Instructions for the Newly Planted Trees and Shrubs

It’s best to keep the soil around the root ball of the plant moist as often as possible. This will require deeply watering the plants every other day or every third day.

Shrubs: The best way to water new shrub beds is to run a sprinkler for 45 - 60 min. with the sprinkler set to cover the entire planting area, or run soaker hose (drip irrigation) through the area and let it run for 30-60 min.

Larger Trees: In order for the water to reach the lower roots of the tree. It may be necessary to water the area around the root ball with an open hose to completely soak the area. You could place the hose close to the root ball and open the hose to establish a steady trickle, leave the hose there for 15-20 min. repeat this for every tree.

As the plants become more established the watering process will change. You should begin to water less frequently until you are watering only once a week and eventually the shrubs and trees will require no watering.

It is important not to over water your new plants. You should check the area around the plants before watering. If the soil 3” below the surface is moist skip the watering for that day. The area should not remain soaked; it should be given a chance to dry slightly before watering again.

If the plants begin to loose leaves or needles or look weak or discolored, call us immediately to come out and look at the plants. When a plant is transplanted it will suffer shock and could loose leaves and stop growing this does not mean the plant is dead it just needs a chance to recover before resuming to its normal growth rate.
