Press coverage

KI im Job, 13.09.2023, article in Handelsblatt

ChatGPT: Revolutionär oder Teufelszeug? , 31.01.2023, podcast at RBB

„Rennt der Bildungssektor der Künstlichen Intelligenz hinterher?“, 31.01.2023, article at MDR 

„Die Datenlage ist ein Flickenteppich“, 29.10.2022, article in Table.Bildung, a German expert briefing on educational policy

Warum es für eine neue Sprache nie zu spät ist, 10.09.2022, article in Spektrum der Wissenschaft

"Schulen können ein sicherer Ort sein", 17.11.2021, article in German newspaper "Die Welt". Online behind paywall, beware the clickbait title 

"Covid se ve školách nešíří, ukazuje německý výzkum. Kariéry žáků může jejich uzavření ovlivnit na celý život". Interview with Czech daily newspaper Hospodářské noviny (Czech economic daily). Here are my original answers in English.

"Pandemie-Treiber Schule?", 13.10.2020, article in German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung on our study on school re-openings and the spread of the corona virus. Additional coverage at Financial Times, BR24 and WAZ, radio interviews with MDR and SWR (in German) 

Die Corona-Digitalisierung", 28.04.2020, Interview with German magazine Audimax on the digitization in tertiary education in the wake of the Corona crisis

"Gib zu, du hattest Glück", 14.8.2020, article in German print magazine Wirtschaftswoche on the role of luck in careers

"Ist Karriere Glücksache?", 13.08.2020, again Wirtschaftswoche on the role of luck in careers (behind paywall, ask me for an ungated version)

"Warum viele Karrieren bereits in der ersten Klasse beginnen", 16.08.2020, online article in German magazine Wirtschaftswoche on the role of early peers on individual life trajectories

"Uncommon Knowledge: Freaks and geeks, and beyond", 27.04.2018, Boston Globe, on the role of relative intelligence in affecting youth risky behavior

"Why You Should Pick a Weaker School for Your Kid", 04.09.2018, a misinterpretation of our rank results in Bloomberg Opinion

"Why it pays to be a big fish in a small pond"05.07.2018, BBC Capital on the role of rank and relative ability in school determining longer-term life outcomes (no longer online, archived version)

"Language Distance: The Reason Immigrants Have Trouble Assimilating", 07.05.2013, The Atlantic on the role of language differences affecting immigrant's assimilation