Psilocybe Mexicana History

Psilocybe Mexicana: History, Potency, Cultivation and More to Explore

Psilocybe mexicana grows natively in Central and North America, where its use has been employed in several indigenous cultural practices for more than 2,000 years. Pavlovna and Roger Gordon Wasson harvested Psilocybe mexicana when they had a journey around Mexico (1953-1955), they also paid a visit to Maria Sabina. Mazatec curandera was credited with helping to introduce psilocybin mushrooms to the world. When the couple returned from their trip, samples of P. mexicana were sent to the French mycologist Roger Heim by the Wassons. The Wassons then cultivated the species under laboratory conditions. Afterward, lab-grown samples were taken to the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann who worked on the mushrooms, before he extracted and characterized psilocybin and psilocin in the year 1958. To enjoy the most delightful psychedelic trip, you need to buy from the best, buy shrooms Canada.

Psilocybe mexicana species belongs to the group of psilocybin mushrooms with P. tampanensis and P. cinctulus. They are known to synthesize sclerotia, which is a collection of toughened mycelium that perform the role of helping the organism to weather through unfavorable conditions like nutrient depletion, drought, intense cold temperature, etc. These sclerotia can also be called truffles but this appears to be incorrect because truffles are reproductive structures. The true species of mushrooms that produce truffles are referred to as ectomycorrhizal which means that for them to thrive they need dependence on another host tree. They are close to a variety of trees, but P. mexicana prefers grassland which is manure-rich. This is why Paul Stamets nicknamed them “Mexican liberty cap” due to the fact the two species can survive in similar environments.

Psilocybe Mexicana Legality

It’s currently criminal to grow or use psilocybin-rich mushrooms in most countries, this also goes for P. mexicana. Only in the Netherlands do we have the sclerotia be legal even though it’s illegal to grow psilocybin mushrooms there. The criminalization of psilocybin mushrooms was done in 2008 by the Dutch authority, but they exempted sclerotia because they believed them to have weaker potency than the mushrooms. Well, this may not be always true.

The legal exemption of sclerotia in the Netherlands has immensely helped both large and small industries around Amsterdam and even beyond become well known for selling packets using the trade names like Mushrocks, Dragon’s Dynamite, High Hawaiians. These have various claims and even differences to subjective effects of these substances. Also, a good number of “truffle retreats” have emerged in recent years, where participants can take the sclerotia while taking part in an array of programs, with the support of professional therapists. Good examples are Synthesis, Synthesis opened its doors in the year 2018, and Field Trip Health opened theirs in 2021.

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