Calls to Action

Every week, we update this page with current "Calls to Action." Call your elected officials, sign a petition, join a boycott, or write a public comment. You can make calls on your own or join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:00pm as we work through the list of calls together.

To find out who represents you in all levels of government, see our Activist Toolkit page.

07.19.2022 - Reconciliation Bill - Take 2 (fed)

Maybe the US Senate could pass something, anything? Pretty please??

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

07.19.2022 - WHPA & Interstate Travel (Fed)

Call senators to ask that the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA) & the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act are brought to a vote in the US Senate. We want all senators to be on the record regarding their support of reproductive freedom.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

07.19.2022 - Judiciary Act of 2021 (fed)

To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow for twelve associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Increases the number of judges from 9 to 13.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

07.19.2022 - pass the era - take 2 (fed)

The need for a federal ERA is more critial than ever, given the recent SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

07.05.2022 - President Biden Abortion Executive Actions

Call or write Biden to demand he declare a national health emergency related to abortion. As well, we demand he use his executive powers to help people get the reproductive healthcare they need, no matter where they live.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

07.05.2022 - Senator Smith Introduces Protecting Access to Medication Abortion Act (fed)

U.S. Senator Tina Smith recently introduced the Protecting Access to Medication Abortion Act, which would ensure access to medication abortion in states where the right to an abortion is still protected.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

07.05.2022 - support abortion funds and providers (MN)

We need to support organizations that are providing reproductive healthcare and abortion services and fighting for our rights in the courts.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

07.05.2022 - Work to Elect Pro-Choice Candidates (fed and state)

In addition to addressing the immediate needs of abortion access here in MN and around the country, we also need to focus on November at the state and federal level

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

05.24.2022 - Student Debt Cancellation (fed)

Nearly 45 million people owe more than $1.8 trillion in student debt. President Biden has said he will announce plans to address this crisis soon.

Details: Click Here

Details: Click Here

05.24.2022 - Lower Prescription Drugs (fed)

President Biden has the power to dramatically lower the costs of essential drugs like EpiPens, asthma inhalers, HIV/AIDS drugs, and cancer treatments.

Details: Click Here

Details: Click Here

05.24.2022 - Do your job: Special Session (MN)

We are contacting the House and Senate leadership and Gov Walz and demanding that they do the job they are elected to do, conduct a special session and pass the remaining omnibus bills. Minnesotans deserve better from their elected officials.

Details: Click Here

Details: Click Here

05.24.2022 - saint paul reparations (local)

For St Paul residents only: Urge your city council member to vote "yes" to form a permanent Community Reparations Commission to serve as an advisory body to the mayor and city council to repair the damage caused by public and private systemic racism.

Details: Click Here

Details: Click Here

05.17.2022 - Elections and Voting (MN)

Support the elections provisions from the House version of the Omnibus State Government and Finance and Elections bill.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

05.17.2022 - Housing provisions in Omnibus (MN)

Ask Conference Committee Members to retain the housing provisions from the House version (from HF4366) in the Omnibus Agriculture, Housing and Broadband bill.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

05.17.2022 - Fair Redistricting (MN)

We thought redistricting was done, think again. There are still efforts (on both sides of the aisle) to adjust maps put forward by MN judiciary. These efforts should be facilitated appropriately through bills submitted in the legislature - not in back rooms with closed doors. Please complete this Common Cause MN CTA.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

05.10.2022 - pro ACT and patients' right to know act (MN)

Pass the Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act and the Patients’ Right to Know Act

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

05.10.2022 - Education Omnibus 2022 (MN)

Ask your senator and senate leadership to support the house version of the Pre-K and K-12 Education Omnibus bill

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

05.10.2022 - Relieve Student Loan Debt (FED)

Request Biden leverage executive powers to offer student loan relief.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

05.10.2022 - equal rights amendment (fed)

On 1/27 President Biden asked Congress to pass a resolution recognizing ratification of the ERA. Reps. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) introduced a resolution to recognize that the Equal Rights Amendment has met all legal requirements to be considered the 28th constitutional amendment.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

05.10.2022 - women's health protection act (fed)

Given the ruling that is coming down from the Supreme Court regarding Roe v Wade, the Senate needs to act now to pass the Women's Health Protection Act.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

04.19.2022 - Study Maternal mortality and Morbidity (MN)

Support the Black Maternal Health Caucus agenda to improve maternal and infant health outcomes.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

04.19.2022 - SCOTUS Ethical Standards (fed)

Should sitting Supreme Court justices have to follow a code of ethics?

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

04.19.2022 - The Budget Surplus (MN)

Minnesota has amassed a large budget surplus, almost half of which are one-time dollars. The surplus must be used to build a more equitable and inclusive Minnesota where everyone, no matter their race or their region, can thrive.

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

04.19.2022 - no-knock warrants (mn)

Request House floor vote for bill to restrict use of no-knock warrants HF3398

Details: Click here

Details: Click here

04.05.2022 - Governor's Supplemental Housing Budget, Housing Finance & Policy Omnibus bill (MN)

Housing Omnibus bill, Funding for Affordable Housing. Ask Housing Finance and Policy Committee members to pass out of committee. (HF4376 DE2, authored by Rep. Hausman)


04.05.2022 - Paid Family and Medical Leave (MN)

Contact the leaders of the Labor and Industry Policy Committee in the Senate and request that they hold hearings and bring this bill forward.


04.05.2022 - Tweet @ Schumer to bring back revised reconciliation bill this spring (fed)



03.22.2022 - Fully Fund our schools (mn)

Contact chair of education commitee in the house and senateThere is no surplus until our schools are fully funded


03.22.2022 - Rent Stabilization Ban (MN)

This bill would ban cities in Minnesota from implementing rent stabilization . It would revoke the rent stablization efforts voted on by St. Paul voters last November and would not allow voters in Minneapolis to decide for themselves to implement rent stablilization.


03.22.2022 - MN Department of Natural Resources Mining Conflict of Interest Act (MN)

Ask your senator and legislator to support eliminating the conflict of interest between mineral regulation and promotion in the Department of Natural Resources by reassigning responsibility for development and economic analysis of state minerals to the Department of Employment and Economic Development.


03.22.2022 - Protect Election Workers and Fund Election Security (MN)

Contact your Minnesota Senator and ask that they author companion legislation to HF3666 & HF3870 and support passage of election securtiy legislation. Contact your Minnesota House Representative and ask that they coauthor and support passage.


03.08.2022 - ERA in MinnesotA (MN)

The Equal Rights Amendment needs a hearing in the Minnesota Senate.



03.08.2022 - EQUALITY ACT (FED)

Protect Trans Youth! In advance of the midterms, Republicans in several states are using trans and LGBTQ kids as political pawns, proposing and passing legislation and executive orders that target LGBTQ kids. These actions have a direct negative impact on the mental health of LGBTQ kids. The federal Equality Act would prohibit such legislation and executive action and protect LGBTQ kids from this type of bullying. We want to thank Klobuchar and Smith for co-sponsoring the bill and urge them to raise awareness about the fact that Republicans are using LGBTQ kids and their families as political pawns and the very real mental health risk these kids face whenever such legislation or executive action is proposed or passed.


03.08.2022 - Missing and Murdered Black Women and Girls Bill (MN)

This bill requests the formation of an office focused on addressing the issue of missing and murdered black women and girls.


03.08.2022 - period bill (MN)

The proposed bill would require all Minnesota districts to provide free menstrual products in school restrooms for grades four through 12.


02.08.2022 - Regulate No Knock Warrants (MN)

Amir Locke was killed by Minneapolis police as they carried out a no knock warrant at the apartment where he was staying. This was after Mayor Frey had supposedly placed a ban on the practice. We will contact our state reps asking them to pass legislation to regulate the use of no knock warrants.


02.08.2022 - MN Health Plan Legislative Caucus (MN)

Congratulate Senator Marty for an important landmark in his quest for universal health care, establishment of The Minnesota Health Plan Legislative Caucus. Thank him for his work. Urge committee chairs to hold hearings to further legislation co-authored by Senator Marty and Representative Frazier that will guarantee that healthcare is available and affordable for every Minnesotan. (HF1774/SF1643)


02.08.2022 - Support ERA resolution (fed)

On 1/27 President Biden asked Congress to pass a resolution recognizing ratification of the ERA. Reps. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) introduced a resolution to recognize that the Equal Rights Amendment has met all legal requirements to be considered the 28th constitutional amendment.


02.08.2022 - build back better (bbb) Act - Climate provisions (fed)

There is some discussion about separating the climate provisions and working to pass them. While there seems to be some support, this CTA simply notes the importance of passing BBB and specifically discusses the climate provisions.


01.25.2022 - Thank you President Biden on your first year in office (fed)

Biden's approval ratings are LOW. American's have short memories and we need to share our approval with Biden - "we've got his back"


01.25.2022 - Lift ERA Blockade (fed)

Urge Bident to lift the blockade on the ERA amendment imposed by the Trump administration


01.25.2022 - thank you senators (fed)

Thank you for working hard to pass national standards for elections and supporting elimination or reform of the filibuster. Please continue to seek parts of the legislation which can pass the Senate.


01.25.2022 - Budget Surplus and Funding Schools (mn)

Minnesota has a budget surplus of 7 Billion, and our schools continue to be under-funded. Ask your House Rep and State Senator to support HF2657, to fully fund special education services.



01.11.2022 - Voting Rights/Filibuster (fed)

Pass Freedom to Vote and John Lewis Voting rights by carving out a voting rights exception to the fillibuster


01.11.2022 - Stop Direct Contracting Entities (DCEs) from taking over traditional Medicare

Act now to halt the Direct Contracting (DC) program, which will end Medicare as we know it. Ask HHS and federal representatives to end the program and provide real oversight of Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Innovation Center, and protect Medicare for future generations.


01.11.2022 - social studies standards (MN)

We need your help to ensure the Department of Education hears what Minnesotans who care about racial justice want out of their Social Studies classes


12.14.2021 - Stop Line 3 Day of Action

December 14th marks the one-year anniversary of the first large-scale arrest during nonviolent direct action against the Line 3 Pipeline. To recognize the event, MN350, Rainforest Action Network, Honor the Earth, and others are holding a national Stop Line 3 Day of Action.


12.14.2021 - Stop Proposed Copper-nickel Mining Near the Boundary Waters

This is a CTA to send public comment on or before January 19, 2022 to the BLM to support a proposed 20-year moratorium on copper-nickel-sulfide mining near the Boundary Waters.


12.14.2021 - Push to Preserve Our Democracy

Implore President Biden and VP Harris to make passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act their highest priority


12.14.2021 - now the senate needs to pass the women's health protection act

The recent line of questioning by SCOTUS of Dobbs vs Jackson's Womens Health indicates a willingness to either reverse or whittle down the access to abortion. We need to pass federal legislation that would ensure free and fair access to abortions.


11.09.2021 - Enbridge Aquifer Breach Non-Compliance

Enbridge misses deadline to repair aquifer breach created during the construction of its replacement Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline. Push Gov. Walz and the MN DNR to take a stronger stance


11.09.2021 - National Indivisible Push for Freedom to Vote

Tweet storm our senators and POTUS regarding the urgent need to pass Freedom to Vote


10.12.2021 - People Vs. Fossil Fuels (fed)

From Oct. 11-15 thousands are taking action at the White House, participating in civil disobedience, and demanding that President Biden choose a side: People vs. Fossil Fuels.


10.12.2021 - Filibuster reform (we aren't giving up)

Reform/eliminate Senate filibuster rules, so that the Freedom to Vote Act, John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act can be signed into law.


10.12.2021 - Expand the Supreme Court (fed)

This is a thank you to Senator Smith for being bold and co-signing the bill to expand the supreme court


10.12.2021 - women's health protection act (fed)

Ten thousand gathered in Minneapolis last week at "Bans Off Our Bodies" the march for reproductive rights. We will not go back.



09.28.2021 - vote to end the filibuster already (fed)

We are not giving up until the Senate does the right thing and votes to end the archaic filibuster. Our Democracy is at stake, truly.


09.28.2021 - pass the women's health protection act (federal)

The House got the job done, now the Senate needs to pass the Women's Health Protection Act



09.28.2021 - Join us for Bans ofF our Bodies March

Invite your friends and other members of Indivisible St. Paul to show up for the "Bans Off Our Bodies March". We'll provide a list of names (if you need one).


09.14.2021 - Budget Reconciliation Package - Build Back Better (federal)

Grassroots advocacy over the next month is going to be absolutely critical in winning an inclusive recovery package that fights climate change and makes peoples’ lives better. We need to ensure that a transformative reconciliation package is ready to go by September 27 and that it includes all our top priorities.


09.14.2021 - pass the women's health protection act (federal)

The Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA): federal legislation that will protect the right to access abortion care throughout the United States.


09.14.2021 - protect reproductive health in MN

Tell your MN House Rep and MN State Senator that you want them to pass The Protect Reproductive Options Act and The Patients’ Right to Know Act



08.10.2021 - democracy can't wait (fed)

August 10th is a day of action to push the Senate to pass the For the People Act & end the filibuster.


07.27.2021 - stop line 3

Continue to pressure our elected officials to Stop Line 3, and use Social Media to amplify our message.


07.27.2021 - pass for the people act now (fed)

There has not been enough action on moving the For the People Act forward in the Senate. We need to keep up the pressure.


07.27.2021 - thank mcCollum (or your rep) for appropriations projects

Thank Rep. McCollum (or your rep) for recent projects that advanced through Appropriations.


07.13.2021 - pass for the people act now (fed)

Contact Chuck Schumer and insist that he does what it takes to eliminate the filibuster and pass S1


07.13.2021 - STOP LINE 3 ALREADY! (MN)

Enbridge recently requested 5 BILLION additional gallons of water be moved to allow for passage of the line, putting water tables and wild rice beds at risk; Last week enbridge hit an aquafier in the Willow River


07.13.2021 - gratitude (mn)

The legislative session has closed. Call or email your state representative or senator (or your favorite rep/sen) and thank them for a specific piece of legislation they helped get passed this past session.


07.13.2021 - tell governor walz - we need you to be bold

If Gov. Walz wants to be re-elected, he cannot shrink from this moment. He needs to clearly defend his actions, but more than that, needs to lean into this moment to deliver what the budget did not for his base.



06.22.2021 - Tell MN House GOP to "Do their jobs" (MN)

Tell the MN GOP to stop politicking and get the job done


06.22.2021 - Support Riverview Streetcar Project - Ramsey County

Write a public comment in support of proposed Riverview Corridor Streetcar Project and/or write a letter


06.22.2021 - Support S.1. For the People (FED)

This piece of legislation holds a number of key aspects of democracy reform. Passing it is CRITICAL to increasing the possibility of holding the House in 2022.


06.11.2021 - police accountability Bills (MN) - Follow-up from the Third Thursday event

This is the Call to Action from the Friday, June 11th "Third Thursday" event with Representative Carlos Mariani, Chair of the Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee for the Minnesota House. Huge gratitude to Rep. Mariani for his time and expertise and for the forthrightness of his observations about what transformative public safety needs to look like. Plus his civic activism strategy pro-tips for the upcoming Special Session.

In case you weren’t able to make it, here is the recording:

And here is our Call to Action doc capturing what we learned last night:

06.08.2021 - Create and fund MMIR Office (MN)

2019 Commission was formed to investitage and recommend actions related to MMIR. They recommended the formation and funding of a permanent MMIR office. Follow their recommendation.


06.08.2021 - Negotiate an effective and fair eviction off-ramp (MN)

Evictions were paused during the pandemic. Now they need to negotiate a fair and effective off-ramp that represents the interests of residents and landlords.


06.08.2021 - Support the American Jobs Plan (fed)

Key week to come to some kind of resolution on the American Jobs Plan. Biden seeking some GOP support. GOP does not want to include any of the climate initiatives.


06.08.2021 - Take action to stop the gun violence in Mpls (local)

Ask your state legislators/Mpls city council members to fund organizations that provide assistance with housing, jobs, food, as well as youth services and gun violence interruption. And pass some gun reforms laws.


06.08.2021 - thank tina smith (fed)

Thank Senator Smith for calling for Biden to expand Medicare benefits and to cancel $50K student debt.



05.24.2021 - Fund our Students' Future- Omnibus Education Bill (MN)

Legislative leaders have agreed to increase state funding for Pre-K-12 by $525 million over the next two years, but they haven’t decided how that money will be spent yet. Tell key Dems involved in those negotiations to continue to stand strong for public schools and invest in policies that help families and students hit hardest by the pandemic.


05.24.2021 - Fund Equitable & Sustainable Transportation (MN)

Transportation Omnibus - fund equitable and sustainable transportation


05.24.2021 - Submit Comments to the Postal Regulatory Commission (FED)

Postmaster Louis DeJoy has created a 10-year "Delivering for America Plan" for the USPS that will slow down delivery of first class mail, shut down rural post offices, shift the priority of the USPS to packages, shift from air carriers to trucks all while increasing costs by 44 billion dollars.


05.24.2021 - St Paul Inclusionary Zoning Study (St. Paul)

Urge St Paul Planning Department to issue its Inclusionary Zoning Study


05.17.2021 - Stop evictions of Palestinian families (Fed)

Call on Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to put diplomatic pressure to halt evictions of Palestinians families from their homes.



05.17.2021 - Environment & Natural Resources (MN)

The GOP is holding the E&NR omnibus bill hostage over clean cars. They are also folding in budgeting for items that should be in the bonding bills. They are consistently not showing up for committee meetings. Bottom line, they are failing to do their job.


05.17.2021 - fund our future (MN)

We are asking leadership to fully fund our government and raising taxes on the wealthy and not relying on one time Federal relief dollars in the 2021/22 budget.


05.17.2021 - The thrive agenda - Ask Klobuchar and smith to co-sponsor (fed)

The THRIVE Act demands that the recovery fight be grounded in climate, jobs, and justice. It's about making THRIVE sized investments in the economy, going big on the scope of recovery, and including strong cross cutting climate, equity, and labor standards.


05.10.2021 - Fully Fund Minnesota Government

We are supporting the work of several labor unions and progressive community organizations, by asking our representatives to support budgets that fund our state government.


05.10.2021 - police accountability (mn)

Urge your contacts in GOP districts to call their reps on Police Accountability.


05.10.2021 - cancel 50K in student loan debt (fed)

Ask President Biden to use his Executive Action authority to cancel 50K in student loan debt.


05.10.2021 - The thrive agenda - Ask Klobuchar and smith to co-sponsor (fed)

The THRIVE Act demands that the recovery fight be grounded in climate, jobs, and justice. It's about making THRIVE sized investments in the economy, going big on the scope of recovery, and including strong cross cutting climate, equity, and labor standards.


05.03.2021 - Support 3 Environmental Omnibus Bills (MN)

Ask your senator to support the house version of all 3 environmental bills.


05.03.2021 - police accountability in omnibus (mn)

The Public Safety omnibus is going into conference committee this week. The House version contains police accountability measures. The Senate version does not. Urge the conferees and others to keep the P.A. measure sin the final P.S. omnibus bill.


05.03.2021 - Support House and Gov Walz version of Education Omnibus (MN)

The education budget proposals by Gov. Tim Walz and House DFL leaders represent strong first steps toward fully funding our schools. We reject the senate version.


05.03.2021 - Voting Rights (MN)

Ensure that the SF state government omnibus strikes language associated with requiring Voter ID, Provisional Balloting and banning local authorities from implementing Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)


05.03.2021 - COVID Vaccine Equity (fed)

Urge Biden to support the World Trade Organization (WTO) in adopting a temporary waiver of IP rights around COVID 19 vaccine etc.


05.03.2021 - The thrive agenda - Ask Klobuchar and smith to co-sponsor (fed)

The THRIVE Act demands that the recovery fight be grounded in climate, jobs, and justice. It's about making THRIVE sized investments in the economy, going big on the scope of recovery, and including strong cross cutting climate, equity, and labor standards.


04.26.2021 - Demand passage of police accountability legislation (MN)

Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka is declining to hold hearings on police accountability reforms. Senator Warren Limmer, who leads the Judiciary and Public Safety committee, has held no hearings on police accountability this year. Demand the Senators hold these hearings and move the proposed reform legislation forward.

Details and script:

04.26.2021 - Support House and Gov Walz version of Education Omnibus (MN)

The education budget proposals by Gov. Tim Walz and House DFL leaders represent strong first steps toward fully funding our schools. We reject the senate version.


04.26.2021 - Increase refugee cap (federal)

Ask Biden to increase refugee cap to at least 35,000 and ask Senators Klobuchar, Smith and/or your rep to pressure him to do so as well

Details and script:

04.26.2021 - Keep up pressure on Democracy Reform (federal)

We can't let up. Democracy reforms can't wait. Call Klobuchar, Smith, and your Rep and remind them that we need democracy reform to happen.

Details and script:

04.19.2021 - pass police accountability bills (MN)

Get state Rep. to vote yes on PA bills and keep them in the PS onibus. Get the Senate to hear PA bills.


04.19.2021 - End Qualified Immunity (Senate version)

Call Senators Klobuchar and Smith to ask that they co-sponsor Senate Bill 492, the Ending Qualified Immunity Act. We called on House Bill 2 weeks ago, haven't called Senators yet


04.19.2021 - End Operation Safety Net (MN)

Stop the militarization of peaceful protests by the state, city and county.


04.19.2021 - Support 3 Environmental Omnibus Bills - mn]

Ask your senator to support the house version of all 3 environmental bills.


04.12.2021 - establish MMIW (missing & murdered indigenous women) Office

Call Senate Judicary Committee to hold hearings on the MMIW Office Bill and call Senators to support including the bill in the Senate Public Safety Omnibus Bill the way it has been included in the House PS Omnibus


04.12.2021 - Outlaw White Supremacy in MN Law Enforcement

Call Senate Judiciary committee and ask to reconsider NO vote on including this bill in their Public Safety omnibus.


04.12.2021 - police accountability in MN

Police Accountability: End the Statute of Limitations for Lawsuits for Wrongful Deaths Caused by Police and End Qualified Immunity


04.12.2021 - DC Statehood digital week of action (fed)

Let your network know that you support DC Statehood. On Wednesday, April 14th, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform will mark-up H.R. 51, the DC Statehood bill. It’s an important moment in the fight for D.C. statehood and will be only the second markup of the bill in Congress since 1993.


04.05.2021 - End Police-Only Response to Mental Health 911 Calls (MN)

Call Senate Judiciary Committee to get a hearing for SF1924 to end police-only responses to Mental Health 911 Calls.


04.05.2021 - ECO Act : Energy Conservation & Optimization Act. HF164 / SF 227 (MN)

This is a bipartisian bill in both the House and Senate (HF164/SF227) and focuses on how we use energy. It proposes making common-sense updates to our state’s energy efficiency program, thereby reducing energy costs and generating new local jobs. It calls for an increase in annual energy-savings goals, and how much a utility must spend on energy conservation programs for low-income households.


04.05.2021 - end qualified immunity (fed)

Call Representatives to get them to act as Co-sponsors on The Ending Qualified Immunity Act of 2021


04.05.2021 - stop construction on line 3 (federal)

Keep up the pressure! Email the White House (again) and request that President Biden stop construction on Line 3. Also call your US Reps and ask them to continue to put pressure on Biden to stop Line 3.


04.05.2021 - solar for st paul public schools

Sign a petition to demand that St Paul Public Schools transition to a renewable future and drive change.

Sign the Petition:

03.29.2021 - ramsey county police accountability (local)

Call Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher and County Commissioners to demand an immediate, external investigation into the alleged choking of an 11-year-old boy by a Sheriff's deputy

Details: Call on Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher and your Ramsey County Commissioner (the Commissioners are over the Sheriff's office) to have a thorough, external investigation conducted into allegations of recent police brutality against an 11-y-o boy during the arrest of his older brother, including releasing the body cam video.

03.29.2021 - close sexual assault loophole (mn)

Call State Reps and Senators and Urge passing bill to close loophole in Sexual Assault law so that rapists can be prosecuted when victims are mentally incapacitated due to voluntary intoxication


Earlier this year Representatives Kelly Moller (D) and Marion O’Neill (R) introduced the bipartisan bill HF707 to close this loophole based upon recommendations of the CSC Statutory Reform Working Group. Among other things, this bill changes the definition of mentally incapacitation to include people who lose capacity as a result of having taken drugs or alcohol.

Last week, the proposed legislation gained new traction after the Minnesota Supreme Court confirmed that the current law does not permit prosecution for sexual assault if the victim chose to be drunk.


03.29.2021 - state funding for rondo land bridge (mn)

Support funding for pre-development planning for the Rondo Land Bridge, recommending the historic Rondo neighborhood. Call State reps and urge them to sign on to the bill. Ask Senate leadership to hear the bill in Transporation and Finance


03.29.2021 - pass for the people act/dc statehood (fed)

Tell Sens. Klobuchar and Smith to pass S1/S51 without letting the filibuster get in the way


03.22.2021 - Stop Line 3 Construction - AG Ellison (MN)

Contact AG Keith Ellison to request he ask the court of appeals to halt construction of Line 3 while the appeals are being heard and decided.


03.22.2021 - Hate Crime Act (MN)

Legislation that further defines a hate crime, closing loopholes that misclassify hateful incidents. Call your state Senator to ask them to support this bill and get it heard in the Senate and passed into law.


03.22.2021 - DC Statehood (federal)

Call your US House Rep and urge them to support HR51, the DC Statehood bill


03.22.2021 - withdrawal of resolution 21-6 (St. Paul)

Resolution 21-6 amending Chapter 366A of the Legislative Code was pending before the City Council of the City of Saint Paul. It attempted to impose constraints on the citizens to publicly assemble to protest issues of concern to those citizens within the city limits of Saint Paul. Call your City Council member to thank them for withdrawing this resolution.


03.22.2021 - Tell the US Senate: Take action on gun violence (federal)

The U.S. House just passed background checks legislation. Now, it's the Senate's time to act. The Senate must support gun safety and help deliver the first federal gun safety law in over 25 years.



03.15.2021 - Thank you for American Rescue Plan and keep pressure on democracy reforms (federal)

Call MoCs to thank them for supporting the American Rescue Plan. Also ask them to support S.1 For the People, the John Lewis Voting Rights act & DC statehood.


03.15.2021 - End driver's license suspensions for unpaid tickets (minnesota)

Ends driver’s license suspensions for failure to pay a traffic ticket • Maintains the collections system for unpaid tickets and other court debt • Eliminates the tacked-on suspension period after paying a fine for driving after suspension


03.15.2021 - Get a hearing for SF800 - Philando Castile Omnibus bill (minnesota)

We need to end systemic racism and racial injustice, and to stabilize African American families and communities by investing in African American and African immigrant communities across the state.


03.15.2021 - Fair and Equitable Jury Selection (twin cities)

The people need and demand a fair trial in the case of Derek Chauvin, the law enforcement officer who killed George Floyd. For this trial to be fair, however, EVERY trial element - including the selection of a jury that accurately represents our community - must be fair. That is currently not the case: inconsistencies in the selection of jury members have included the striking of a bilingual Latinx juror for being "not sophisticated" enough to understand the trial.


03.15.2021 - power to the people (st. Paul)

Thank you to member of the SP City Council for removing Ordinance 21-6 from consideration. We are interested in and will remain alert to any legislation that addresses police reform.

03.15.2021 - prove-it first (minnesota)

There is the possibility that we can get some positive movement on the Prove it First legislation that seeks to protect northern waters from horrible mining practices. We need to call House Leader Hortman and insist on a hearing.


03.08.2021 - Pass For the People Act and DC Statehood (federal)

We're calling on this every week until it passes! Keep the pressure on and ask (aka "demand") Sens. Klobuchar and Smith to pass S1/S51 without letting the filibuster get in the way. Details:

03.08.2021 - Minnesota democracy reform (minnesota)

Democracy Reform bill needs a committee hearing in the Senate. HF 9 Voter Registration related provisions modified.


03.08.2021 - raise the minimum wage (federal)

Increase the federal minimum wage to $15 with the Raise the Wage Act. Details:

03.08.2021 - ban K-3 suspensions/expulsions (minnesota)

Support SF1048, a bill to ban suspending or expelling K-3 students from school. Details:

03.08.2021 - defund line 3 (Minnesota)

On March 31st, a $2.2 billion loan to Enbridge, the company behind the Line 3 tar sands pipeline, is due for renewal by 18 major banks. Between now and then, we’re going to do everything we can to get those banks to walk away from that toxic loan.

For details, visit:

03.01.2021 - Pass For the People Act and DC Statehood (federal)

Ask Sens. Klobuchar and Smith to pass S1/S51 without letting the filibuster get in the way. Details:

03.01.2021 - Power To The People (local/St. Paul)

The St. Paul City Council is considering an ordinance (21-6) that enhances the power of police by increasing regulations targeting protesters, threatening to take us back to Jim Crow-era Black Codes that criminalized gatherings of Black people. For the details:

For the details:

03.01.2021 - stop construction on line 3 (minnesota)

Email the White House and request that President Biden stop construction on Line 3. Click here for details and Call to Action:

Click here for details and Call to Action:

03.01.2021 - increase teacher of color act (minnesota)

HF217 - Increase Teachers of Color Act, author Rep. Hassan (62A,DFL), 20 co-authors. This new, improved version of previous Increase Teachers of Color Act (2019/20) aims to strengthen programs and policies to attract, prepare and retain more teachers of Color and American Indian teachers in MN. This bill is endorsed by over 20 organizations. Click here for details and Call to Action:

Click here for details and Call to Action: