
Next Seminar: June 12, 2024 - Morten Nyborg Støstad

June 12, 12-1 pm

Inequality as an Externality: Consequences for Tax Design 

Morten Nyborg Støstad 

(FAIR Institute at the Norwegian School of Economics, WII)

More on the seminar here

First Inequality in Rome Summer Meeting: June 13-14, 2024 - Allumiere (RM)

Inequality in Rome Summer Meeting

The meeting aims to gather researchers working on inequality studies in Roman universities and institutions and allow them to share ideas and projects. 

To this aim, we will host keynote dialogues on inequality, poverty, and taxation topics, and research agenda presentations by young researchers, and we will have Roy van der Weide (World Bank) as special guest for the event.

More on the event here

Special Event! Oct 26, 2023 - Charles Sabel  presents "Fixing the Climate: Strategies for an Uncertain World"

Thursday Oct 26, 09-11 am

Fixing the Climate: Strategies for an Uncertain World

(in Italian) Seminario di presentazione del volume a cura di Prof. Charles Sabel  (Columbia University - Law School )

In dialogo con l’autore:

Prof.ssa Barbara Annicchiarico (Economia, Roma Tor Vergata e Giurisprudenza, Roma Tre)

Prof. Roberto Baratta (Giurisprudenza, Roma Tre)

Dott. Francesco Ferrante (Legambiente e vicepresidente di Kyoto Club).

Prof. Tommaso Di Marcello (Giurisprudenza, Roma Tre)

Introduce e coordina Salvatore Morelli. Per maggiori informazioni qui

Project approved!  VisitINPS Project 2023-2024 "Long-term working career dynamics and contribution accumulation in the Italian NDC pension system: empirical evidence and policy implications"

Project approved! - Francesca Subioli

VisitINPS Project 2023-2024 "Long-term working career dynamics and contribution accumulation in the Italian NDC pension system: empirical evidence and policy implications"

Our team member Francesca Subioli (collaborator) obtained the approval for the VisitINPS project  "Long-term working career dynamics and contribution accumulation in the Italian NDC pension system: empirical evidence and policy implications" from the Italian National Social Insurance Agency (INPS)

PI: Michele Raitano (Sapienza University of Rome)

Collaborator: Francesca Subioli

Grant award!  Research Grant – PRIN 2022: Wealth, income and consumption inequality after Covid-19

Grant award! - Salvatore Morelli and Franziska Disslbacher

PRIN 2022: Wealth, income and consumption inequality after Covid-19

Our team members Salvatore Morelli (co-PI) and Franziska Disslbacher (collaborator) were awarded a grant of € 202.400 for the project "Wealth, income and consumption inequality after Covid-19" from the Italian Ministry of University and Research. 

PI: Tullio Jappelli (University of Naples Federico II)

co-PI: Salvatore Morelli

Collaborators: Annalisa Scognamiglio, Franziska Disslbacher

Grant award! MOBILITY-PATH: Multidimensional Intergenerational Mobility and Pathways to Upward Mobility

Grant award! - Franziska Disslbacher

MOBILITY-PATH: Multidimensional Intergenerational Mobility and Pathways to Upward Mobility

Our team member Franziska Disslbacher was awarded a grant for her project "MOBILITY-PATH: Multidimensional Intergenerational Mobility and Pathways to Upward Mobility" from the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) following the call Quantitative Data Research: Empirical Social Science

Equipped with € 594.435, Franziska and her research team based at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Central European University will provide comprehensive evidence on intergenerational social mobility and, in particular, its underlying drivers.

MOBILITY-PATH: Multidimensional Intergenerational Mobility and Pathways to Upward Mobility

First, MOBILTY-PATH gathers data to provide novel evidence on the extent of and heterogeneity in intergenerational mobility across multiple dimensions. Second, it gains insights into the mechanisms underlying ISM by tracing children's life-cycle outcomes by parental background. MOBILITY-PATH aims to shed light on the extent to which the luck of being born into a specific family is mitigated or aggravated by early-childhood factors such as neighborhoods and schooling, whether broad-access vocational training schemes and labor market conditions can lead to intergenerational (upward) mobility later in life, and what role tertiary education institutions such as the Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) can play in facilitating mobility.

MOBILITY-PATH can answer these questions by exploiting a novel combination of various individual-level administrative and register datasets. Furthermore, MOBILITY-PATH uncovers causal mechanisms behind intergenerational social mobility by working with novel research designs. To facilitate engagement with stakeholders, including relevant policy-makers and the research community, the team will develop an interactive webpage on intergenerational social mobility and host a podcast.

LISIT Lofoten International Symposium on Inequality and Taxation: June 27-28, 2023

June 27-28, 2023 - Svolvær, Norway 

LISIT Lofoten International Symposium on Inequality and Taxation

The symposium is primarily funded by the Norwegian Research Council and the Law Department of the University of Roma Tre, and jointly organized by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Roma Tre University, University College London CCSEE.

Final programme available here

The GC Wealth Project Website launched in June 2023

Visit the new GC Wealth Project website to begin creating tailored visualizations through the interactive dashboard and to explore research and data — all freely exportable — on wealth and wealth inequalities

Directed by Salvatore Morelli, the GC Wealth Project of the Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality is a multi-year effort aimed at expanding and consolidating access to the most up-to-date research and information on wealth, wealth inequalities, and wealth transfers and related tax policies, across countries and over time.

The site is designed to provide researchers, policymakers, journalists, and others interested in wealth and wealth taxation with open, unlimited access to an array of high-quality information and resources.

More information here!