Python Application Programming (CS-20)

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How to install software required for CS20

Very important!. If you struggle to get this done before CS 20 class at Merritt college start, I am here for one-on-one help. Please make an appointment with me asap.

If you have your own computer which is not browser based like a Chromebook, then install Python 3.10 or above. Please update to the latest if you already have Python 3 installed following this guide and follow the rest of this guide for installing Jupyter notebook and PyCharm. Please do not install Python 2 (2.7 etc).

If you have a Chromebook or browsing only computer, then use Google Colaboratory. For this, you need a Google account and Google will save your files to your Google drive. Also till you get the local installation done, you can use this resource as a plan B.

Please do this before the instruction begins. Packages can be downloaded here: All of the software below are free and opensource. Please do not purchase paid versions unless you really wants to buy. Please follow the instructions linked below carefully for your operating system.


Please carefully follow these guides for Windows installations. Note that the instructions may be a bit intimidating to some of you. If you have trouble please understand that there is a plan B of using Google Colaboratory till we install properly. I can also help you with installation one-on-one.

  1. Detailed installation guide is linked here. Alternatively you can watch the video here.

  2. Make sure to update the path. See the detailed installation above or watch the video here.

  3. Install Jupyter notebook or PyCharm or both:

    1. For Jupyter notebook you may follow this guide or the video here.

    2. Once done follow Running the Notebook to run for the first time

    3. To install PyCharm. Please select the Community edition linked and run the installer and follow on screen instructions. You may also follow the video here.


Please carefully follow these guides for Mac installations. Note that the instructions may be a bit intimidating to some of you. If you have trouble please understand that there is a plan B of using Google Colaboratory till we install properly. I can also help you with installation one-on-one.

  1. Detailed installation guide is here. Alternatively you can watch the video here.

  2. Install Jupyter notebook or PyCharm or both:

    1. For Jupyter notebook you may follow this guide or the video here.

    2. Once done follow Running the Notebook to run for the first time

To install PyCharm. Please select Community edition linked and run the installer and follow on screen instructions. You may also follow the video here.