Letters to the Editor

July 12, 2007

Write a Letter to The Jackson Sun Editor

Email your letter to Trenee' Truex at ttruex@jacksonsun.com

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January 18, 2018
January 23, 2018

Letters to the editor

Published 11:00 p.m. CT Feb. 16, 2018
Not great-grandpa’s NRA
I grew up in a family where the Second Amendment was revered and demanded respect.
Just like the First Amendment doesn’t provide the right to yell fire or lie under oath, they believed gun ownership demanded responsibility and proper stewardship of those rights. They were happy to see nut jobs lose their noble right to bear arms. They sought purity in the rights handed to them by our forefathers. They took pride in passing that responsibility along to their kids. They sent us to learn safety and marksmanship through the NRA. They drove trucks proudly displaying lifetime member stickers.
Unfortunately, the modern gun owner is just as entitled as the rest of our society. AR-15s are easy to shoot and bring in billions to gun manufacturers. The modern NRA is happy to cash in on our flashy and simple mentality.My great-grandpa would have beat a behind if he saw one of his kids or grandkids posing with a gun like a tough guy. A girl posing with an AR-15 in a bikini would disgust him. Waving a gun around like a moron would bring utter shame to your otherwise respectable family.
We were proud, tough, self-reliant Southerners. Guns were for safety and food. They were not toys or collectors items. It was a big deal to get your first rifle. You kept that rifle in pristine condition and you treated it with respect. There was no “or else.”
This is not my great-grandpa’s NRA. Ammosexuals and school shooters being blindly defended by an organization with unlimited money to spend on politicians? Never!
As an Army veteran and a woman not many generations removed from Arkansas farmers, I cannot stand with the “Modern NRA.”
A real sportsman does not “spray and pray.” Defend your home and family with a steady aim from a well loved pistol. It takes time and practice to be effective with a gun. An AR-15 is a flashy, dangerous toy. Innocent Americans and children are being slaughtered because the toy gun requires no skill or respect. It does, however, make a lot of money for gun manufacturers.
That’s not what the Second Amendment is for. This is not my great-grandpa’s NRA.
Is it yours?
Ambre ScottJackson

14 Oct 2018

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