Call for Papers

Presentation Instructions

Final Version


  • Each 10-minute talk will be included in one of the contributed talk sessions: 9:10–9:30am, or 4:00–4:30pm.
  • Please allow 1–2 minutes of the 10 for questions.


  • There will be two poster sessions: 12:00–12:30pm, and 6:00–6:30pm. Participant will likely view posters also during coffee breaks.
  • You are welcome to hang your poster as early as possible, and encouraged to do so no later than the first poster session.
  • Poster dimensions are 48x36in (122x91cm). Space for larger posters cannot be guaranteed. Masking tape will be provided.


  • During the presentation, the slide will be replaced automatically after 1.5 minutes.
  • By Friday, November 30, please share with a link to Google Slides (later edits may be accommodated on request).
  • A single slide is encouraged, but up to 3 slides are allowed, in which case please indicate their timing.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: Friday, October 5 October 12, 2018 (Anywhere on Earth)
  • Author notification: Monday, October 25, 2018
  • Final version deadline: Friday, November 30, 2018
  • Workshop: Saturday, December 8, 2018

Please address questions to:

Submission Details

  • Research papers are solicited on inference for reinforcement learning and control, its theory and applications, and related fields.
  • Contributed papers may include novel research, preliminary results, or surveys of recent results.
  • Papers are limited to 4 pages, excluding references and appendices of any length, in the NeurIPS style:
  • Submissions must be anonymized for double-blind review.
  • All accepted papers will be presented as spotlights and posters, and made publicly available as a non-archival report, allowing future submissions to archival conferences or journals.
  • Authors of top accepted papers will be invited to give short contributed talks.
  • Submission link:
  • Please check this website for the latest updates.