Information Sources 

About the compilation of sources

This compilation is of information sources available in the public domain related to Research Integrity, Publication Ethics, Guidelines, etc. 

Information sources are grouped into following categories

Links to government policies, guidelines, national and international initiatives are also provided. 

Please give your suggestions  at 

You can also suggest resource to us through online form. 



Guidance Document: Good Academic Research Practices (GARP)
by University Grants Commission


India’s Fight Against Predatory Journals: An Interview with Professor Bhushan Patwardhan in Scholarly Kitchen (February 5, 2020)


Patwardhan, B. and  Desiraju, G. R. (2020). Assessing research: The slippery slope. Current Science, 118 (12), 1869–1870.

Patwardhan, Bhushan, Thakur, Archana (2019) UGC-CARE initiative to promote research quality, integrity and publication ethics, Current Science, 117, 6.

Grudniewicz, Agnes,  Moher, David, Cobey, Kelly D., (2019) Predatory journals: no definition, no defence, Nature, 576, 210-212.

Patwardhan Bhushan and Patwardhan Kishor (2019) Contesting Predators: Cleaning Up Trash in Science, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Vol. 25 (10), 


Patwardhan Bhushan (2019) Why India strikes back against predatory journalsNature, 571, 7. 

Journal articles

Nagarkar, S., Thakur, A., Mane, M., & Nagare, P. (2023). Indian languages, print journals and the UGC-CARE project. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication

Nagarkar, S., & Khole, S. (2023). Predatory Journals: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Literature Published between 2012 and 2021. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 54(1), 80-102. 

Patwardhan, B., & Nagarkar, S. (2021). The UGC-CARE initiative: Indian academia's quest for research and publishing integrity. First Monday