The guide to request data removal

In this guide you will find a step-by-step guide to request your data to be removed on Harmony Style app side.

Please note, that application has a built-in feature to remove any favorites you selected before. However, upon your request we will remove any data relevant to you and your experience with Harmony Style app.

Please, send us an email with the formal request to delete your data. In the email kindly specify your email you used to sign in to the Harmony Style app. Please send the email to The example of the email text is below:

Subject: Request for Data Deletion

Hello Harmony Style Team,

I am writing to request the deletion of my personal data from your system. Please find my details below:

I understand that this process may take some time, and I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Please confirm the deletion of my data via email once the process is complete.

Thank you.

Sincerely, [Your Name]