November 10th

7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
Opening Ceremonies

Join us as we open InfiniFest, beginning with the first act of creation in the festival!

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Clown Hour

It’s clown time! Clowns and clown-adjacent performers come together for an incredible set of acts, followed by a music set by Catnip Hardy.

9:00 PM - 11:30 PM 

Bad Art Night

Bad Art Night is a lowkey craft night to make art purely for the fun of it. You should come with no intention of making something "good." The goal is to relax and enjoy the process of creating. Craft without ambition. Ample supplies will be provided, and bring any you'd like to share.

Individual Artist Spotlight: Mr. Clockbody

Help sentient clockman Mr. Clockbody build a Time Tower in this interactive installation! Inspired by Nimrod, Mr. Clockbody wants to be better than God. Can you help him build a clock tower to the heavens? Stop by anytime between 7:30 and 10:30! Bring a timepiece for bonus points!

November 11th

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Morning Contemplaytion

Start your day with intentional play.  We'll have art toys (ie, digital projector. tape recorders, tabletop zen garden, so on,) toy toys, creative games, and instruments open for all to use. Phones are set aside, and time is kept with a hidden clock to help maintain a sense of flow. The catch: no "end-product" or physical art leaves the space. 

Drop in any time for a loosely structured guided experience, where toys and play become tools for reflection. 

Individual Artist Spotlight: Holly Peterson 

Swing by between 10 AM - 12 PM  and get a free animal portriat drawn by Holly Peterson

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Community Yell

Join friends and like-minded strangers in an autumnal yell.

We each have our own reasons to yell, unique to our age, class, race, and creed. Be they lost opportunities, heartbreak, or intergenerational systems of oppression and erasure, we're coming together and yelling it all out.

Meet at 12p for reflections on what you'd like to yell out and vocal stretches. Weather permitting, we'll walk to the nearby beach or otherwise be outside.

Additional noisemakers are welcome to aid emotional release. (pots and pans, musical instruments, etc.)

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
"The How To" -- An Open Mic 

Impart important life-saving information you wish more people knew, or tell us the secrets to the perfect PB & J. Our floor is open for the information you're burning to share. Sign up on the day, or email us ahead at 

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Short Film Screening,
Featuring the work of Moriah Martel

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Tarot for Your Life (Led by Moriah Martel)

Tarot for your Life is an interactive workshop where tarot meets life coaching. Tarot is not just a predictive tool, but a companion in dreaming and mapping our lives. Moriah will lead participants through a series of exercises to do just that. If you can dream it you can do it and the tarot can help!

Individual Artist Spotlight: Liv Hanson
We're featuring Liv's interactive visual art peice "Mysteries of the Midwest" throughout the weekend, and you can meet the artist herself at 4pm. Building upon her photographs of eerie and uncanny Chicago sights, she invites you to add your own mysterious figures through drawing and collage.

4:00 PM- 6:00 PM
Mending Jam

Bring your not-so-new-and-in-need-of-love clothes, blankets, and whatever else you can think of to our Mending Jam! We will have a variety of needles, threads, embroidery flosses, fabrics, and notions there so we can creatively breathe new life into the objects that keep us warm. Have no clue what you’re doing? Don’t worry! There are many ways to mend- and people to help you problem solve! Come out of the jam with a piece of clothing ready to wear with a bit of extra character.

7:00-9:00 PM
Closing Ceremony And Big Creative PartyPalooza

Help us close out infiniFest with a collectively made ritual, and then stay, mingle and celebrate!