January 28, 17:40, Math 507

January 28: Dawei Chen

Title: Volumes and intersection theory on moduli spaces of Abelian differentials


Computing volumes of moduli spaces has significance in many fields. For instance, the celebrated Witten’s conjecture regarding intersection numbers on the moduli space of curves has a fascinating connection to the Weil-Petersson volume, which motivated Mirzakhani to give a proof via Teichmueller theory, hyperbolic geometry, and symplectic geometry. The initial two other proofs of Witten’s conjecture by Kontsevich and by Okounkov-Pandharipande also used various ideas in ribbon graphs, Gromov-Witten theory, and Hurwitz theory. In this talk I will introduce an analogue of Witten’s intersection numbers on moduli spaces of Abelian differentials that can be used to compute the Masur-Veech volumes. This is joint work with Martin Moeller, Adrien Sauvaget, and Don Zagier (arXiv:1901.01785).