Privacy Policy

Effective April 22st, 2024.

1. Introduction and purpose of this Privacy Notice

We strive to ensure the privacy of our users and therefore do not collect or process any information from other users.

When you use our mobile app we do not collect any information about you

We also do not share information about you with third parties.

2. Personal data

We do not read or collect online identifiers, activity, statistics, location data including country code data, your gender, Personal and identification data including first name, last name and patronymic, age and date of birth, Contact information including address, telephone number /mobile phone, email address.

3. How We Share Your Information

We may not disclose or publish aggregated information and other non-personal information about our players for industry analysis, demographic profiling, marketing, analytics, advertising and other business purposes.

In addition, we not may share your information (which may include personal information) with third parties ) or allow third parties to collect this information from our Services

4. Our policies concerning children

Most of our games are not for children under the age of 12 and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 12. Children under 12 should not use these games at any time.Â