About US


Rahul Roy


Leading Designer & Developer

A 20 year old undergraduate from West Bengal . Though most of the techies are more interested in software development, his passion lies with Web Designing and Developing.His love for Web page Designing , made him start a website containing information on different technologies,tricks and programmings.His aim is to help others from the problems they face regularly and the difficulties that he faced and is still going through.

Sounak Chatterjee

Coder cum Writer by Heart

A passionate programmer who loves programming in C,C++,Java and Python.While the IT students of Calcutta are more interested in the modern technologies,he finds an immense interest in the basic languages,specially in C.He is also very much into web development and treats INFOTRICKS like his own baby.His other passion lies with writing,the dream of becoming a writer.Check out his first short story 'The Budding Writer'. Go to this website: ' Sweek'. Login with facebook or you can open up a new account.Search 'The Budding Writer'. Do read and follow it.

Suman Kanrar

Tester & Technical Writer

He is a 20 years old undergraduate from West Bengal,a Coder cum Developer possessing technical know-how of C,C++,Scratch Programming,Core Java,Python,Html,CSS,Bootstrap. Currently works as a tester and debugger for the site. He also provides and publishes different tutorials and other contents.