​Violent Teen Behaviors Associated with Social Pressures & Compliance

Edmond, B. (2018, June 26). Silent sufferers: Acknowledging male victims of domestic violence. Air Force Medical Service. Retrieved May 11, 2022, from https://www.airforcemedicine.af.mil/News/Display/Article/1559849/silent-sufferers-acknowledging-male-victims-of-domestic-violence/

Research Question:

How has peer pressure in the last 20 years encouraged violent behaviors in American high school students?

Problem Statement:

Roughly 16% of American high school students report being in a physically violent fight. This is approximately about the same number as the population of Kansas (2,858,190)

Click below to access the 3 stages of the AP Seminar Process for this Project:

My name is Ingrid Morales, I am a Senior at Chapin High School involved in the Engineering Magnet Program (Biomedical Pathway), TSA, and National Honor Society. After high school, I will be attending UTEP on an academic scholarship where I plan to study electrical engineering.