
Selection of scientific publications:

Experimental Economics, 2019


Joint with Gilbert Eijkelenboom and Alexander Vostroknutov

Review of Economic Studies, 2016


Joint with Arno Riedl and Martin Strobel

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2015


Joint with Kirsten Rohde

Other scientific publications

Mission of the Company, Prosocial Attitudes and Job preferences: a Stated-Preference Experiment,Labour Economics, 2022. Joint with Arjan Non, Thomas Dohmen, and Andries de Grip 

Free Neighborhood Choice boosts Socially Optimal Outcomes in Stag-Hunt Coordination Problem,” Scientific Reports, 2021. Joint with Arno  Riedl and Martin Strobel.

 “Menus of Contracts Determine Sorting Patterns,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 2019. Joint with Mark Bernard, Thomas Dohmen and Arjan Non.

 “Risk Attitudes in a Social Context,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2011. Joint with Kirsten Rohde.

Working papers

"Stacking of Choices"  Netspar Topicality grant, (joint with Jona Linde).

"Risk perception in networks:  a Covid study"  (joint with Martijn Stroom en Martin Strobel).

Stag-Hunt in One-Sided Endogenous Networks”, (joint with Arno Riedl and Martin Strobel).                                                                                                                                                       

Social Risk Attitudes Within a Health and Monetary Context,” (joint with Kirsten Rohde).

Publications for a general audience

"How to Fight against Pandemics, Cybercrime and Terrorism? – Solving the Coordination Problem“. (2015) Coalition Theory Network  “Column: From Theory to Application”.

Vraag het de externe Deskundige.” (2015) Advice to the Ministry of Health with respect to nudging, Diagonaal, staff magazine of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.

 "Behoud van talent voor de Nederlandse hightechsector." (2015) Economisch Statistische Berichten, 100(4723&4724), 737-737.

Different People, Different Choices: the Influence of Visual Stimuli in Communication on Pension Choice.” (2013) Netspar Design Paper 15.  Joint with Lisa  Brüggen and Mijke van den Broeke.