iTEP International is a leader in English language assessment and testing with a presence in 60+ countries and hundreds of corporations worldwide. Founded We bring high quality, digital-first, reliable and fast result testing to students, schools, companies and governments around the world. 

EF has been a strong advocate of innovation since our earliest days, and we believe the EFSET reflects that. I am eager to see people around the world use our test to certify their English language skills and build better careers and lives for themselves, as well as help their employers succeed globally.

Ingilizce Test 6. Snf


This online level test will give you an approximate indication of the English level you are working towards or completing. You can use the result to help you find learning materials on our website that is appropriate for your English language ability.

You will be required to read each question carefully and select the answer that you think is correct. At the end of the test, you will be given an approximate indication of the English level you are working towards or completing.

Yeni meb mfredatna ve kazanmlara uygun olarak hazrlanan 6. snf ingilizce testleri ve cevaplar bu sayfada. oktan semeli, boluk doldurma, doru yanl, eletirme gibi farkl soru tipleri ile konular pekitirebilir ayn zamanda sreli ve puanl sorular ile snav ncesi hazrlk yapabilirsin. Cevapl ve zml ingilizce test sorularn bilgisayardan, cep telefonundan ya da tablet zerinden hemen zmeye bala!

ALTE has established a set of common standards which cover all the stages of the language testing process. These standards can be applied to exams of any language, and ensure the quality of ALTE Members' examinations.

ALTE helps maximise tests' positive impact by making the connections between policy, research and practice, between language learning, teaching and assessment, and between experts in different fields and parts of the world.

Bu testi zerek, dil eitiminize hangi seviyeden balamanz gerektii konusunda fikir edinebilirsin. Test 40 adet dil bilgisi sorusu ve 10 adet kelime bilgisi sorusu olmak zere toplam 50 sorudan olumaktadr. Tahmini test sresi 35 dakikadr.

12. Snf ngilizce testleri ve cevaplar, okul ngilizce dersindeki mfredata uyumlu ekilde hazrlanmtr. Konular ve kelimeler okul ngilizcesi ile paraleldir. Toplam 25 sorudan olumaktadr. Soru tipi oktan semeli sistemde hazrlanmtr. Tm sorularn cevaplarn sayfamzn altnda bulunan cevap anahtar blmnde grebilirsiniz. Elenceli almalar dileriz.


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