
Inés Sánchez del Río


Isabel Marín Beltrán


CCMAR at the University of Algarve

I was hosted by the Center of Marine Sciences (CCMAR) in Portugal, that is part of the University of Algarve, in Faro. CCMAR is one of the major marine science research centers in the country.

The multidisciplinary team of approximatively 250 researchers focus on understanding the drivers of global change, protecting the marine resources through management and conservation and exploring the marine products and new resources.

Center of Marine Sciences

University of Algarve

International Master of the Biological Resources of the Sea


...for visiting my website! CCMAR and the University of Algarve for hosting me! IMBRSea and the Erasmus+ program for co-funding this experience!

And most importantly... THANK YOU to Isabel Marín, my great supervisor!