13th November 2022

Information-Seeking, Finding Identity: Exploring the Role of Online Health Information in Illness Experience

Virtual CSCW Workshop

A One Day Virtual Workshop to share, discuss and explore the role of online information in people's illness experiences


The identities we hold have a relationship with how we come to express and understand our experiences of illness. Language forms a means for us to express this understanding and experience to others, and receive information to clarify our own experiences. Having access to new information when undergoing an illness experience can be integral in supporting decision-making for one’s health and well-being and change how we understand ourselves and our experience. Individuals are exposed to information about experiences of illness via search engines, social media, and other platforms online. This online health information may thus significantly influence the decision-making process.

This workshop aims to explore the different methods researchers have used to understand online information-seeking journeys and to identify how the internet is, or can be, used to help users make sense of, and give meaning to, their experiences.

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: 12th October 2022 AOE 17th October 2022 EXTENDED

Notification Date: 26th October 2022

Camera-ready submission: 31st October 2022

Workshop: 13 November 2022

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