Indra vs. Zeus: The Final Battle

After Thor had his battle with Indra and decided to concede to his power, he went back to Zeus to talk with him about what had gone on. He told Zeus that he was unable to beat Indra and that they were evenly matched. Zeus was furious. How could someone match the might of Thor who Zeus himself could not beat? Zeus pleaded with Thor that they should take down Indra together because two of them could handily beat him if one could not. Thor refused Zeus' request and told Zeus that he could not help him because he had already had a truce with Indra and would not back down on his word. Zeus became furious with Thor. It seemed as if Thor had completely forgotten whose side he was on. Zeus shouted at Thor for him to leave him immediately and that he would find a way to beat Indra on his own.

Zeus quickly formulated a plan to deal with Indra without the help of Thor. He knew he would probably not be able to beat him on his own so he decided he would have other Greek Gods lie in wait during his battle to ambush Indra at the right time to give Zeus the edge he needed. Zeus departed for the land of Indra with Poseidon and Ares close behind to deal with him once and for all.

A statue of Zeus. Source: Pixabay

Zeus found Indra in much the same way Thor did and told him that his time as a Thunder God was up. Zeus did not say more than that before he started hurling thunderbolts immediately at Indra. Indra jumped back barely dodging Zeus' initial attacks. He summoned his mighty elephant mount and began to fight back. Their battle raged on for some time and neither God could gain an edge over the other. The fight was going much the same as Indra and Thor's fight had gone before. Zeus decided it was time to play his trump card. He lured Indra into a valley where Poseidon and Ares had been lying in wait the whole time. They swarmed Indra all at once and it quickly became too much to handle for him. With Zeus , Poseidon, and Ares there Indra could not land a single blow, although he was able to dodge most of their attacks due to his incredible speed.

Indra could not last against all of his opponents' combined strength. He was about to be overpowered when a flash of lightning from far off in the distance caught everyone off guard. It didn't come from Zeus or Indra so what could it be? Then in an instant it all became clear. Thor had appeared out of nowhere and he was angry. He could not stand the fact that Zeus had played such a dirty hand in his fight with Indra so he had come to intervene. He screamed out to all that could hear that if anyone wanted the fight to continue they would have to deal with Thor as well as Indra. Zeus was shocked and Poseidon and Ares stopped the assault completely because they couldn't handle the combined strength of Thor and Indra. Zeus commanded Poseidon and Ares to leave so he could parlay with Indra and Thor.

Indra, Thor, and Zeus all came together to discuss the situation. Thor told Zeus that he should not have tried to fight so dishonorably or he would not have intervened. Both Indra and Thor gave Zeus an ultimatum. If Zeus would not accept Indra and come to a truce agreement between all of them, he would have to fight Indra and Thor together and likely be defeated. Zeus reluctantly accepted their proposition and left back to his home. Indra thanked Thor for all he had done and soon Thor left as well. Indra had won the respect he deserved from the other Gods and had won his right to the title of Thunder God.

Author's Note: I think that this story was a good way to end the confrontation with the Thunder Gods. Zeus knew he could not handle Indra by himself so he decided to play dirty and have Poseidon and Ares ambush Indra while they fight. Zeus is much less honorable than Thor so it makes sense for him to try playing dirty to gain an edge over Indra. He's played tricks in the past to get what he wants so this time is no different. Thor gets angry a lot and makes rash decisions but he is a man of his word and would never betray that. That is why he came to Indra's aid. He couldn't stand to see Zeus win with such a dishonest trick. Poseidon and Ares were good choices for Zeus to take with him because they are both very powerful Gods in their own right. Ares being the God of War was naturally gifted in combat and Poseidon was Zeus' brother and Lord of the Sea. Poseidon himself was almost the equal of Zeus because they were both one of the three original Greek Gods that came after the Titans. If Thor had not intervened when he had, Indra would have lost for sure against those three very powerful Gods.