
There are 2 components to your grade. Your final exam is technically worth 100% of your final grade. But that isn't entirely accurate. Although your base grade will be determined by your final (we will neither have a midterm nor a mid-semester writing assignment), I can adjust your final grade by 1/3 (from, say, a B to a B+) or even 2/3 for high quality class participation and your in-class work product.

Final Exam

Your final exam is an any-day take-home paper, to be handed in, per law school rules, by the final day of exams.

Class Participation

Active class engagement is essential to success in this class. Your class participation "bump", which aggregates the quality and quantity of your direct participation in class and your active participation/teamwork and leadership skills in our in-class activities, can make the difference between a B+ and an A-, at a minimum. Beyond the grade, studies show that an active back-and-forth in class correlates with enhanced performance on the final exam.