Meeting Minutes

Upcoming Meeting: 

July 16 | 6:00 PM | 2424 Dr. MLK Jr. Street

CFAC Public Meeting Minutes

July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024

Chair: Jasper

Notes: Charles

Time: Jasper

Present: Bridget, Sierra, Natalie, Dani, James, Harrison, Noah, Ben, Art, Charles, Ruby, Jasper, Fane, Jasmine, Online: Lashonda, Sherdexia

4. Remaining Matters All Tabled to July 9 Meeting

1. Organize a press conference to provide opportunity to clarify any confusion about the two entities. 

2. Press conference team: Sierra, Art, Jasmine, Dani, Bridget, Harrison

I. Sierra suggested buying domain name per Kathy Boyles

Harrison suggested focusing on fiscal sponsor, 

July 2, 2024

July 2, 2024

Chair: Rubi

Notes: Noah

Time: Bridget

Present: Sierra, Natalie, Rubi, Jasmine, Ben, Bridget, Dallas, Noah, Maria, Ezra, Christina, Lashonda, Cecilia, Fane, Dani, Harrison, Art, Anna, Jasper, Ariez, Tawanda, Nicole, Samantha, Rashonda, Gabriela

June 25, 2024 (Community Potluck at Ujamaa Community Book Store, No Notes)

June 18, 2024

18 June 2024

Chair: Brooks 

Notes: Mari

Time: Bryce

Present: Charles, Bridget, Harrison, Noah, Danni, Fane, Brooks, Jasmine, Sierra, Bryce, Natalie, Tyler with Mirror Indy. (everyone consented to photos), Aries, Ben, Samantha W, Kristi

June 11, 2024

Chair: Art, Dani/Bryce

Notes: Mari

Time: Bryce

Present: Charles, Rubi, Fane, Samantha, Art, Harrison, Ben , Dani, Bridget, Natalie, Sierra, Cecilia, Lashonda, Brooks, Bryce, Mari, Jasper

    I. Budget, membership, communications, advisory, and executive committee

June 4, 2024

Chair: Dani/Bryce

Notes: Mari

Time: bridget

Present: Mari, Anna, Jasmine, Sierra, LaShonda, Natalie, Fane, Charles, Rubi, Mimi, Art, Noah, Kristi, Aries, Cynthia, Leo, Christina, Dani, Bridget, Destiny, Bryce, Harrison, Cecilia, Kristi, Alesha, Ben, Ren

May 28, 2024

 Chair: Dani A

Notes: Harrison J

Time: Bryce S

Present: Art, Mandy WJ, Cynthia W, Nicole W, Benjamin T, Bryce S, Sierra N, Anna M, Noah L, Xhandi K, Harrison J, Fane H, Bryce G, Danielle G, Cecilia G, Natalie D, Charles H, Ariez C, Dani A

Sierra: We can dive deeper into later on.

Cecilia: To address the goal of ending food apartheid and ensuring

Charles: Can you repeat the second part

Bryce: Is that all that is in the charter, is there specific goals

Cecillia: Addressing the immediate needs,

Anna: Maybe address what works and what doesn’t work. What are we going to do with that money.

Mandy: Can you repeat the topic


Noting what success looks like, but some kind of quantitative method that we can measure

Sierra: Something Anna said before you talked about, what are we going to do

Bryce: what are the gaps, how can we use that money.  I wonder if that gets us toward the end of this discussion where we can get 

Ben: Maybe we are putting the cart before the horse.

Anna: I completely agree with that.

I really do agree. Since we haven’t gotten the structure yet. We dont have to fully flush out that to start working.

Sierra: How do we want this to look moving forward.  Now we can motion to see how this will look


Sierra: Charter and organization documents. I do have an outline, to be recognized as an organization.

Mandy: I can start doing research and start seeing what is working already around the city.

Dani: can everyone add to that document so that we can discuss that during the next coalition meeting. We dont need to reinvent the wheel

Natalie: Members having experience in representing marginalized people. It seems like, in some ways I feel like activition is a privilege and dont have to spend time advocating for themselves.

Fani: To add that, not having to advocate for themselves, as a trans person. 

Ben: It wasn’t meant to be exclusionary.

Cecila: Can be part of the bylaws.

Siera: Maybe part of that work looks like Maybe as we create that membership requirements. I like what you all brought. Folks may not know how based on their education. 

Dani: Just to add on to that, I didn’t think as an activist. As a black person, I was doing this before I was doing this. I was thinking more about those lines. I am a social worker its not like I’m being an activist. Buy in for membership.

Bryce: I was confused about buy in, because that seems like gatekeeping. What about blocs, how can we form memberships.  Maybe these areas are represented and pull from the areas that aren’t being represented.

Fani: I was talking about buy in, not monetary, but request volunteer buy in. I would like to flush out the bloc idea.

Anna: Buy in, people that are already in there that use other means to “buy in”.

Ben: Not everyone can show up so maybe buy in, in other ways.

Bryce: with a plan of how we will handle memberships. You are essentially going to work on who is a member and who will remain a member.

Dani: If you could pay attention to the online.

Dani: Can we decide with are ok with someone on the executive board being on the membership committee

Bryce: Vote are okay with executive board members being on the membership committee. Majority Ayes

Even tho this is a room full of people, but people might drop off.

Anna: I feel like there may not be people who have the opportunity to be part.

Dani: We want the diversity of thought. 2 maybe enough

Sierra: Proposal to what Cecila says: 5 members of the membership committee with the general body then we won’t need any executive members to join.

Daniella: Alternative proposal: Membership committee may be a permanent position. Have one member from the executive board chairing the committee.

But I think we can still have one to chair it

Do we want a permanent membership committee, Nays

Clarification is permanent or not permanent.

Cecilia: Doesnt mean it will turn permanent after the interim period.

Vote on the interim membership committee, 5-7 volunteer members fill up with the body no executive members with a max of 2 members. Ayes

Volunteers for the membership committee: Anna, Fane, Rubi, Art, Noah

Siera: Julie Burns in creating a coalition. We must speak as a we are coalition. Going to city council meetings and vote on who is on the committee board from the coalition. Open up the discussion of what we want to do as the Indy Food access Coalition.

Food access how long it is going to take us to start having events.

Cecilia: We should invite INDYFAC to events we are holding.

She agress with Cecilia. Food accessibility

Natalie: Dinner and talking with the committee to barriers of food access.

Siera: Pull in what Natalie is doing and follow foodpoliticsIndy on Instagram

Natalie: Julie Burns cannot start her own committee.

Siera: Commission board to support our coalition over what Juilie Burns Coalition creation maybe.

Bryce: They had 3 to 4 years have stalled in making a coalition from Julie Burns.

Siera: Membership committee formed. Meet up when you will meet. Can I write up a outline.  We all work on the mission statement.  Mandy will do research. Feedback form is created. Motion Charter draft of the mission statement and bylaws by June 11th.

May 22, 2024

 Chair: Dani A & Bryce S

Notes: Mari L

Time: Bridget

Present: Art,  Amber, Mandy WJ, Nicole W, Alesha T, Bryce S, Chrissy S, Kristi SW, Ian O, Bridget O, Sierra N, Devyn N, Anna M, Mari L, Noah L, Shalise L, Harrison J, Fane H, Sarah H, Danielle G, Cecilia G, Natalie D, Leonardo C, Ariez C, Brooks B, Julian A, Tina A, Dani A

Proposal of External Advisory Committee – Sierra (2 min)

Proposal of Membership Committee – Sierra (2 min)

Purpose and Mission Statement working group – Sierra (2 min)

Devin: volunteered to make the survey. 

      5. Next Steps – Secretary (5 min)