was dealt a fatal blow and died soon after, leaving the role of emperor to Hubert, in the hopes that he would both carry on her goals and live his own life outside of her shadow. It has been a year since that day, and the silent war against Those Who Slither rages onward.

Hubert originally contacted the system to inquire about Bernadetta's fate, as she was, at the time, bedridden with an unknown illness. However, she is currently recovering, despite Vergil's lack of memories regarding her fate. Now, Hubert and Ferdinand are just visiting for funsies. :) They visit here while they sleep at night in their own world.

Hubert von Vestra

He/They. Garmotere. 26 years old. Fronts occasionally.

Hubert is the current emperor of united Fódlan. He is married to Ferdinand von Aegir (who is also visiting us) and Bernadetta von Varley (who shares a soul with Vergil).

Hubert holds a Major Crest of Nemesis, as Nemesis was a Nabatean in his world. This Crest was forced onto him by Those Who Slither before Edelgard returned from Faerghus.

Alongside this Crest, he also holds Nemesis' relic: The King's Sword, which camouflages itself as a regular iron sword until it is used against a Nabatean.

art source.

Ferdinand von Aegir

He/Him. Trans Man. 24 years old. Fronts occasionally.

Hubert and Bernadetta's husband, as well as the Prime Minister of the Adrestian Empire. He began visiting because he wanted to learn more about us and the world we live in.

While he doesn't front as actively as Hubert, he enjoys spending time with us and our partner!

art source.