Indigenous Science

March for Science

Letter of Support

To the March for Science, DC and satellite marches across the nation and the world:

As Indigenous scientists, agency professionals, tribal professionals, educators, traditional practitioners, family, youth, elders and allies from Indigenous communities and homelands all over the living Earth we

Endorse and Support the March for Science.

As original peoples, we have long memories, centuries old wisdom and deep knowledge of this land and the importance of empirical, scientific inquiry as fundamental to the well-being of people and planet.

Let us remember that long before Western science came to these shores, there were Indigenous scientists here. Native astronomers, agronomists, geneticists, ecologists, engineers, botanists, zoologists, watershed hydrologists, pharmacologists, physicians and more—all engaged in the creation and application of knowledge which promoted the flourishing of both human societies and the beings with whom we share the planet. We give gratitude for all their contributions to knowledge. Native science supported indigenous culture, governance and decision making for a sustainable future –the same needs which bring us together today.

As we endorse and support the March for Science, let us acknowledge that there are multiple ways of knowing that play an essential role in advancing knowledge for the health of all life. Science, as concept and process, is translatable into over 500 different Indigenous languages in the U.S. and thousands world-wide. Western science is a powerful approach, but it is not the only one.

Indigenous science provides a wealth of knowledge and a powerful alternative paradigm by which we understand the natural world and our relation to it. Embedded in cultural frameworks of respect, reciprocity, responsibility and reverence for the earth, Indigenous science lies within a worldview where knowledge is coupled to responsibility and human activity is aligned with ecological principles and natural law, rather than against them. We need both ways of knowing if we are to advance knowledge and sustainability.

Let us March not just for Science-but for Sciences!

We acknowledge and honor our ancestors and draw attention to the ways in which Indigenous communities have been negatively impacted by the misguided use of Western scientific research and institutional power. Our communities have been used as research subjects, experienced environmental racism, extractive industries that harm our homelands and have witnessed Indigenous science and the rights of Indigenous peoples dismissed by institutions of Western science.

While Indigenous science is an ancient and dynamic body of knowledge, embedded in sophisticated cultural epistemologies, it has long been marginalized by the institutions of contemporary Western science. However, traditional knowledge is increasingly recognized as a source of concepts, models, philosophies and practices which can inform the design of new sustainability solutions. It is both ancient and urgent.

Indigenous science offers both key insights and philosophical frameworks for problem solving that includes human values, which are much needed as we face challenges such as climate change, sustainable resource management, health disparities and the need for healing the ecological damage we have done.

Indigenous science informs place-specific resource management and land-care practices important for environmental health of tribal and federal lands. We require greater recognition and support for tribal consultation and participation in the co-management, protection, and restoration of our ancestral lands.

Indigenous communities have partnered with Western science to address environmental justice, health disparities, and intergenerational trauma in our communities. We have championed innovation and technology in science from agriculture to medicine. New ecological insights have been generated through sharing of Indigenous science. Indigenous communities and Western science continue to promote diversity within STEM fields. Each year Indigenous people graduate with Ph.D.’s, M.D.’s, M.S.’s and related degrees that benefit our collective societies. We also recognize and promote the advancement of culture-bearers, Elders, hunters and gatherers who strengthen our communities through traditional practices.

Our tribal communities need more culturally embedded scientists and at the same time, institutions of Western science need more Indigenous perspectives. The next generation of scientists needs to be well- positioned for growing collaboration with Indigenous science. Thus we call for enhanced support for inclusion of Indigenous science in mainstream education, for the benefit of all. We envision a productive symbiosis between Indigenous and Western knowledges that serve our shared goals of sustainability for land and culture. This symbiosis requires mutual respect for the intellectual sovereignty of both Indigenous and Western sciences.

As members of the Indigenous science community, we endorse and support the March for Science – and we encourage Indigenous people and allies to participate in the national march in DC or a satellite march. Let us engage the power of both Indigenous and Western science on behalf of the living Earth.

Let our Indigenous voices be heard.

In solidarity,


If you are an ally, please write "ally" under tribal affiliation.


1. Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer (Citizen Potawatomi Nation), Professor of Environmental and Forest Biology, Director Center for Native Peoples and the Environment, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY

2. Dr. Rosalyn LaPier (Blackfeet/Metis), Research Associate, Women's Studies, Environmental Studies, and Native American Religion. Harvard Divinity School

3. Dr. Melissa K. Nelson (Turtle Mountain Chippewa), Associate Professor of American Indian Studies, San Francisco State University, President of the Cultural Conservancy, San Francisco, CA

4. Dr. Kyle P. Whyte (Citizen Potawatomi Nation), Timnick Chair in the Humanities, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Community Sustainability, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

5. Neil Patterson, Jr. (Tuscarora) Assistant Director, Center for Native Peoples and the Environment, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY and EPA Tribal Science Council.

6. Dr. Patty Loew, Professor, Department of Life Sciences Communication. University of Wisconsin-Madison

7. Patricia Cochran (Inupiat), Executive Director, Alaska Native Science Commission, Anchorage, AK

8. Dr. Gregory A. Cajete (Tewa-Santa Clara Pueblo), Director of Native American Studies-University College, Professor of Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies-College of Education, University of New Mexico

9. Dr. Deborah McGregor (Anishinaabe), Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair, Indigenous Environmental Justice, Osgoode Hall Law School and Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University

10. Leroy Little Bear (Blackfoot), Professor Emeritus, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

11. Dr. Karletta Chief (Navajo), Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science. University of Arizona

12. Leslie Harper (Leech Lake Ojibwe), President, National Coalition of Native American Language Schools and Programs

13. Namaka Rawlins (Hawaiian), Aha Punana Leo, Hilo, Hawaii

14. Abaki Beck (Blackfeet/Metis), Founder, POC Online Classroom and Co-Editor of Daughters of Violence Zine

15. Dr. Scott Herron (Miami/Anishinaabe), Professor of Biology, Ferris State University and Society of Ethnobiology President

16. Bill McKibben (Ally), Founder and Senior Fellow

17. Chris Caldwell (Menominee Nation), Director of Sustainable Development Institute at College of Menominee Nation

18. Jerry Jondreau (Keweenaw Bay Indian Community/Ojibwe), Director of Recruiting, Michigan Technological University - School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

19. Dr. Shelly Valdez (Pueblo of Laguna), Native Pathways, Laguna, NM

20. Melonee Montano (Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), Traditional Ecological Knowledge Outreach Specialist, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission

21. Nicholas J. Reo (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians), Assistant Professor of Native American and Environmental Studies, Dartmouth College

22. Dr. Daniela Shebitz (Ally), Associate Professor/Coordinator of Environmental Biology and Sustainability, Kean University

23. Denise Waterman (Haudenosaunee: Oneida Nation), Educator, Onondaga Nation School

24. J. Baird Callicott (Ally), University Distinguished Research Professor, UNT

25. Dr. Nancy C. Maryboy (Cherokee/Dine), Indigenous Education Institute; and University of Washington, Department of Environmental and Forestry Sciences

26. Dr. Jeannette Armstrong (Syilx Okanagan), Canada Research Chair, Okanagan Knowledge and Philosophy, University of British Columbia, Okanagan

27. Barbara Moktthewenkwe Wall (Bodwewaadmii Anishinaabe), Knowledge Holder, Graduate Student, Keene, ON

28. Michael Dockry (Citizen Potawatomi Nation), PhD, St. Paul, MN

29. Joan McGregor (Ally), Professor of Philosophy and Senior Sustainability Scholar Global Institute for Sustainability, Arizona State University

30. Mary Evelyn Tucker (Ally), Yale University

31. Dr. Vicki Watson (Ally), Professor of Environmental Studies, University of Montana

32. Dr. Adrian Leighton (Ally), Natural Resources Director, Salish Kootenai College

33. Dr. Michael Paul Nelson (Ally), Ruth H. Spaniol Chair of Renewable Resources and Professor of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, Oregon State University

34. Philip P. Arnold (Ally), Associate Professor, Chair, Department of Religion, Syracuse University. Director Skä·noñh—Great Law of Peace Center

35. Dr. Mark Bellcourt (White Earth Nation), Academic Professional - University of Minnesota

36. F. Henry Lickers (Haudenosaunee), Scientific Co- Chair HETF

37. Jane Mt.Pleasant (Tuscarora), Associate Professor, School of Integrative Science, Cornell University

38. Dr. Lisa M. Poupart (Lac Du Flambeau Ojibwe,) Associate Professor/Director of First Nations Education, University of Wisconsin Green Bay

39. Beynan T Ransom (St Regis Mohawk Tribe), Program Coordinator, Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program

40. Cheryl Bauer-Armstrong (Ally), Director, UW-Madison Earth Partnership, Indigenous Arts and Sciences

41. Aaron Bird Bear (Mandan, Hidatsa & Arikara Nation) Assistant Dean, School of Education, UW-Madison

42. Scott Manning Stevens (Akwesasne Mohawk), Director, Native American Studies, Syracuse University

43. Preston Hardison (Ally), Policy Analyst, Tulalip Natural Resources

44. Dr. Jonathan Gilbert, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission Director, Biological Services Division, GLIFWC

45. Ilarion Merculieff (Unangan - Aleut), President, Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways

46. Denise Pollock (Inupiaq - Native Village of Shishmaref), Alaska Institute for Justice

47. David Beck (Ally), Professor, Native American Studies, University of Montana

48. Dr. Pierre Bélanger (Ally), Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design

49. Dan Sarna, Karuk Tribe Dept. of Natural Resources collaborator, UC Berkeley post-doctoral research fellow

50. Simon J. Ortiz (Acoma), Regents Professor of English and American Indian Studies

51. Bron Taylor (Ally), University of Florida

52. Dr. Ronald L. Trosper (Salish/Kootenai), Professor of American Indian Studies, University of Arizona

53. Tammy Bluewolf-Kennedy (Oneida Nation of New York), Undergraduate Admissions Counselor, Native American Liaison, Chancellor's Council on Diversity and Inclusion, Syracuse University

54. Dr. Isabel Hawkins (Ally), Astronomer and Project Director, Exploratorium

55. Claire Hope Cummings (Ally), Lawyer, journalist, legal advisor to Winnemem Wintu Tribe

56. Linda Hogan (Chickasaw), University of Colorado, Professor Emerita

57. Laird Jones (Tlingit & Haida Central Council), Fisheries

58. Stewart Diemont (Ally), Associate Professor / SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

59. Kacey Chopito (Zuni Pueblo), Student, Syracuse University

60. Jason Delborne (Ally), Associate Professor, NC State University

61. Cassandra L Beaulieu (Mohawk), Laboratory Technician, Upstate Freshwater Institute

62. Nancy Riopel Smith (Ally), East Aurora, NY

63. Dr. Mary Finley-Brook (Ally), Associate Professor of Geography, University of Richmond

64. Michael Galban (Washoe/Mono Lake Paiute), Curator/Historian, Seneca Art & Culture Center

65. Cara Ewell Hodkin (Seneca), SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

66. RDK Herman (Ally), Baltimore, MD

67. Emily H (Ally), Delaware, OH

68. Dr. Dan Roronhiakewen Longboat (Haudenosaunee - Mohawk Nation), Associate Professor and Director of the Indigenous Environmental Studies and Science Program, Trent University

69. Dan Spencer (Ally), University of Montana

70. Katherina Searing (Ally), Associate Director, Professional Education / SUNY ESF

71. Dr. Robin Saha (Ally), Associate Professor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Montana

72. Andrea D Wieland (Ally), Career Counselor, FRCC

73. Dr. Colin Beier (Ally), Associate Professor of Ecology, Syracuse, NY

74. Dr. Michael J Dockry (Citizen Potawatomi Nation), St. Paul, MN

75. Matthew J Ballard (Shinnecock), Southampton, NY

76. Anthony Corbine (Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa), Grants Coordinator, Natural Resources Dept.

77. Laura Zanotti (Ally), Associate Professor, Purdue University

78. Len Broberg (Ally), Professor/ Environmental Studies, University of Montana

79. Danielle Antelope (Eastern Shoshone / Blackfeet), Blackfeet Community College

80. Tomasz Falkowski (Ally), State Univeristy of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry

81. Dr. Elizabeth Folta (Ally), Assistant Professor, Environmental Education & Interpretation Program Coordinator, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

82. Dr. Alexis Bunten (Aleut/Yup'ik), Indigeneity Program Manager/Bioneers

83. Susan Elliott (Ally), University of Montana

84. Cat Techtmann (Ally), Environmental Outreach Specialist

85. Marie Schaefer (Anishinaabe), Phd Student, Community Sustainability, Michigan State University

86. Dr. Ross Hoffman (Ally), Associate Professor, University of Northern British Columbia

87. Mary Elizabeth Braun (Ally), Acquisitions Editor, Oregon State University Press

88. Dr. Melanie Lenart (Ally), Faculty member, Science and Agriculture, Tohono O'odham Community College

89. Dr. Mehana Blaich Vaughan (Native Hawaiian, Haleleʻa, Kauaʻi), Assistant Professor, University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa

90. Alyssa Mt. Pleasant (Tuscarora), Assistant Professor of Native American & Indigenous Studies, University at Buffalo

91. Dianne E. Rocheleau (Ally), Professor of Geography/Clark University

92. Jorge García Polo (Ally), SUNY - ESF

93. Jessica Lackey (Cherokee Nation), PhD Student- Natural Resource Sciences and Management, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

94. Katie Hinkfuss (Ally)

95. Dr. Jessica Dolan (Ally), Researcher/Adjunct Lecturer, McGill University, University of Pennsylvania; Conference co-ordinator, Society of Ethnobiology

96. Gregory J. Gauthier Jr. (Menominee), Sustainable Development Insitute

97. Lynda Schneekloth (Ally), University at Buffalo / SUNY

98. Dr. Mary Jo Ondrechen (Mohawk), Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Northeastern University

99. Ali Oppelt (Ally), Engineer

100. Dr. Toben Lafrancois (Ally), Research Scientist, Northland College and Pack Leader of Zaaga'igan ma'iinganag

101. Jessie Smith (Ally), State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry

102. Curtis Waterman (Onondaga Nation), Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force

103. Luis Malaret (Ally), Professor of Biology Emeratus/Community College of Rhode Island

104. Dan Meissner (Ally), D'Youville College

105. Ilana Weinstein (Ally), SUNY ESF

106. Dr Rebecca Kiddle (Ngati Porou, Nga Puhi), Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington

107. Wallace J. Nichols (Ally), Senior Fellow, Center for the Blue Economy, Middlebury Institute of International Studies

108. Catherine M. Johnson (Ally), Graduate Research Assistant, PNW-COSMOS Montana State University

109. Ranalda Tsosie (Diné), Ph.D Student/University of Montana

110. Gyda Swaney (Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation), Associate Professor/Department of Psychology/University of Montana

111. Tara Dowd (Inupiaq, Village of Kiana), Consultant, Red Fox Consulting

112. Michael P. Capozzoli (Ally), University of Montana

113. Siddharth Bharath Iyengar (Ally), Graduate Student, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

114. Jen Harrington (Turtle Mountain Chippewa), Graduate Candidate Resource Conservation/ University of Montana

115. Judy BlueHorse Skelton (Nez Perce/Cherokee), Faculty, Portland State University Indigenous Nations Studies

116. Dr. Charles Hall (Ally), Professor Emeritus SUNY ESF

117. Michael Hathaway (Ally), Associate Professor, Anthropology, Simon Fraser University

118. Rosemary Ahtuangaruak (Native Village of Barrow)

119. Charles FW Wheelock (Oneida Nation), National New World Resource Futures

120. Hayley Marama Cavino (Ngati Whiti/Ngati Pukenga-- New Zealand), Adjunct, Native American Studies, Syracuse University

121. Warren Matte (Gros Ventre - White Clay Nation), Harvard University Alumni

122. Richard Erickson (Ally), Science Teacher/Bayfield High School

123. Chandra Talpade Mohanty (Ally), Syracuse University

124. Lauren Tarr (Ally)

125. Elizabeth J. Pyatt (Ally), Lecturer in Linguistics, Penn State

126. Grisel Robles-Schrader (Ally)

127. Suzanne Flannery Quinn (Ally) Senior Lecturer, Froebel College, University of Roehampton

128. Natalie Rodrigues (Ally), Student

129. Betsy Theobald Richards (Cherokee Nation), The Opportunity Agenda

130. Beka Economopoulos (Ally), Executive Director, The Natural History Museum

131. Melvina McCabe, MD (Dine' ), Professor and Associate Vice Chancellor for Native Health Policy and Service/University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

132. Nancy Schuldt (Ally, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), Water Program Coordinator

133. Crystal Lepscier (Menominee/Stockbridge-Munsee/Little Shell Ojibwe), 4H Youth Development Agent/Shawano County/UW Extension

134. Dr. Brigitte Evering (Ally) Research Associate, Indigenous Environmental Sciences/Studies, Trent University

135. Devon Brock-Montgomery (Ally), Climate Change Coordinator- Bad River Natural Resources Department

136. Bazile Panek (Anishinaabe), Photographer of Zaaga'igan Ma'iinganag and Youth Leader

137. Nikki Marie Crowe (Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), Tribal College Extension Coordinator

138. Lemyra DeBruyn (Ally)

139. Abbey Feola (Ally)

140. Kate Flick (Ally), sciences educator

141. Laura Zanolli (Chickasaw), MSc/University of Montana

142. Kristiana Ferguson (Tuscarora), Sanborn, NY

143. Priscilla Belisle (Oneida Nation), Grant Development Specialist, Oneida Nation

144. Catherine Landis (Ally), Doctoral Candidate, SUNY ESF

145. Dr. Hedi Baxter Lauffer (Ally), Science Educator and Researcher

146. Brady Mabe (Ally), University of Virginia

147. Robin T Clark (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa), Sault Ste. Marie, MI

148. Miles Falck (Oneida Nation), Wildlife Section Leader, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission

149. Erica Roberts (Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina), PhD in Behavioral and Community Health, University of Maryland

150. Katelyn Kaim (Ally), State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry

151. Patricia Moran (Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians), Conservation Coordinator

152. Tracy Williams (Oneida Nation Wisconsin), WolfClanFaithkeeper/DirectorOneidaLanguageDept

153. Jennie R. Joe, Professor Emerita, Dept of Family & Community Medicine,

154. Tana Atchley (Klamath Tribes - Modoc/Paiute), Tribal Workforce Development & Outreach Coordinator, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

155. Himika Bhattacharya (Ally), Assistant Professor, Women's and Gender Studies, Syracuse University

156. Sonni Tadlock (Okanogan, Colville), BS Native Environmental Science, Northwest Indian College

157. David Voelker (Ally), Associate Professor of Humanities & History

158. Margaret Wooster (Ally), Watershed Planner and Writer

159. David O. Born, Ph.D. (Ally)

160. Jason Packineau (Mandan, Hidatsa Arikara, Pueblo of Jemez, Pueblo of Laguna), Harvard University

161. Janene Yazzie (Navajo Nation), Research Associate

162. Dr. Brian D. Compton (Ally), Native Environmental Science Faculty, Northwest Indian College

163. Giselle Schreiber (Ally), Undergraduate, SUNY-ESF

164. Dr. Antonia O. Franco (Ally), SACNAS Executive Director

165. Daniela Bernal (Ally), Communications & Marketing Coordinator, SACNAS

166. Haskey Fleming (Navajo Nation), Student at SUNY ESF

167. Annjeanette Belcourt (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Nations) Associate Professor

168. Nicole MartinRogers (White Earth Nation), PhD in sociology

169. LeManuel Lee Bitsoi (Navajo Nation), Assistant Professor, Rush University Medical Center

170. Yoshira Ornelas Van Horne (Ally), Doctoral Student, University of Arizona Environmental Health Sciences

171. Penney Wiley (Ally), Masters of Science, Health & Human Development, MSU, Bozeman, MT

172. Kathryn Harris Tijerina (Comanche), President Emeritus, IAIA (ret.)

173. Rita Harris (Cherokee Long Hair Tribe), Ritas Remembrances, Owner.

174. Lawrence Ahenakew (Chippewa/Cree), Deputy Director, HR Payroll Help Desk

175. Dr. Mary Hermes (Mixed Indigenous Heritage), Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

176. Emily A. Haozous, PhD, RN, FAAN (Chiricahua Fort Sill Apache), Associate Professor, PhD Program Director, and Regent's Professor, University of New Mexico College of Nursing

177. Chiara Cabiglio (Ally), SACNAS Social Media & Communications Coordinator / Aspiring Personal Vegan Chef

178. Liz Cochran (Ally), Retired Elementary Educator

179. Miriam Olivera (Mixteco)

180. Janine DeBaise (Ally), Faculty, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry

181. Taylor Saver (Anishinaabe)

182. Roxana Coreas (Ally), Doctoral Student, University of California, Riverside

183. Guthrie Capossela (Standing Rock Sioux Tribe), MA, Nonprofit Management, Native American Liaison Rochester Public Schools

184. Rachelle Begay (Diné ), Program Coordinator, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona

185. Tom Ozden-Schilling (Ally), Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University Canada Program

186. Wesley Leonard (Miami Tribe of Oklahoma), Assistant Professor, University of California, Riverside

187. Tom BK Goldtooth (Ally), Indigenous Environmental Network, Executive Director

188. Scott Hauser (Upper Snake River Tribes), Foundation Executive Director

189. Suzanne Neefus (Ally), Michigan State University

190. Shay Welch (Cherokee, undocumented), Professor of Philosophy

191. Heidi McCann (Yavapai-Apache Nation), CIRES/NSIDC

192. Todd Ziegler (Ally), Research Area Specialist; University of Michigan School of Public Health

193. Lauren Cooper (Ally), Academic Specialist, Forestry Department, Michigan State University

194. Zachary Piso (Ally), Michigan State University

195. Alisa Bokulich (Ally), Professor, Boston University

196. Randy Peppler (Ally), University of Oklahoma

197. Rosalee Gonzalez, PhD, MSW (Xicana-Kickapoo), Arizona State University(Faculty)/Native American in Philanthropy (Research Consultant)

198. Michael Burroughs (Ally), Penn State

199. Ayrel Clark-Proffitt (Ally), Sustainability professional

200. Paul B. Thompson (Ally), W.K. Kellogg Professor of Agricultural, Food and Community Ethics, Michigan State University

201. LaRae Wiley (Colville Confederated Tribes), Salish School of Spokane

202. Mike Jetty (Spirit Lake Dakota), Indian Education Specialist, MT Office of Public Instruction

203. Colin Farish (Ojibwe by adoption and marriage), Musician

204. Ayanna Spencer (Ally), Michigan State University

205. Eleanor (Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian), Anthropologist

206. Stephanie Julian (Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians) Indigenous Arts & Science Coordinator

207. Kirsten Vinyeta (Ally), University of Oregon

208. Laura (Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria)

209. Evan Berry (Ally), American University

210. Sachem HawkStorm (Schaghticoke), Chief

211. Dr. Robin M. Wright, American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program AmDepartment of Religion, University of Florida

212. Dr. Bethany Nowviskie (Ally) Director, Digital Library Federation at CLIR and Research Associate Professor of Digital Humanities, University of Virginia

213. Arwen Bird (Ally), Woven Strategies, LLC

214. Robbie Paul, PhD (NezPerce), Retired, WSU

215. Elizabeth LaPensee (Anishinaabe and Metis), Assistant Professor of Media & Information and Writing, Rhetoric & American Cultures at Michigan State University

216. Gerald Urquhart (Ally), Michigan State University

217. Dr. Brianna Burke (Ally), Assistant Professor of Environmental Humanities at Iowa State University

218. David C Sands (Ally), Professor of Plant Pathology, Montana State University

219. Alex Lenferna (Ally), Fulbright Scholar, Philosophy Department, University of Washington

220. Robin M. Wright (Ally), American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program, University of Florida

221. Twa-le Abrahamson-Swan (Spokane), BS Environmental Science/Restoration Ecology, University of WA

222. Doug Eddy (Ally), PhD Student, Program in Ecology, University of Wyoming

223. Dr. Anthony Lioi (Ally), Associate Professor of Liberal Arts and English, The Juilliard School

224. Dina Gilio-Whitaker (Colville Confederated Tribes), Center for World Indigenous Studies

225. Johnny Buck (Wanapum/Yakama Nation), Student, Northwest Indian College

226. Henry Quintero (Apache), ASU

227. Dr. Nancy McHugh (Ally), Wittenberg University

228. . Neil Henderson (Oklahoma Choctaw), Univ. Minnesota Medical School

229. Sammy Matsaw (Shoshone-Bannock/Oglala Lakota), IGERT PhD student, ISTEM Scholar

230. Allegra de Laurentiis (Ally), Professor at SUNY-Stony Brook

231. Laura Schmitt Olabisi (Ally), Michigan State University Department of Community Sustainability

232. Andrew Jolivette (Atakapa-Ishak/Opelousa), Professor SF State American Indian Studies

233. Dr. Heidi Grasswick (Ally), Professor of Philosophy, Middlebury College

234. Emily Simmonds (Metis), Department of Science and Technology Studies

235. Stephen Hamilton (Ally), Professor, Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University

236. Michelle Murphy (Metis) Director Technoscience Research Unit, Professor WGSI, Steering Committee Environmental Data and Governance Initiative

237. Paloma Beamer (Ally), University of Arizona

238. Jaime Yazzie (Diné), Master of Science of Forestry Candidate, Northern Arizona University

239. Ramon Montano Marquez (Kickapoo, Kumeyaay, Pa'Ipai), Restorative Justice Implementation Strategist

240. Rose O'Leary (Osage, Tsa-la-gi, Quapaw, Mi'kmaq), Graduate Student University of Washington, Dartmouth College

241. Bill Brown (Anishinaabe), White Earth Resevation Aiiy

242. Dr. Amy Reed-Sandoval (Ally) Assistant Professor of Philosophy, The University of Texas at El Paso

243. Paul Willias (Ally), Squamish Tribe Fisheries

244. Audrey N. Maretzki (Ally), ICIK at Penn State Univ.

245. Dr. Dalee Sambo Dorough (Native Village of Unalakleet), University of Alaska Anchorage

246. Michael Kaplowitz (Ally), Michigan State University

247. Fawn YoungBear-Tibbetts (White Earth Band Of MN Chippewa), Indigenous Arts and Sciences Founder, University of Wisconsin Earth Partnership program

248. Melinda Levin (Ally), University of North Texas

249. Dr. Kari Mari Norgaard (Ally), Associate Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies

250. Olivia Blyth (Ally), Teaching Fellow

251. Bart Johnson (Ally), Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning

252. Orville H. Huntington (Huslia Tribe), Ally, Tanana Chiefs Conference Wildlife & Parks Director, EPA Tribal Science Council, Alaska Board of Fisheries, Alaska Native Science Commission

253. Beth Leonard (Shageluk Tribe - Alaska), Department of Alaska Native Studies - University of Alaska Anchorage

254. Lisa Fink( Ally), University of Oregon

255. Carla Dhillon (Ally) P.E. Phd Candidate, U of Michigan

256. Lucas Silva (Ally), University of Oregon

257. Benjamin Kenofer (Ally), Ph.D Student, Michigan State University

258. Lillian Tom-Orme (Dine' - Navajo), University of Utah

259. Dr. Ryan E. Emanuel (Lumbee), Associate Professor and University Faculty Scholar, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University

260. Sue Cramer (Ally), Former social worker

261. Judith Ramos (Tlingit), Professor

262. Ashley Studholme (Ally), University of Oregon

263. Dr. Jack D. Cichy (Ally), Professor of Management & Sustainability, Davenport University

264. Iria Gimenez (Ally), Oregon State University

265. Kathy Jacobs (Ally), Professor and Director, Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions, University of Arizona

266. Delight Satter (Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde), Health Scientist

267. Salma Monani (Ally), Gettysburg College

268. Jim Igoe (Ally), University of Virginia, Department of Anthropology

269. Rocío Quispe-Agnoli Quechua (Ally), Professor of Colonial Latin American Studies, Michigan State University

270. Jacqueline Cieslak (Ally), PhD Student in Anthropology, University of Virginia

271. Mary Black (Ally), Adaptation Program Manager, Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions, University of Arizona

272. Kenny Roundy (Ally), PhD Student, History of Science, School of History, Philosophy, and Religion at Oregon State University

273. Bill Tripp (Karuk Tribe) Deputy Director of Eco-cultural Revitalization

274. Michael O'Rourke (Ally), Department of Philosophy and AgBioResearch, Michigan State University

275. Eudora Claw (Navajo/Zuni), University of Nevada Las Vegas

276. Ruth Dan Stebbins, Community Association, Yup’ik Student

277. Kathryn Goodwin (Blackfeet), Los Angeles, CA

278. Dr. May-Britt Öhman (Lule Forest Sámi - FennoScandia), Researcher, Uppsala University, Sweden

279. Sierra Deutsch (Ally), PhD Candidate, Environmental, Sciences, Studies, and Policy. University of Oregon

280. Leilani Sabzalian (Alutiiq), Postdoctoral Scholar of Indigenous Studies in Education, University of Oregon

281. Elizabeth Ann R. Bird (Ally) - Spec. Fort Peck Tribes Montana State University Project Development Specialist

282. Jason Schreiner (Ally), Instructor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Oregon

283. Dr. Chris Clements (Ally), Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University

284. Edith Leoso (Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa), Tribal Historic Preservation Officer

285. Jandi Craig (White Mountain Apache), Apache Behavioral Health Services

286. Coach Glen Bennett (Grand Traverse Bay Ottawa& Chippewa), Archery Coach Program Coordinator Michigan State University

287. Stacey Goguen (Ally), Northeastern Illinois University

288. Jennifer Sowerwine (Ally), Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist, Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley

289. Angelica De Jesus (Ally), Graduate Student, Ford School of Public Policy

290. Theresa Duello (Ally), Associate Professor, University of WI Madison

291. Mike Chang (Ally), Makah Tribe

292. Natalie Gray (Ally), City of Seattle

293. Gyda Swaney (Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation), Department of Psychology, University of Montana

294. Dr. Theresa May (Ally), University of Oregon

295. Ida Hoequist (Ally), Graduate Student, University of Virginia

296. Stephen P. Gasteyer (Ally), Department of Sociology, Michigan State University

297. Dr. Rachel Fredericks (Ally), Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Ball State University

298. Monica List (Ally), Animal Welfare Specialist- Compassion in World Farming

299. Keith R. Peterson (Ally), Associate Professor, Colby College, Department of Philosophy

300. Corey Welch (Northern Cheyenne), SACNAS

301. Kathy Lynn (Ally), University of Oregon

302. Agnes Attakai (Navajo), Director Health Disparities College of Public Health/ Director of AZ INMED Medicine University of Arizona

303. Kirsten Vinyeta (Ally), Doctoral Student in Environmental Studies at the University of Oregon

304. Amanda Boetzkes (Ally), University of Guelph

305. Princess Daazhraii Johnson (Neets'aii Gwich'in), Holistic Approach to Sustainable Northern Communities, Cold Climate Housing Research Center

306. Dr. Sarah Fortner (Ally), Assistant Professor of Geology & Environmental Science, Wittenberg University

307. Colin Weaver (Ally), University of Chicago

308. Kristin Searle (Ally), Utah State University

309. fleur palmer (te Rarawa and Te Aupouri), auckland university of technology

310. Dr. Jeremy Schultz (Ally), Eastern Washington University

311. Rosemary Bierbzum (Ally)

312. Holly Hunts, Ph.D. (Ally), Montana State University

313. Maureen Biermann (Ally), Instructor and PhD Candidate

314. Ben Geboe (Yankton Sioux), Executive Director

315. Vanessa Hiratsuka, PhD MPH (Dine/Winnemem Wintu), Health Services Researcher

316. Beth Rose Middleton (Ally), Assoc. Professor, Native American Studies, UC Davis

317. Brian J. Teppen (Ally), Professor of Soil chemistry, Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University

318. Adam Fix (Ally), PhD Candidate, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

319. Sheree Chase M.A. (Ally), Regional Historian

320. Osprey Orielle Lake (Ally), Women's Earth and Climate Action Network, (WECAN)

321. Megan A.Crouse (Ally), Hospice Maui

322. Craig Kauffman (Ally), Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon

323. Alex Poisson (Ally), Sustainability Coordinator / SUNY-ESF

324. Ashley Woody (Ally), University of Oregon

325. Brett Clark, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Utah

326. Naomi Scheman (Ally), Professor Emerita, University of Minnesota

327. Michael Ruiz (Ally), Graduate Student, Harvard University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Boston Children's Hospital - Department of Orthopedic Surgery

328. Shelly Vendiola (Swinomish Tribal Community), Community Engagement Facilitator

329. Elizabeth Gibbons (Ally), American Society of Adaptation Professionals

330. Kimla McDonald (Ally), The Cultural Conservancy

331. Kaya DeerInWater (Citizen Potawatomi Nation), Graduate Student, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

332. Nancy Lee Willet (Wampanoag), College of Marin

333. Julianne A. Hazlewood (Ally), University of California, Santa Cruz

334. Antoine Traisnel (Ally), University of Michigan

335. Dr. Julianne A. Hazlewood (Ally), Instructor, Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz

336. Gleb Raygorodetsky (Ally), Biocultural Diversity Consultant

337. Amanda L. Kelley (Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone), University of Alaska Fairbanks

338. Iyekiyapiwin Darlene St. Clair (Bdewakantunwan Dakota), Associate Professor, St. Cloud State University

339. Angela Bowen (Coos), Director of Education

340. Meghan McClain (Ally), Tech--Microsoft

341. Wikuki Kingi (Maori / Hawaii), Cultural Symbologist / Master Indigenous Technologist / Navigator - Pou Kapua Creations; Planet Maori; TE HA Alliance

342. Tania Wolfgramm (Maori / Tonga), Cultural Psychologist / Systems Sculptor / Technologist / Evaluator - HAKAMANA; Pou Kapua Creations; TE HA Alliance; Smart Path Healthcare

343. Ann Marie Sayers (Costanoan/Ohlone.Indian Canyon Nation), Costanoan Indian Research......frounder

344. Robert L. Houle (Bad River Band of Lake Superior Indians), Executive Director of Bad River Housing Authority

345. Jason Stanley (Ally), Yale University

346. Marion Hourdequin (Ally), Associate Professor & Chair, Dept. of Philosophy, Colorado College

347. Sarah Kristine Baker (Muscogee Creek Nation/Euchee), Ally

348. Dr. Nicole Bowman (Mohican / Lenaape), Evaluator, University of WI Madison

349. Christian Cazares (Ally), Neuroscience Graduate Student

350. Roberta L Millstein (Ally), Professor of Philosophy, UC Davis

351. Janet Kourany (Ally), Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame

352. Dr. Elizabeth Minnich (Ally), A.A.C.& U.

353. Dominique M. Davíd-Chavez (Borikén Taíno), PhD Student Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University

354. Kristin K'eit (Inupiaq/Tlingit), Environmental Scientist, Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Refining

355. Dr. Lorraine Code (Ally), Distinguished Research Professor, York University, Toronto, Canada

356. Erik Jensen (Ally), Michigan State University

357. Jerry Mander (Ally), Author, president Intl. Forum on Globalization

358. Forest Haven (Ts'msyen), PhD Student, Cultural Anthropology, University of California, Irvine

359. Margaret McCasland (Ally), Science educator; Earthcare Working Group, NYYM (Quaker)

360. Adam Briggle (Ally), University of North Texas

361. Irene Klaver (Ally), Professor of Philosophy, University of North Texas

362. Susannah R. McCandless, PhD (Ally), Global Diversity Foundation

363. Lona Sepessy (Ally), Librarian at Arrowhead Elementary School

364. Jason Smith (Ally), Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians Fisheries Research

365. Dr. Luan Fauteck Makes Marks (SE Sioux, SE Algonquian, California Indian), Independent Researcher

366. Mariaelena Huambachano (Quechua), Postdoctoral Research Associate in American Studies and Ethnic Studies, Brown University

367. Jo Rodgers (Ally), Community Engagement Coordinator, Willamette Farm & Food Coalition

368. Lisa Rivera (Ally), Associate Professor, UMass Boston

369. Lea Foushee (Tsalagi), U of MN research

370. Carolyn Singer (Shoshone-Bannock Tribe), N/A

371. Dr. Dan Shilling (Ally), Retired foundation director

372. Dr. Sibyl Diver (Ally), Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University

373. Jeffrey McCarthy (Ally), Environmental Humanities, Utah

374. Kristin J. Jacobson (Ally), Stockton University

375. Elise Dela Cruz -Talbert (Native Hawaiian), University of Hawaii

376. Barbara Sawyer-Koch (Ally), Trustee Emerita, Michigan State University

377. Richard E.W. Berl (Ally), Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University

378. Ahmed Lyadib (Amazigh Morocco), Amazigh

379. Paige West (Ally), Barnard College and Columbia University

380. Jocelyn Delgado (Ally), UCSC Undergraduate researcher

381. Dr Krushil Watene (Maori, Tonga), Massey University

382. Jonathan Tsou (Ally), Iowa State University

383. David Naguib Pellow (Ally), University of California, Santa Barbara

384. Hafsa Mustafa (Ally), Researcher/Evaluator/Adjunct Faculty

385. Felica Ahasteen-Bryant (Diné), Director, Native American Educational and Cultural Center (NAECC), Purdue University and Chapter Advisor, Purdue AISES

386. Jess Bier (Ally), Erasmus University

387. Eun Kang, Environmental Studies, Korea Maritime & Ocean University

388. Gary Martin (Ally), Global Diversity Foundation

389. Cara O'Connor (Ally), BMCC-CUNY

390. Katina Michael (Ally), University of Wollongong

391. Mary Elaine Kiener, RN, PhD (Ally), Creative Energy Officer, ASK ME House LLC

392. Heather Houser (Ally), UT Austin

393. Dr. Ken Wilson (Ally), Retired (ex-University of Oxford; Ford Foundation; Christensen Fund)

394. Alia Al-Saji (Ally), McGill University

395. Kim Díaz (Ally), USDOJ

396. Alice M. McMechen (Ally), Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Cornwall Monthly Meeting, NY

397. Gloria J Lowe (Cherokee Nation), Executive Director We Want Green, too

398. Cristian Ruiz Altaba (Ally), Biologist, Director of Llevant Natural Park ((Mallorca)

399. Brian and Iris Stout (Ally and Cherokee Nation), Forester and Author

400. Noelle Romero (Ally), UNC-CH Program Coordinator

401. Kathryn Krasinski (Ally), Adelphi University

402. Jane Cross (Ally), physician

403. Katie McShane (Ally), Associate Professor of Philosophy, Colorado State University

404. Nicole Seymour (Ally), Assistant Professor of English and Affiliated Faculty in Environmental Studies and Queer Studies, Cal State Fullerton

405. Marsha Small (Northern Cheyenne), Adjunct Instructor, Bozeman, MT

406. D.S. Red Haircrow (Chiricahua Apache/Cherokee) Writer, Psychologist, Master's Student Native American Studies, Montana State University, Bozeman

407. Dr. John V. Stone (Ally), Applied Anthropologist, MSU

408. Paul Cook (Ally), Electro-Optical Scientist

409. Jennifer Mokos (Ally), Ohio Wesleyan University Dept. of Geology & Geography

410. James Matthew McCullough (Ally), North Central Michigan College

411. Vicki Lindabury (Ally), New York State Certified Dietitian Nutritionist

412. Roben Itchoak (Mary's Igloo), Student, University of Oregon

413. Kath Weston (Ally/Romani), University of Virginia

414. Kelly Wisecup (Ally), Northwestern University

415. Becky Neher (Ally), University of Georgia

416. Sarah D. Wald (Ally), University of Oregon

417. Jill Grant (Ally), Environmental lawyer

418. Joseph Len Miller (Muscogee [Creek] Nation). University of Washington, Seattle

419. Richard Peterson (Ally), Professor Emeritus Michigan State University

420. Kevin Fellezs (Kanaka Maoli - Native Hawaiian), Columbia University

421. Jessica M. Moss (Ally), Georgia State University, Tribal Liaison

422. Christina Ferwerda (Ally), Independent Exhibit & Curriculum Developer

423. Lindsay MArean (Citizen Potawatomi Nation), University of Oregon

424. Andrea Catacora (Ally), Archaeologist

425. Cassie Warholm-Wohlenhaus (Ally)

426. Catriona Sandilands (Ally), Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University

427. Dr. Johnnye Lewis (Ally), Director, Community Environmental Health Program, University of New Mexico

428. Julie Williams (Ally), Consulting Archaeologist

429. Kerri Finlayson (Ally), North Central Michigan College

430. Alan Zulch (Ally), Tamalpais Trust

431. Ivette Perfecto (Ally), University of Michigan

432. Emily Jean Leischner (Ally), Graduate Student, Department of Anthropology, University of British Columbia

433. Megan Carney (Ally), University of Washington

434. Andrea Catacora (Ally), Archaeologist

435. Janette Bulkan (Ally), University of British Columbia

436. Jillian Mayer, Master of Science candidate

437. Nancy Marie Mithlo, Ph.D. (Chiricahua Apache [Ft. Sill Apache]), Associate Professor, Occidental College and Chair of American Indian Studies, Autry Museum of the American West

438. Hayden Hedman (Cherokee Nation), University of Michigan

439. Juliet P. Lee (Ally), Prevention Research Center, PIRE

440. Kaitlin McCormick (Ally), Postdoctoral Researcher (Anthropology and Museum Studies) Brown University

441. Nancy Rosoff (Ally), Andrew W. Mellon Senior Curator Arts of the Americas Brooklyn Museum

442. Kathryn Shanley (Nakoda), Native American Studies, University of Montana

443. Robin Morris Collin (Ally), Norma J. Paulus Professor of Law Willamette University College of Law

444. Albany Jacobson Eckert (Bad River Lake Superior Chippewa), University of Michigan

445. Lois Ellen Frank (Kiowa/Sephardic), Native American Chef/Owner Red Mesa Cuisine/Native Foods Historian/Educator/Adjunct Professor Institute of American Indian Arts

446. John Grim (Ally), Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

447. Don McIntyre (Anishinabek), Professor University of Lethbridge

448. Robert B. Richardson (Ally), Associate Professor, Michigan State University

449. Craig Hassel (Ally), University of Minnesota

450. Melinda J McBride (Ally), Anthropologist

451. Saori Ogura (Ally), University of British Columbia

452. Dr. Paulette Faith Steeves (Cree-Metis), UMASS Amherst

453. Mary Hynes (Ally), University of Illinois

454. Dr. Robert J. David- Indigenous Archaeologist (Klamath Tribes), Visiting Scholar, University of California Berkeley

455. Max Gordon (Ally), SUNY-ESF, Biomimicry Club President

456. Mechelle Clark (Chippewas of Stoney Point First Nation), Student, Western University

457. Marijke Stoll (Ally), PhD Candidate, Univesity of Arizona

458. inanc tekguc (ally), Global Diversity Foundation

459. Kevin J. O'Brien (Ally), Pacific Lutheran University

460. Dr. M.A. (Peggy) Smith (Cree), Vice-Provost (Aboriginal Initiatives), Lakehead University

461. Catherine V. Howard, Ph.D. (Ally), Independent Scholar

462. Robert Alexander Innes (Plains Cree/Saulteaux/Metis), Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies, University of Saskatchewan

463. Joy Hendry Scot, Professor Emerita, Oxford Brookes University

464. Catherine V. Howard, Ph.D. (Ally), Independent Scholar

465. Kimberly Yazzie (Navajo), University of Washington

466. Heather Rose MacIsaac (Ally), Graduate Student of Applied Archaeology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania

467. Gabi May (Metis), University of Michigan

468. Dr Raquel Thomas-Caesar, North Rupununi District Development Board, Iwokrama International Centre For Rain Forest Conservation and Joy Bloser Ally New York University, Conservation Center

469. Kirby Gchachu (Zuni Pueblo), Retired Educator, Chaco Canyon Archeoastonomy Researcher

470. Dr. John Tuxill (Ally) Fairhaven College, Western Washington University

471. Barbara A. Roy ("Bitty") (Ally), Professor, University of Oregon

472. Justin Lawson (Ally), University of Washington

473. Joanne Barker (Lenape), San Francisco State University

474. Angela A. McComb (Ally), Student, MA Public Archaeology, Binghamton University

475. Donna Tocci (Ally), Field Museum of Natural History (former)

476. Paul McCullough (Ally), retired

477. Dr. Annie Belcourt (Mandan Hidatsa Blackfeet Chippewa), Associate Professor

478. Penelope Myrtle Kelsey (Seneca descent), University of Colorado at Boulder

479. Wendy McConkey (Ally), Cross Cultural Sharing & Learning

480. Kristina M. Hill (Ally), M.A. Candidate, Department of Anthropology, East Carolina University

481. Mark Dowie (Ally), Author: The Haida Gwaii Lesson (Inkshares Press 2017)

482. Dara Shore (Ally), NPS

483. Dr. Brady Heiner (Ally), Assistant Professor of Philosophy, California State University, Fullerton

484. Avni Pravin (Ally), University of Oregon

485. Janice Klein (Ally) M.A., University of Birmingham (U.K.)

486. René Herrera (Ally), University of South Florida

487. Kevin Chang, Executive Director Kua'aina Ulu 'Auamo (KUA)

488. Celina Solis-Becerra (Ally), PhD Student. University of British Columbia.

489. Gregory Armstrong (Ally), Holy Wisdom Monastery

490. Aurora Kagawa-Viviani (Hawaiian, Pauoa, Oʻahu), graduate student, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

491. Nerissa Russell (Ally), Cornell University

492. Joshua Dickinson (Ally), Forest Management Trust

493. Kristie Dotson (Ally), Michigan State University

494. Dominique M. Davíd-Chavez (Borikén Taíno), Indigenous Outlier (Grad Student), Colorado State University Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, NSF Graduate Research Fellow

495. Dr. Virginia Nickerson (Ally), Independent consulting researcher

496. Dr. Christa Mulder (Ally), University of Alaska Faribanks

497. Shu-Guang, Li Civil and Environmental Engineeing Michigan State University

498. Andrea Godoy (Shinnecock), Southampton, NY

499. Randolph Haluza-DeLay (Ally-US citizen), The King's University

500. Sharyn Clough, PhD (Ally), Professor, co-director Phronesis Lab Oregon State University

501. Richard McCoy (Ally), Landmark Columbus

502. J. Saniguq Ullrich (Nome Eskimo Community), PhD student

503. Dr . Kat Napaaqtuk Milligan-Myhre (Inupiaq), University of Alaska Anchorage

504. Kaitlin McCormick (Ally), Postdoctoral Researcher, Anthropology and Museum Studies, Brown University

505. Kim Harrison (Ally), Professional Archaeologist

506. Penny Davies (Cymraeg Welsh), Ford Foundation

507. Erin Turner (Ally), MFA candidate in Social Practice at Queens College CUNY

508. Meagan Dennison (Ally), Graduate student

509. Deborah Webster (Onondaga Nation), Nedrow, New York

510. Kaipo Dye, MS - Columbia University (Native Hawaiian), University of Hawaii at Mania, Hawaii Community College - OCET

511. Philip Mohr (Ally), Curator, Des Plaines History Center

512. Jessica Brunacini (Ally), The Earth Institute, Columbia University

513. Dominic Van Horn (Ally), Shelby County Schools

514. Rosanna ʻAnolani Alegado (Kanaka ʻoiwi/Hawaiʻi), Assistant Professor, Oceanography, University of Hawaiʻi

515. Bryan Ness (Ally), Pacific Union College

516. Joni Adamson, PhD (Ally), Environmental Humanities and Sustainability

517. Dr. Michelle Garvey (Ally), Instructor: Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies, UMN

518. Sydney Jordan (Ally)

519. John-Carlos Perea (Mescalero Apache, Irish, Chicano, German), Associate Professor, American Indian Studies, College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University

520. Huamani Orrego (Ally), Master's student

521. Giancarlo Rolando (Ally), University of Virginia

522. Dr. Jessica Bissett Perea (Dena'ina - Knik Tribe) Assistant Professor of Native American Studies, University of California Davis

523. Julie Skurski (Ally), Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center

524. Dr. Linda Marie Richards (Ally), Historian of Science, Oregon State University

525. Eric Thomas Weber (Ally), The University of Kentucky

526. Sarah Jaquette Ray (Ally), Humboldt State University

527. Nan Kendy (Ally), Green Party of British Columbia

528. James Sterba (Ally), Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame

529. Katie McKendry (Ally), George Washington University

530. Waaseyaa'sin Christine Sy (Lac Seul First Nation - Ojibway), Lecturer, Gender Studies

531. Miriam MacGillis (Ally), Director, Genesis Farm

532. Miriam Saperstein (Ally), Student at the University of Michigan

533. Emily-Bell Dinan (Ally), Graduate Student, Environmental Studies, University of Oregon

534. Danielle Kiesow (Ally), Indiana University of Pennsylvania

535. L. Irene Terry (Ally), University of Utah

536. Ann Allen (Ally), Independent Scholar, affiliated to Auckland University of Technology

537. Eleanor Sterling (Ally), Columbia University

538. Sandy Barringer (Ally), Reiki Master, Pranic Healer Level III, Shaman

539. Dr. Stacy Alaimo (Ally), Professor of English

540. Jennifer Shannon (Ally), University of Colorado

541. Eun Sook, Professor Environmental Policies

542. Mariaelena Huambachano (Quechua), Postdoctoral Research Associate in American and Ethnic Studies, Brown University

543. Janet Lyon (Ally), Associate Professor

544. Cassandra Bloedel (Navajo), Environmental Sciences and Conservation et al

545. Alaka Wali (Ally), Curator, The Field Museum

546. Sandra Luo (Ally), Middlebury College

547. Lesley k. Iaukea (Native Hawaiian), PhD student, University of Hawaii

548. John White (Ally), Tulane University, Community-based Conservation of Amazonian Food Plants Genetic Resources and Associated Indigenous Knowledge

549. Travis Fink (Ally), PhD Student, Anthropology, Tulane University

550. Eleanor Weisman (Ally), Allegheny College

551. Dr Albert Refiti (Samoa), Auckland University of Technology

552. Sheila Contreras (Ally), Associate Professor, Michigan State University

553. Eduardo Mendieta (Ally), Penn State University

554. Tim van den Boog (Arawak/Trio, Suriname), UBC

555. David Skrbina (Ally), Professor of Philosophy, University of Michigan (Dearborn)

556. Mark Sicoli (Ally), University of Virginia

557. Belinda Ramírez (Ally), Sociocultural Anthropology PhD Student, UC San Diego

558. Teri Micco (Ally), Artist

559. Wayne Riggs (Ally), Philosophy Department, University of Oklahoma

560. John Norder (Spirit Lake Tribe), Michigan State University

561. Dimitris Stevis (Ally), Colorado State University

562. Sherry Copenace (Anishinaabe), Ikwe

563. Associate Professor Deirdre Tedmanson (Ally), University of South Australia

564. Rebecca Albury (Ally), University of Wollongong (retired)

565. Dr. Tanya Peres (Ally), Anthroplogy

566. Laurie Begin (American - Ally), Occupational therapy

567. Lauren Nuckols (Ally), Penn State University

568. Jade Johnson (Navajo Nation), Undergraduate Research Assistant

569. Diane Thompson (Ally), Keeper of the home

570. Beverly Bell (Ally), Other Worlds

571. Ian Werkheiser (Ally), University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

572. Leana Hosea (Ally), Journalist

573. Paul Edward Montgomery Ramírez (Mankemé), University of York

574. Heather Davis (Ally), Penn State

575. Dr. David L. Mausel (Mvskoke), Forest ecologist, MTE

576. Catherine V. Howard, Ph.D. (Ally), Social Research Editing Services

577. B.T. Kimoto (Ally), Emory University

578. Sara Saba (Ally), Emory University

579. Maria Luisa Ciminelli (Ally), independent scholar

580. Sarah Buie (Ally), Professor Emerita, Clark University

581. Dave McCormick (Ally), PhD student, anthropology, Yale University

582. Michael D. Doan (Ally), Eastern Michigan University

583. Dr Tracey Mcintosh (Tuhoe, Aotearoa New Zealand ), Nga Pae o te Maramatanga, University of Auckland

584. Kelsey Amos (Ally), University of Hawaiʻi

585. Bob Rabin (Ally), Research meteorologist & student, Ilisagvik University

586. Julie Cotton, MS (Ally), Michigan State University, Sustainable Agriculture

587. Lisa Kretz (Ally), Assistant Professor, University of Evansville

588. Kiri Del;l (Ngati Porou), The University of Auckland

589. Carol Cooperrider (Ally), Former Archaeologist, retired Explora Science Center Graphic Designer

590. Darin Thomas (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians), Graduate Student

591. Shawndina Etcitty (Navajo) Medical Laboratory Technician in Flow Cytometry and Hematology

592. Wyatt Musashi Maui Bartlett (Hawaiian ), Student

593. Sharon Ziegler-Chong (Ally), University of Hawaii at Hilo

594. Christine Winter (Ngāti Kahungunu), PhD Candidate

595. Alex Winter-Billington (Ngāti Kahungunu), PhD Candidate

596. Roberto Domingo Toledo (Ally), Independent Researcher (Philosophy and Sociology))

597. Steve Hemming (Ally), Associate Professor Flinders University

598. Kaushalya Munda (Bharat Munda Samaj, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India), M.A Sociology, & LLB.

599. Dana Dudle (Ally), DePauw University

600. Don Ihde, (Ally), Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, Stony Brook University, NY, USA

601. Shobita Parthasarathy (Ally), University of Michigan

602. Suzanne Held (Ally), Professor of Community Health, Montana State University

603. Dr. Michael L. Naylor (Ally), Comprehensive Studies Program, University of Michigan, "Our World" Life-Skills Project, Washtenaw Community College

604. Jeremy Narby, Ph. D. (Ally), Nouvelle Planète

605. David Isaac (Ally), JD Student University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law

606. Dr. Raynald Harvey Lemelin (Ally), Lakehead University

607. Doug Medin (Ally), Professor of Psychology and Education and Social Policy

608. Dr. Michael Menser (Ally), Department of Philosophy, Brooklyn College, Earth and Environmental Science, CUNY Graduate Center; President of the Board, Participatory Budgeting Project

609. Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington (Piscataway,Creek,Cherokee Descendant), Editor in Chief Environmental Justice Journal

610. Susanna Donaldson, PhD (Ally), West Virginia University

611. Jessica Robinson (Ally), University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and the Environment

612. Robert Craycraft (Ally), M.A Anthrpology student, American University

613. Daniel L. Dustin (Ally), University of Utah

614. Dr. Nanibaa' Garrison (Navajo), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute and University of Washington

615. Elizabeth V. Spelman (Ally), Professor of Philosophy, Smith College

616. Patricia Kim (Ally), University of Pennsylvania

617. Timoteo Mesh (Yucatec Maya), PhD Candidate, University of Florida

618. Rebecca Hardin (Ally), University of Michigan

619. Allison Guess (Black collaborator), PhD Student

620. Natalie Sampson (Ally), University of Michigan

621. Alissa Baker-Oglesbee (Cherokee Nation), Northwestern University

622. Montana Stevenson (Ally), Student, School of Natural Resources and Environment/School of Business, University of Michigan

623. Dr. Leah Temper (Ally), Autonomous University of Barcelona

624. Allison Guess (Black collaborator), CUNY Grad Center program of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Human Geography)

625. Sara Smith (Oneida), Natural resource technician for Stockbridge-Munsee Community

626. Dr. Wendi A Haugh (Ally), Associate Professor of Anthropology, St. Lawrence University

627. Micha Rahder (Ally), Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Louisiana State University

628. Susan Knoppow (Ally), Wow Writing Workshop

629. Noah Theriault (Ally), University of Oklahoma

630. Alyssa Cudmore (Ally), Graduate Student

631. Adam J Pierce (Ally), PhD. Student Integrated Bioscience

632. Stephanie Diane Pierce (Ally), Biomimicry and education, content developer

633. Alex Peters (Ally), University of Michigan

634. Beverly Naidus (Ally), Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, University of Washington, Tacoma

635. Tatiana Schreiber (Ally), Adjunct Faculty, Environmental Studies, Keene State College

636. Amy Michael (Ally), Albion College

637. Clement Loo (Ally), University of Minnesota, Morris

638. Johanna Fornberg (Ally), Graduate Student

639. Mike Ilardi (Ally), University of Michigan

640. Matt Samson (Ally)

641. Gabrielle Hecht (Ally), University of Michigan

642. Elizabeth Damon (Ally), Director Keepers of the Water

643. Erica Jones (Ally), Independent Scholar

644. Omayra Ortega

645. Roy Clarke (Ally), University of Michigan

646. Thomas Bretz (Ally), Utah Valley University

647. Les Field, Jewish University of New Mexico

648. Cassidy A. Dellorto-Blackwell (Ally), University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and Environment

649. Lee Bloch (Ally), University of Virginia

650. Dale Petty (Ally), Professional Faculty, Advanced Manufacturing, Washtenaw Community College

651. Sofiya Shreyer (Ally), Anthropology Department, Bridgewater State University

652. Gordon Henry (White Earth Anishinaabe), Poet, Senior Editor, American Indian Studies Series, MSU Press

653. Joshua Lockyer, Ph.D. (Ally), Arkansas Tech University

654. bonnie chidester (ally), nurse community builder

655. Chris Fremantle (Ally), Edinburgh College of Art

656. Eric Boynton (Ally), Allegheny College

657. R. Eugene Turner (Ally), Louisiana State University

658. Kate Chapel (Ally), University of Michigan

659. Alex Kinzer (Ally), University of Michigan

660. K. Arthur Endsley (Ally), PhD Candidate, University of Michigan

661. Marcia Ishii-Eiteman (Ally), Senior Scientist, Pesticide Action Network

662. Braden Elliott (Ally), PhD Candidate, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dartmouth College

663. Dr. Yogi Hale Hendlin (Ally), Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California, San Francisco

664. Robert Geroux (Blackfeet [Amskapi Pikuni] descent), IUPUI

665. Brianna Bull Shows (Crow), Student researcher

666. Grace Ndiritu (Ally), Visual Artist

667. Sarah Barney (Ally), University of Michigan

668. Richard Tucker (Ally), University of Michigan

669. Andrew Kinzer (Ally), University of Michigan - School of Natural Resources and Environment

670. Iokiñe Rodriguez (Ally) to Latin American Indigenous Peoples), Senior Lecturer, School of International Development, University of East Anglia

671. Kim Nace (Ally), Rich Earth Institute

672. Laura Baker (Ally), Marketing

673. Melissa Wallace (Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), Information Technology

674. Jame Schaefer, Ph.D. (Ally), Marquette University

675. Schuyler Chew (Mohawk, Six Nations of the Grand River), Doctoral Student, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, University of Arizona

676. Annie Mandart (Ally), from Tuscarora Nation), Academic Affairs, Daemen College

677. Steve Breyman (Ally), Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

678. Courtney Carothers (Ally), University of Alaska

679. Dr. Renee A. Botta Ally Associate Professor, Global Health and Development Communication, University of Denver

680. Gregory Smithers (Ally), Virginia Commonwealth University

681. Jasmine Pawlicki (Sokaogon Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), Graduate Student-University of Arizona; Information Resources Assistant Sr.-University of Michigan Library Operations

682. Emily Blackmer (Ally), Former research assistant at Dartmouth College

683. Michael E. Bird MSW-MPH (Santo Domingo/Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo), Past President American Public Health Association

684. Kelli Herr (Ally), Student at Penn State University

685. Lilly Fink Shapiro (Ally), University of Michigan

686. Dr. Kelly S Bricker (Ally), The University of Utah, Parks, Recreation, and Tourism

687. Jim Maffie (Ally), University of Maryland

688. Basia Irland (Ally), Professor Emerita, UNM

689. Kelly S Bricker (Ally), University of Utah

690. Anapaula Bazan Munoz (Ally), Pennsylvania State University

691. Blaire Topash-Caldwell (Pokagon Band of Potawatomi), University of New Mexico

692. Todd Mitchell (Swinomish Environmental Director), Swinomish Department of Environmental Protection

693. Elizabeth H Simmons (Ally), Michigan State University, Department of Physics & Astronomy

694. Malia Naeole-Takasato (Kanaka Maoli), Educator

695. Joseph Paki (Ally), University of Michigan

696. J D Wainwright (Ally), Ohio State University

697. Fatma Müge Göçek (Ally), Professor of Sociology

698. Jennifer Welchman (Ally), Professor of Philosophy, University of Alberta

699. Kimber Dawson (Descendant of Fort Peck Assiniboine Sioux and Colville Confederated Tribes) The Pennsylvania State University

700. Kennan Ferguson (Ally), Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

701. Amara Geffen (Ally) Allegheny College

702. Dennis Kirchoff (Ally), Engineer

703. Nathan Martin (Oneida of Wi and Menominee), ASU graduate

704. Dr. Elizabeth DeLoughrey (Ally), Professor, University of California

705. Peter Kozik (Ally), Keuka College

706. Raymond De Young (Ally), University of Michigan

707. Amelie Huber (Ally), PhD Candidate, Institute of Environmental Science & Technology, Autonomous University Barcelona

708. Janet Fiskio (Ally), Oberlin College

709. Stacey Tecot (Ally), University of Arizona

710. Kate A. Berry (Ally), University of Nevada, Reno

711. Alice Elliott (Ally), Master's candidate, University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment

712. Vitor Machado Lira (Ally), Circlepoint/ University of Michigan

713. Chris Karounos (Ally), Master's Student University of Michigan

714. Agustin Fuentes (Ally), University of Notre Dame

715. Sally Haslanger (Ally), Ford Professor of Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

716. Bonnie Mennell (Ally), Educator

717. Tim Richardson (Uyak Natives, inc), Government Affairs consultant

718. April Richards (Ally), University of Michigan

719. Melissa Watkinson (Chickasaw), University of Washington

720. Sharon Traweek (Ally), UCLA

721. Stefano Varese (Ally), Professor Emeritus of NAS-UC Davis

722. Dr. MJ Hardman (Jaqi people of South America, Jaqaru - Tupe, Yauyos, Lima, Perú), U of Florida (emeritus)

723. Jamie Beck Alexander (Ally),

724. Eric Palmer (Ally), Allegheny College

725. Dr. Chellie Spiller (Maori - Ngati Kahungunu), University of Auckland

726. Margaret Susan Draskovich Mete (Ally), Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA); Indigenous Studies PhD student at University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)

727. Anne Elise Stratton (Ally), University of Michigan

728. Frederique Apffel-Marglin (Ally), Smith College, Dept of Anthropology (Emeritus)

729. Diana Chapman Walsh (Ally), President emerita, Wellesley College

730. . Kristina Meshelski (Ally), California State University, Northridge

731. sean kelly (ally), CIIS

732. Mike Fortun (Ally), Department of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

733. Chris Mcbride (Pākehā / Walking alongside /Ally), Curator/Artist The Kauri Project Aotearoa

734. Neal Salisbury (Ally), Barbara Richmond 1940 Professor Emeritus in the Social Sciences (History) Smith College

735. Marie Berry (Ally), University of Denver

736. Ursula K Heise (Ally), Marcia H. Howard Chair in Literary Studies, Department of English and Institute of the Environment & Sustainability, UCLA

737. Vanda Radzik (Ally), Associate of the Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation & Development

738. Pete Westover (Ally), Adjunct Professor of Ecology, Hampshire College

739. Dr. Christina Holmes (Ally), DePauw University

740. Mike Burbidge (Ally), University of Michigan

741. Richard J Kulibert (Ally), Nannyberry Native Plants

742. Katherine Gordon (Ally), University of California Riverside

743. Dr. Chaone Mallory (Ally), Discursive Activist

744. Linda Ayre de Varese (Ally), Artist and Teacher

745. Dr. Claudia J. Ford (Non Citizen Cherokee), Faculty, Rhode Island School of Design

746. Dr. Chaone Mallory (Ally), Associate Professor of Environmental Philosophy

747. Joy Hannibal (Belauan/Palauan), Academic Advisor, Michigan State University

748. Marina Zurkow (Ally), artist and educator, ITP, Tisch School of the Arts, NYU

749. Luisa Maffi (Ally), Terralingua

750. Denise Burchsted (Ally), Assistant Professor, Keene State College

751. Lindy Labriola (Ally), Student

752. Beth Preston (Ally), Professor of Philosophy, University of Georgia

753. Eaton Asher (Ally), Western UniversityEric Ederer Ally Public Health MPH

754. Andrew Ross (Ally), Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU

755. sakej younblood henderson (Chickasaw), Native Science Academy

756. Amy Kuʻuleialoha Stillman (Native Hawaiian), University of Michigan

757. Gretel Ehrlich (Ally: Inuit), Published writer

758. Watson Puiahi (Areare Namo Araha Council of Chief), ILukim Sustainability Solomon Islands

759. David Schlosberg (Ally), University of Sydney, Sydney Environment Institute

760. Jean Jackson (Ally), Professor of Anthropology Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

761. Julie Gaffarel (Ally), Agronomist and doula

762. Antonina Griecci Woodsum (Ally), Columbia University Graduate Student

763. Todd May (Ally), Clemson University

764. Kathleen Dean Moore (Ally), Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Oregon State University

765. Phil Rees (Ally), Terralingua

766. Dr. J. Lin Compton, PhD (Cherokee, Mohawk ), Professor Emeritus, University of Wiscosinnsin

767. Kristina Anderson (Ally), Graduate Student

768. August Pattiselanno (Ambonese), Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Pattimura University

769. Susana Nuccetelli (Ally), St. Cloud State University

770. Khadijah Jacobs (Navajo Nation), Student at UNM

771. Gary Seay (Ally), Medgar Evers College/CUNY

772. Thomas K Seligman (Ally), Stanford University

773. Hiram Larew, Ph.D. (Ally), Retired, US Department of Agriculture

774. Joan Baron (Ally), environmental artist

775. Lisa Heldke (Ally), Professor of Philosophy; Director, Nobel Conference, Gustavus Adolphus College

776. Chad Okulich (Ally), Teacher

777. Liza Grandia (Ally), Associate Professor, Department of Native American Studies, UC-Davis

778. Rebecca Alexander (Ally), Assistant Professor of Education Studies, DePauw University

779. Larry Beck, Ph.D. (Ally), San Diego State University

780. Dr. Kevin Elliott (Ally), Associate Professor in Lyman Briggs College, Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife, and Dept. of Philosophy, Michigan State University

781. Amanda Meier (Ally), PhD Candidate, University of Michigan

782. Dr. Bruce D. Martin (Ally), The Pennsylvani State University

783. Janie Simms Hipp, JD, LLM (Chickasaw), Director, Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative, University of Arkansas School of Law

784. Philip Deloria (Dakota), University of Michigan

785. Geoffrey Johnson (Ally), University of Oregon

786. Dr. James Crowfoot (Ally), Professor and Dean Emeritus, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan

787. Gregory J. Marsano (Ally), Environmental Law and Policy Student, Vermont Law School

788. Dominic Bednar (Black), University of Michigan, Doctoral student

789. Devin Hansen (Sugpiaq), Forestry

790. Shona Ramchandani (Ally), Science Museum of Minnesota

791. Dr. Sean Kerins (Ally), Fellow, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, The Australian National University

792. Jill Hernandez (Ally), Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas at San Antonio

793. John Grey (Ally), Michigan State University

794. Ann Regan (Ally), Minnesota Historical Society Press

795. Nancy Rich (Ally), Adjunct Professor, Environmental Biology, Springfield Technical Community College

796. Dr. Florence Vaccarello Dunkel (Sicilian Ally), Associate Professor of Entomology, Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology,Montana State University

797. Melissa Krug (Allly), Temple University

798. Joan Carling (Kankanaey-Igorot), Former member- Expert member of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

799. Dennis Longknife Jr (Ally), Tribal Climate Change Scientist

800. Char Jensen (Ally), Naturopathic Physician, Spiritual Advisor, Teacher, Mentor

801. Guillermo Delgado-P. (Quechua linguistics), Anthropology Department, Univ. of California Santa Cruz

802. Georgina Cullman (Ally), American Museum of Natural History

803. Dr. Elizabeth Allison (Ally), California Institute of Integral Studies

804. Jeff Peterson (Alutiiq tribe of Old Harbor), Tourism business owner

805. Kris Sealey (Ally), Associate Professor of Philosophy, Fairfield University

806. Elizabeth Hoover (Mohawk/Mi'kmaq), Assistant Professor of American Studies, Brown University

807. David H. Kim (Ally), U of San Francisco

808. Jamie Holding Eagle (Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation), North Dakota State University

809. Dr. David L. Secord (Ally), University of Washington, Simon Fraser University, and Barnacle Strategies Consulting

810. Susanna B Hecht (Ally), UCLA and Graduate Institute for International Development,. Geneva

811. Raquell Holmes (Ally), Founder, improvscience; Assistant Research Prof. Boston University

812. Shakara Tyler (Ally), Graduate Student, Michigan State University

813. Irene Perez Llorente (Ally), UNAM

814. Christina Callicott (Ally), University of Florida

815. Julie Marckel (Ally), Science Museum of Minnesota

816. Elsa Hoover (Algonquin Anishinaabe), Columbia University

817. Jennifer Gardy (Ally), University of British Columbia

818. Nicole Sukdeo (Ally), University of Northern British Columbia

819. Kristina Mani (Ally), Oberlin College

820. Ricky Bell (Ngāti Hine, Aotearoa - New Zealand), University of Otago

821. Kimberly Danny (Navajo), Ph.D. Student, University of Arizona

822. Samuel M. ʻOhukaniʻōhiʻa Gon III (Hawaiian), The Nature Conservancy of Hawaiʻi; University of Hawaiʻi

823. Yi Deng (Ally), Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of North Georgia

824. Noelani Puniwai (Kanaka Maoli), University of Hawaii at Manoa

825. Yiran Emily Liu (Ally), Undergraduate Student Researcher

826. Britt Baatjes (Ally), Researcher

827. Dr. Stephanie Aisha Steplight Johnson (Ally), Higher Education Administrator

828. Jennifer Gunn (Ally), University of Minnesota

829. Andrea R. Gammon (Ally), PhD Researcher

830. Darren J. Ranco, PhD (Penobscot), University of Maine

831. Mascha Gugganig (Ally), Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technical University Munich

832. Jessie Pauline Collins (Cherokee-Saponi), Citizens' Resistance at Fermi 2 (CRAFT)

833. Sophia Efstathiou (Ally) Programme for Applied Ethics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

834. David Tomblin (Ally), Director: Science, Technology and Society Program, University of Maryland

835. Brinn G Pierce (Ally), Student at Goucher College

836. Lisa Brooks (Abenaki), Associate Professor of English and American Studies, Amherst College

837. Dr. Iris Montero Sobrevilla (Mexica), Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities and Science and Technology Studies, Brown University

838. Dr Kay Mc Gowan (Choctaw/Cherokee), Eastern Michigan University

839. Carole Lanialoha Lee (Native Hawaiian, Ally

840. Jeff Grignon (Menominee Nation), Forest Development

841. Brandy Ellison (Ally), Michigan State University

842. Hanna Clutterbuck-Cook (Ally), Independent Scholar

843. Kate Bailey (Ally), University of Michigan

844. Megs Gendreau (Ally), Cornell University

845. Atina Pamei (Naga - India), Indigenous Rights Activist

846. Daniel Schoonmaker (Ally), West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum

847. Colleen Rossier (Ally), UC-Davis

848. Antonio Petrov (Ally), University of Texas San Antonio

849. Christopher Dunn (Ally), Cornell Botanic Gardens

850. Cynthia Norton (Ally), Admin. Assistant, Sustainable Development Institute, College of Menominee Nation

851. Carl Smith (Potawatomie, Bkejwanong Territory), Resource Protection, Walpole Island

852. Rebecca Witter (Ally), Appalachian State University

853. Jonglim Han Yoo (Ally), Advisor

854. Emily Sorroche (Cayuga, Haudenosaunee Confederacy), Academic Advisor, Michigan State University

855. Sonia Joshi (Ally), Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program Manager, School of Natural Resources and Environment- University of Michigan

856. Marija Uzunova (Ally), Teacher of IB Theory of Knowledge, UWC Mahindra College

857. Samantha Shattuck (Ally), Pegasus Technical Services

858. Dr. Jenna Messick (Cherokee), University of Oklahoma

859. Dr. Jeji Varghese (Ally), Associate Professor of Environmental/Natural Resource Sociology, CESI Affiliate, University of Guelph

860. Jennifer Wenzel (Ally), Associate Professor, English and Comparative Literature and Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies, Columbia University

861. Jeffrey Reed (Ally), Fisheries Research Scientist

862. Ronnie Hawkins (Ally), Environmental Philosophy

863. Diana Copeland (Anishinaabe), Michigan State University

864. Emily Guseman (Ally), University of Wyoming

865. Dr. Polly O. Walker (Cherokee: Cherokee Southwest Township), Director of Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

866. Joe Reilly (Cherokee), American Indian Health and Family Services

867. Rosemary Gianno (Ally), Keene State College

868. Geneva Langeland (Ally), University of Michigan

869. Rachel Rostad (Ally), N/A

870. Kathy Schafer (Ally)

871. Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga, Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society Massachusetts Institute of Technology

872. Stephen E. Nash (Ally), Denver Museum of Nature & Science

873. Joeseph Smith (Ally), University of Michigan

874. Wendy Dorman (Ally), GIS Analyst, Master's Student at Eastern Michigan University

875. Jennifer Ballinger (Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission

876. Thomas Loddengaard (Ally), Exhibit Fabricator IV, Science Museum of Minnesota

877. Audrey Pallmeyer (Ally), University of Michigan

878. Arman Golrokhian (Ally), Graduate Student Researcher

879. Eric A. Schertzing (Ally), Ingham County Treasurer

880. Claire Brault (Ally), Brown university

881. Allison Tilma (Ally), Michigan State University

882. Michelle Martinez (Lipan Apache), Environmental Justice Activist and Mother

883. Peter David (Ally), Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission

884. John Kannenberg (Ally), Museum of Portable Sound

885. Mindy Kurzer (Ally), Professor and Director, Healthy Foods, Healthy Lives Institute, University of Minnesota

886. Carter O'Brien (Ally), Sustainability Manager, Field Museum of Natural History

887. Denise Holladay Damico (Ally), Department of History and Political Science, Saint Francis University

888. DJ Shook (Ally), Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians

889. Vincent Martin (Hatuey) Environmental Consultant

890. Thomas McIlwraith (Ally), University of Guelph

891. Devon G. Peña, Ph.D. (Chicano), University of Washington

892. Karenne Wood (Monacan), Virginia Foundation for the Humanities

893. Dr. Dena Ned (Chickasaw Nation), Associate Professor/Lecturer, College of Social Work, University of Utah

894. Astrid Cardona (Ally), Associate Professor, The University of Texas at San Antonio

895. Lindsay Brown (Ally), Community Development Co-ordinator, Women's Rural Resource Center

896. Aranzazu Lascurain (Ally), NC Carolina State University

897. Hunter Sagaskie (OjiCree), Peer Advisor for the Multicultural Academic Student Services at Central Michigan University

898. Theresa Reilly (Ally), Administrative Coordinator

899. Erica Fiasky (Ally), Michigan State University

900. Hunter Sagaskie (OjiCree), Peer Advisor for the Multicultural Academic Student Services at Central Michigan University

901. Zdanna King (Ally), Evaluation and Research Associate, Science Museum of Minnesota

902. Karen Wilson Lienhart (Ally), Michigan State University - Natural Science

903. Patricia Maples (Ally), Environmental Specialist Navajo Nation EPA

904. Dr. Prakash Kashwan (Ally), Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut

905. Dr. Anna J. Willow (Ally), Ohio State University

906. Dr. Aisha Damali Lockridge (Ally), Saint Joseph's University

907. Dr. John J. Trimble (Ally), St. Francis University

908. Patrick Nunn (Ally), academic professional

909. Nicole Bleifeld (Ally), WSF Productions

910. Farina King (Diné), Southern Methodist University

911. Bolívar Aponte-Rolón (Ally), Master's Student at School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Michigan

912. Carrie Heinonen (Ally), Director and CEO, Museum of Northern Arizona

913. Dr. Serra Hoagland (Laguna Pueblo), Liaison Officer (Biologist)

914. David Keller N/A Archeologist

915. Alistair Welchman (Ally), University of Texas at San Antonio

916. Jennifer Rivera (Jatibonicu Taino Tribe of Boriken), Michigan State University

917. Rosina Philippe (Atakapa-Ishak/Chawasha), First People's Conservation Council

918. Kalynn Branham (Cherokee), student, wildlife Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University

919. Dr. Paige M. Schmidt (Citizen Potawatomi Nation), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuge System

920. Heather Stricker (Ally), Native Peoples Wildlife Management Working Group

921. Dr. Patrick Zollner (Ally), Associate Professor of Quantitative Ecology Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Purdue University

922. Dr. Sean E. Gantt (Choctaw descendent), Crow Canyon Archaeological Center

923. Karen E. Everingham (Ally), Illinois State Museum

924. Weston M. Eaton (Ally), The Pennsylvania State University

925. Michel Kohl (Ft. Peck Sioux & Assiniboine), Berryman Institute Postdoctoral Fellow

926. Jennifer Sevigny (Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians), Wildlife Biologist for the Stillaguamish Tribe

927. Dan Hill (Cayuga Nation), HETF Environmental Tech

928. Elsa Stamatopoulou (Ally), Director, Indigenous Peoples' Rights Program, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University

929. Paula (Ally), Science Museum of Minnesota

930. Robert Magill (Ally), Western Slope Wildlife LLC

931. Joseph Trumpey (Ally), University of Michigan

932. Michaela Shirley (Navajo), Indigenous Planner

933. Dr. Sandra Pryor (Ally), Department of History, Old Dominion University

934. Daniel Bird (Kewa Pueblo), Graduate Student

935. Parima Kadikar (Ally), Columbia University student

936. Karl Lorenz (Lummi Nation), University of Minnesota

937. Valerie Padilla Carroll (Ally), Assistant Professor, Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies, Kansas State University

938. Dr. Diana Doan-Crider (Tepehuan - Mexico), Director, Animo Partnership in Natural Resources

939. Jaskiran Dhillon (Ally), The New School

940. Amanda Stanley (Ally), independent

941. Caitlin Blanchfield (Ally), Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

942. Amelia AM Marchand, MELP (Okanogan, Moses-Columbia, Arrow Lakes, Palus and Chief Joseph Band of Nez Perce), Water Regulatory Specialist

943. Alyse Horan (Ally), student

944. Hannah Ambinder (Ally), Student

945. Manon Robyn Cote (Ally), Program Manager, University of New Mexico

946. Devika Ghai (Ally), Pesticide Action Network

947. Ty Werdel (Sisseton-Wahpeton), GRA South Dakota State University

948. Amanda Summers (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma), Stillaguamish Tribe Wildlife Program

949. Angela Waters Austin (Ally), One Love Global Inc.

950. bethany ojalehto (Ally), Northwestern University

951. Ted Toadvine (Ally), The Pennsylvania State University

952. Michelle (Ally), Science Instructional Coordinator, MT

953. Noel Habashy (Ally), PhD Candidate, Pennsylvania State University

954. Wendie Owens (Ally), Science Museum of Minnesota

955. rev. shinge roko sherry chayat (zen buddhism), zen teacher, abbot of zen center of syracuse and zen studies society

956. Kristin Schafer (Ally), Program Director, Pesticide Action Network

957. Dr. Eric Sager (Ally), Ecological Restoration Program, Fleming College/Trent University

958. Alex Sieber (Ally), Student

959. Karla Eitel (Ally), University of Idaho

960. Ashwin Ravikumar (Ally), The Field Museum

961. Joanne Campbell (Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria), Honored Elder

962. Alyssa Rosemartin (Ally), USA National Phenology Network/University of Arizona

963. Anne Fosty (Ally), former lawyer with the UN Office Of Legal Affairs

964. Mishuana Goeman (Tonawanda Band of Seneca), UCLA

965. Michael Brown (Ally), Affiliated Scholar at the Center for Science, Technology and Society at Drexel University and PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Michigan State Unversity

966. Paul Beaudet (Ally), Executive Director, Wilburforce Foundation

967. Elizabeth East (Ally), University of Tennessee, Knoxville

968. Valentina Denzel (Ally), Michigan State University

969. Matt Anderson (Cherokee), Assistant Professor, Ohio State University

970. Gwen Ottinger (Ally), Associate Professor, Drexel University

971. stephanie pincetl (Ally), Professor

972. Robert Scott Kenning (Ally), Salish Kootenai College

973. Dr. Stephanie A. Sellers (Euro-settler Ally and Cherokee Heritage), Faculty, Native American Studies, Gettysburg College

974. Gretchen Henke (Dakota), Science Museum of Minnesota

975. Tanya M. Kerssen (Ally), author and activist

976. Stephanie Malin (Ally), Department of Sociology, Colorado State University

977. Tannya Forcone (Ally), Ohio State University, Kirwan Institute

978. Sonya Maria Johnson (Ally), Beloit College

979. Jocelyn Killmer (Ally), PhD Candidate, Anthropology, Syracuse University

980. Babette Galalng (Native Hawaiian), Traditional Healing & Complementary Health Director, Papa Ola Lokahi

981. Ellie Masters (Ally), Oberlin college

982. Nancy Tuana (Ally), DuPont/Class of 1949 Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies, Penn State University

983. Ingrid Elísabet Feeney (Ally), PhD Student - University of California

984. Jennie Curtis (Ally), Executive Director, Garfield Foundation

985. Callie (Ally), Artist

986. Tasha Seneca Keyes (Seneca), Instructor, College of Social Work, University of Utah

987. Heidi Affi (Ally), Macalester College

988. Joanne Yaffe (Ally), Professor, College of Social Work, University of Utah

989. Jannan Cotto (Odawa/Ojibwe/Potawatomi Anishinaabe) Education Director, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians

990. Cecilia Martinez (Pueblo), Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy

991. Pamela McElwee (Ally), Rutgers University, Department of Human Ecology

992. Kyra Busch (Ally), The Chrsitensen Fund

993. Dr. Camisha Russell (Ally), Colorado College

994. Paul Hirsch (Ally), Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry,

995. Michelle L. Anderson (Ally), Professor of Ecology, The University of Montana Western

996. Olivia Hudis (Ally), Ayurvedic Doctor practicing traditional Indian Medical Science

997. Shane Snyder (Ally), PhD Student, American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University

998. Happy Chichester (Ally), Singer, Musician, Songwriter

999. Daniel Souleles (Ally), Georgetown University

1000. Rebecca Hill (Ally), Science Museum of MN - Instructor

1001. Julianne Warren (Ally), Interdependent scholar and writer

1002. Kathryn Savoie, Ph.D. (Ally), Ecologist

1003. Adela Garcia (Ally), Human Being

1004. Kaitlin Reed (Yurok Tribe), University of California, Davis

1005. Gail Phiblin (Ally), Sierra Club

1006. Clayton Brascoupe (Mohawk), TNAFA

1007. Margaret Reeves (Ally), Pesticide Action Network

1008. Samantha Miller (Ally), Ohio Interfaith Power and Light

1009. Corrine Higley (Ally), PhD Candidate, Michigan State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

1010. Stephanie Cruz (Ally), Graduate Student

1011. Robert Gough, JD (Lenape descent), Intertribal Council On Utility Policy Intertribal COUP / Rising Voices / PRiMO -IKE Hui

1012. Alison Meadow (Ally), University of Arizona

1013. Madeleine Cleary (Ally), Student at Michigan State University

1014. Sonya Atalay (Anishinaabe), UMass Amherst

1015. Lauren T. Phillips (Ally), Graduate Student, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University

1016. JL Hernandez (Ally)

1017. Anthony Beals (Ally), Michigan State University student

1018. Dr. Rodney Haring (Seneca Nation/Haudenosaunee), Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Office of Cancer Health Disparities Research

1019. Spencer McCormack (Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians), Tribal Fish and Wildlife Researcher

1020. Caitlin McDonough (Ally), BU

1021. Maren Spolum (Ally), Research manager, University of Michigan

1022. Paul DeMain (Oneida/Ojibwe), Business Owner

1023. Dr. Le Anne E. Silvey (Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians), Associate Professor, Human Development & Family Studies, Michigan State University

1024. Candice Montenegro (Ally), Student

1025. Dr. Clarita Lefthand-Begay (Citizen of the Diné Nation), Assistant Professor in Native North American Indigenous Knowledge, Environmental Health Scientist, Director of the Tribal Water Security Project, University of Washington

1026. Leslie C Sharkey (Ally), University of Minnesota

1027. Curtis Frazier (Diné) Faculty, Applied Science Technology & Education, Utah State University - Eastern

1028. Robby Callahan Schreiber (Ally), Science Museum of Minnesota

1029. Christopher McLeod (ally of sacred site guardians and Winnemem Wintu Tribe), documentary filmmaker, Sacred Land Film Project

1030. Bonnie Shoultz (Ally), Clergy--Buddhist

1031. Joni Robb (Ally)

1032. Paulette Blanchard (Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma), University of Kansas, PhD Student Geography

1033. Malia Kipapa (Kanaka Maoli Hawai'i), Kamehameha Schools

1034. Marymegan Daly (Ally), Department of Evolution, Ecology & Organisms Biology, The Ohio State University

1035. Bruce Robbins (Ally), Columbia University

1036. Britta Timpane-Padgham (Ally), Fisheries Biologist, UW and NWFSC

1037. Paula Ungar (Ally), Biologist

1038. Ciarra Greene (Nimiipuu/Nez Perce), NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Portland State University

1039. Erin Villegas Strauss (Ally), Science Museum of Minnesota

1040. Tatiana Amor Aderman (Ally), Social Anthropologist, ENAH

1041. Erik Kojola (Ally), PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota

1042. Thomas Kenote jr. (Menominee), Graduate Student, University of Minnesota

1043. Dr. Renae D. Ditmer (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians), President, STRATCON LLC

1044. Bennie J. Hayden (Ally), Founder, Marketing for Green

1045. Jackie Smith (Ally), Professor of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh & Editor, Journal of World-Systems Research

1046. Magdalene Jane McCarty Sanders (Makah Nation), Nisqually Indian Tribe

1047. Tonya Smith (Ally), Student and collaborator with the Lil'wat Nation and the University of British Columbia

1048. Michele Henson (Ally), University of Arizona

1049. Joey Aloi (Ally), Food Hub Marketing Specialist

1050. Lynn Rae (Ally), Graduate Assistant, Native Nations Climate Adaptation Program at University of Arizona

1051. Aviva lipkowitz (Ally), Software Engineer

1052. Holly Barton (Navajo Nation), Tribal Climate Science Liaison (Southwest Climate Science Center & American Indian Higher Education Consortium)

1053. Dr. Dominick A. DellaSala (Ally), Geos Institute

1054. George Partlow (Ally), Retired IT professional

1055. Chelsea Batavia (Ally), PhD. Student, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University

1056. Alexander Kunsch (Ally), Student

1057. Ken Marable (Ally), Michigan State University

1058. Dr. Natalie Kurashima (Kānaka Maoli - Native Hawaiian), Integrated Resources Manager, Kamehameha Schools Natural and Cultural Resources

1059. Sandra Mayan (Mexico), Geology Institute

1060. Rosemarie Hunter (Ally), Associate Professor, Social Work

1061. Shruti Mokashi (Ally), SUNY-ESF

1062. J. Huston (Ally)

1063. Frederic Gleach (Ally), Senior Lecturer and Curator of the Anthropology Collections, Cornell University

1064. m. kalani souza (kanaka maoli humanis familia), Olohana Foundation

1065. Ben Manski (Ally), President, Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution

1066. Kishana Taylor (Ally), PhD Candidate University of Georgia

1067. Natalie (Ally), Student

1068. Mirna Inturias (Ally), Socióloga

1069. Ida Nicolaisen (Ally), Senior Researcher, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen University; Former vice-chair of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

1070. Mary Davisson (Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation), Colville Tribes Fish & Wildlife Biologist

1071. Charlie Iverson (Ally), Science Museum of Minnesota

1072. Bhawana Tuladhar-Douglas (Newar), University of Aberdeen

1073. Ana Waxer (Ally), Behavioral Technician

1074. Stephen Laubach (Ally), UW-Madison Earth Partnership, Indigenous Arts and Sciences Initiative

1075. Sarah Goodspeed (Ally), Advocate

1076. Dr Will Tuladhar-Douglas (Newar/Ally), University of Aberdeen

1077. M. Elise Marubbio (Ally), Associate Professor of American Indian Studies, Augsburg College

1078. Christof Mauch (Ally), Director, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

1079. Dr. Kiana Frank (Native Hawaiian), Assistant Professor in Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii, Mānoa

1080. Sarah E. Fredericks (Ally), Assistant Professor, Divinity School, University of Chicago

1081. David Stanfield (Ally), Terra Institute

1082. Joseph Earl Thomas (Ally), writer

1083. Atossa Soltani (Ally), Board President, Amazon Watch

1084. Shannon Wilber, MSW (Ally), (Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin), College of Menominee Nation

1085. Amanda Weinert (Anishinaabe/Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians), Curriculum Specialist, Education Department, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians

1086. Ronald R. Sundstrom (Ally), Philosophy Department, University of San Francisco

1087. Molly Steele (Ally), Clinical Microbiologist

1088. Suzanne Crawford O'Brien (Ally), Pacific Lutheran University

1089. Luis Felipe R. Murillo (Ally), CNAM-LISE, IFRIS

1090. Anna Cordova (Diné), Lead Archaeologist

1091. Pennie Opal Plant (Choctaw/Cherokee [undocumented] & Yaqui), Movement Rights, Co-founder

1092. Timothy Rempel (Ally), Architect

1093. Victoria Atencio (Santo Domingo Pueblo), Earth Care

1094. Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend (Ally), Global Coordinator, The ICCA Consortium

1095. Ember McCoy (Ally), Graduate Student

1096. Tom Roa (Waikato-Maniapoto [Māori - New Zealand]), Ahonuku; Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao (Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies) University of Waikato

1097. Anna Cook (Ally), PhD Candidate University of Oregon

1098. Sam Bosco (Ally), PhD Candidate, Cornell University

1099. Dr Shawn Wilson (Opaskwayak Cree), Director of Research, Gnibi College of Indigenous Australian Peoples, Southern Cross University

1100. Courtney Tchida (Ally), University of Minnesota

1101. Karly Burch (Ally), University of Otago, New Zealand

1102. David V. Hill (Ally), ASET Stiftung Ltd

1103. Clancy McConnell (Ally), Graduate Student, University of California, Davis

1104. Jennifer Metes (Ally), Graduate Student, Community Development, UC Davis

1105. Doug Booth (Ally), University of Denver

1106. Marisa A. Coyne (Ally), Graduate Student (Community Development + Geography), Student Farm - University of California, Davis

1107. Verónica Moreno (Ally), IDEX

1108. Susanne Moser, Ph.D. (Ally), Susanne Moser Research & Consulting; Stanford University

1109. Alberto Valdivia (Taino), UC Davis

1110. Ed Galindo, PhD (Yaqui), University of Idaho, Director of ISTEM, Associate Director NASA Idaho Space Grant Idaho

1111. Erin Bridges Bird (Ally), PhD Student Science Education

1112. Roxanne Gould (Odawa/Ojibwe), Environmental education

1113. Zev Trachtenberg (Ally), Department of Philosophy, University of Oklahoma

1114. Bari G.M. Talley (Karuk Tribe), Karuk Tribe

1115. Daniel Patrick (Ally), Executive Director, Nga Pae o te Maramatanga, New Zealand's Maori Centre of Research Excellence

1116. Clint Carroll (Cherokee Nation), Assistant Professor, University of Colorado

1117. Iko'tsimiskimaki Beck (Blackfeet), Senior at Harvard

1118. Dr. Julia Corbett (Ally), Environmental Humanities, University of Utah

1119. Dr. Laura M. Furlan (Cherokee/Osage/Apache descent), Department of English, UMass Amherst

1120. Karuna Greenberg (Ally), Salmon River Restoration Council / Western Klamath Restoration Partnership

1121. Kārlis Rokpelnis (Ally), PhD Ethnoecology

1122. Lisette Torres-Gerald (Ally), Iowa State University / Nebraska Wesleyan University

1123. Guy Reiter (Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin), Community Organizer

1124. Dr. Donna Haraway (Ally), University of California Santa Cruz

1125. aster s tecle (Ally), instructor, college of social work, university of utah

1126. Amanda Herrera (Ally, with Taino ancestors) Northwestern University

1127. Sophia Acord (Ally), Department of Sociology, Criminology & Law, University of Florida

1128. Julie M. Solomon (Nooksack-Lummi-Matsqui), Business Owner

1129. Sharon E. Moore (Ally), Heard Museum

1130. Carol Hoover (Ally), Executive Director Eyak Preservation Council

1131. Carolyn Abrams (Ally), Research Analyst

1132. Lejla Bajgoric (Ally)

1133. Drew Fournier (Ally), Student at University of Massachusetts Amherst

1134. Alison Wylie (Ally), University of Washington

1135. Chad Monfreda (Ally), University of Michigan

1136. Yoli Ngandali (Ally), University of Washington Anthropology Department

1137. Dr. Sonia Wesche (Ally), Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies and Aboriginal Studies, University of Ottawa

1138. Katie Williams (Absentee Shawnee), PhD Student, University of New Mexico

1139. Diane Rhodes (Ally), Retired Archaeologist

1140. Elena Torres Ruiz (Ally), Graduate Student Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

1141. Takeshi Shiratori (Ally), Setsunan University, Living and Environmental Design, Geosymbiosis and Design Lab

1142. Barbara Bellieu (Osage), Account and Administrative Manager, John Muir Institute of the Environment, UC Davis

1143. John Landis (Ally), Systems Analyst

1144. Peter Amato (Ally), Drexel University

1145. Kate Durda, M.A. (Ally, Celtic- Eastern European lineage), developmental psychologist

1146. Walter Gordon (Ally), Columbia University

1147. Anastasia Mortimer (Ally), Knowledge Translation Officer, The Sydney Environment Institute

1148. Dr Katherine Neal (Ally), UNSW Sydeny

1149. Adele E. Clarke (Ally), Professor Emerita, Sociology and History of Health Sciences, U.C., San Francisco

1150. Ximena Cid (Yaqui), Asst. Prof., physics, California State University, Dominguez Hills

1151. Natalie Stockmann (Ally), Student

1152. Anna Koop (Ally), Data Scientist, Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

1153. Carmen Mendoza King, M.A. (Ally), Community Health Worker

1154. Dr. Donna Hurlburt (Mi'kmaq), Acadia University

1155. Anna Clutterbuck-Cook (Ally), Reference Librarian, Massachusetts Historical Society

1156. Stacey Parker (Ally), UC Davis

1157. Margaret Hall (Ally), Model Forest Policy Program

1158. Allie Tibbetts (Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), County Social Worker

1159. Gavin Noyes (Ally), Executive Director, Utah Dine Bikeyah

1160. Dr. Sarah Wong (Ally), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

1161. Karen Barad (Ally), Physicist, Science & Justice Research Center, Professor of FS, UCSC

1162. Sarah Stapleton (Ally), University of Oregon

1163. Matt Gardner (Ally)

1164. Sara Fingal (Ally), Michigan State University

1165. Ellie McNairy (Ally), student

1166. Cynthia Wilson (Navajo) MS Nutrition

1167. Angela Cope (Settler) York University

1168. Beth Helwig (Ally)

1169. Claire Foley (Ally), Graduate Student - U. Montana

1170. Dr. Stephanie Thomas (Ally), Researcher and Community Organizer

1171. Dr Nancy C. Maryboy (Cherokee/Dine), Indigenous Education Institue and University of Washlington, Dept of Environmental and Forestry Science

1172. Amy Osborne (Ally), Environmental educator, NatureBridge

1173. Alfredo Quarto (Ally), Mangrove Action Project

1174. DD Levine (Ally), Environmental Scientist, Certified Crop Advisor

1175. Gillian Austin (Ally), Trent University

1176. Melissa Gayle (Ally), Environmental Science Educator - Water Protector

1177. Melissa Gayle (Ally), Environmental Science Educator - Water Protector

1178. Jesse Miller (Ally), UC Davis

1179. Asia Mitchell (Ally), PhD Candidate in Molecular and Medical Genetics, Oregon Health & Science University

1180. Steven Losco (Ally), Independent Researcher

1181. Marisol de la Cadena (Lima), UC Davis

1182. Stella Maynard (Ally), University of New South Wales

1183. Social Economic and Governance Promotion Centre(SEGP)-Tanzania (Hardzabe), Sopcial Worker,Holder Bachalor Degree in Education and Advance Diploma in Community Development

1184. Joanna Levitt Cea (Ally), Thousand Currents; Stanford University Global Projects Center

1185. Myra Hird (Ally), Professor, School of Environmental Studies, Queen's University

1186. Andrew F. Smith (Ally), Associate Professor of Philosophy, Drexel University

1187. Kieran O'Doherty (Ally), University of Guelph

1188. Celia Oyler (Ally), Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University

1189. Vicki L. Tourtillott (Menominee Nation), MTE

1190. Klansee Stevens (Ally), The University of Akron

1191. Matthew Booker (Ally), Associate professor of environmental history, North Carolina State University

1192. Guy O. Williams (Ally), President & CEO, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice

1193. Amanda Leach (Cherokee) University of Akron

1194. David Michener (Ally), University of Michigan Botanical Gardens & Arboretum

1195. Katayoun Chamany (Ally), Mohn Family Professor of Interdisciplinary Science, Eugene Lang College

1196. Vivian Viscosi Steinbaugh (Ally), SUNY ESF Student

1197. Valerie Small (Crow), Native Nations Climate Adaptation Program U of A

1198. Dr. Nancy Langston (Ally), Professor of Environmental History, Michigan Tech

1199. Michelle VanCompernolle (Ally), Indiana University

1200. John Ross (Cherokee Nation), Translation Specialist

1201. Carol Patterson PhD. (Windot Seneca), Registered Professional Archaeologists

1202. Dr. Kimberly L. Barrett (Ally), Assistant Professor of Criminology, Eastern Michigan University

1203. Dr. Laura Molgaard (Ally), University of Minnesota

1204. Douglas M. Mason (Ally, some Choctaw ancestry), Retired Soil Scientist

1205. Debbie Martin (NunatuKavut), Associate Professor, Dalhousie University

1206. Gehad Abdelal (Ally), PhD/ Faculty Member Cairo University

1207. Tansey Smith (Western Shoshone Nation), Climate Change Specialist

1208. Robin Grotke (Ally), Director of the Cowan Museum of History and Science

1209. Dr. Dennis Vickers (Ally), College of Menominee Nation

1210. Caroline Larose (Ally), University of Michigan

1211. Dr. Suzanne Cashman (Ally), UMASS

1212. George Seielstad (Ally), University of Montana

1213. Heather Castleden (Ally), Canada Research Chair in Reconciling Relations for Health, Environments, and Communities, Department of Geography and Planning | Department of Public Health Sciences, Queen's University

1214. Jensen Sprowl (Ally), The Roeper School

1215. Rob Galler (Ally), University professor

1216. Garrett Dempsey (Ally), Sierra Club Detroit Inspiring Connections Outdoors

1217. Nancy Scott (Cherokee Nation),, Education Services

1218. Amy Fountain (Ally), Associate Professor, NTE, Linguistics, University of Arizona

1219. Millie Walters (Dine Nation), Librarian

1220. Janette Law (Ally), Urban parks

1221. Zoia Vylka Ravna (Nenets (Big Land Tundra)), PhD. research fellow

1222. Diane Englin-Elliott (Ally), State Employee

1223. Rita Barela (Apache), Retired

1224. Ashley Olvera-Cortez (Cherokee) UC Davis undergraduate in the letters of agriculture and biological sciences

1225. Rick Flores (Ally), Graduate Student

1226. Emiliana Cruz (Chatino) Assistant Professor

1227. Dr. Bettina Spreng (Ally), University of Saskatchewan

1228. Angela T. Bowen, (Coos), M.Ed. Director of Education for the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw

1229. Nicholas Yarmey (Ally), Graduate Student, Natural Resources and the Environment, UConn

1230. Tayo Basquiat (Ally), Bismarck State College

1231. Davina Two Bears (Navajo), PhD Candidate

1232. Dr. Justin B. Biddle (Ally), Georgia Institute of Technology

1233. Dr. Deb Anderson (Ally), Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College Life Science and Water Resources Faculty

1234. Elizabeth Anderson (Ally), Professor of Philosophy & Women's Studies, University of Michigan

1235. Dawn Hill Adams, Ph.D. (Choctaw and Chickasaw), Tapestry Institute

1236. Emily Shaw (Ally), Master's student, Michigan Technological University

1237. Todd M. La Porte (Ally), George Mason University

1238. Lydia Jennings (Pascua Yaqui Tribe/Huichol), PhD Student, University of Arizona

1239. Jo Belasco, Esq. (Ally), Tapestry Institute

1240. Devon Isaacs, B.A. (Cherokee Nation), Post-Baccalaureate Fellow

1241. Alejo Kraus-Polk (Ally), University of California, Davis

1242. Kelli Chelberg (Ally), College of Menominee Nation

1243. Dr. June Gothberg (Eastern Band of Cherokee), Principal Research Associate, Office of the Vice President for Research, Western Michigan University

1244. Emily Coyle (Ally), PhD Student

1245. Oscar H. Garza (Ally), Salish-Kootenai College , Hydrology student

1246. Shanai Matteson (Ally), Water Bar & Public Studio

1247. Elaine Enarson (Ally), Independent Scholar, Gender and Disaster

1248. Tamara Barrett (Chinook Nation), Utah State University

1249. Gladys Rowe (Fox Lake Cree Nation), PhD Student, University of Manitoba

1250. Teo Grossman (Ally), MESM, Senior Director of Programs and Research, Bioneers

1251. Jeremy T. Bruskotter (Ally), The Ohio State University

1252. Natalia Pinzon (Ally), UC DAvis

1253. Dr. Ivy Merriot (Treveri of the Moselle), Sky Traditions

1254. Stephanie Siqueiros (Pima, Yaqui), Student

1255. Romy Opperman (Ally), Penn State

1256. Dineh E. Judd (Diné), Student, Northwest Indian College

1257. Dr. Charles Striplen (Amah Mutsun), California Water Resources Control Board

1258. Vicente M. Diaz (Carolinian (Pohnpeian), Pacific Islands) American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota

1259. Haley Gladitsch (Ally), Undergraduate in Environmental Biology at SUNY ESF

1260. Daniel Steel (Ally), University of British Columbia

1261. Shelly C. Lowe (Navajo), Executive Director, Harvard University Native American Program

1262. Korinta Maldonado (Ally), Post Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Anthropology/Native American Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

1263. Angie Lunda (Tlingit), University of Alaska Southeast

1264. Katie Markovich (Ally), UC Davis

1265. V.P. Allery (Cree, Stone Child College

1266. Gabriel Tegoseak (Inupiaq/ Native Village of Barrow), Media Director

1267. Anne Lapierre (Metis), Retired

1268. Cheyenne Hiapo Perry (Kanaka Maoli), Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance

1269. Wabanungoquay Alakayak (Keweenaw Bay Indian Community), Niiwin Akeaa Programs Director

1270. Dr. Cheryl Bartlett (Ally), Professor Emerita, Cape Breton University

1271. Stephanie Roy, M.A, Ph.D (Cand.) (Anishinabek Nation, Kenjgewin Teg Educational Insitute, ON, Canada, Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute

1272. Aubrey Streit Krug (Ally), University of Nebraska-Lincoln

1273. Monica Harmon (Ally), Master's of Science Candidate

1274. Sascha Petersen (Ally), Adaptation International

1275. Nathan Podany (Ally), Sokaogon Chippewa Hydrologist

1276. Paulita Aguilar (Pueblo of Santo Domingo, NM), University of New Mexico

1277. Mary Kuhn (Ally), University of Virginia

1278. Glenn M. Larkin (Ally), Michigan Technological University

1279. Robyn Laird (Ally), Friends of Ganondagan

1280. Joana Formosinho (Ally), Holistic zoologist

1281. Natalia Deeb-Sossa (Ally), Associate Professor, Chicana/o Studies, UC Davis

1282. Meghan Mussehl (Ally), Graduate Student, SUNY ESF

1283. Meleimoana Suesue (Samoan), SUNY-ESF

1284. Daniel Beaver (Ally), Visiting Scholar, Marine & Coastal Conservation and Spatial Planning Lab, San Francisco State University

1285. Guillermo Narváez (Ally), U. Minnesota- Humphrey School of Public Affairs

1286. Harley Fredriksen (Ally), University of Montana

1287. Dr. Catherine Kendig (Ally), Michigan State University

1288. Brandi Yañez-Riddle (Qlla Quechua, Mexica and other tribal mixed descent, & Ally to my Northern relations)), Just & Healthy Food System COI Coordinator

1289. Matt Ferkany (Ally), Michigan State University

1290. Kailea Frederick (Tahltan Nation), Spiritual Ecology

1291. Aileen Clarke (Ally), Researcher

1292. Anthony Offak (Ally), Architect

1293. Kimberly Agee (Ally), QAC public schools

1294. Paul Baines (Ally), Great Lakes Commons

1295. Laura Laumatia (Ally), Environmental Specialist, Coeur d'Alene Tribe

1296. Molly Carney (Ally), Washington State University

1297. Aneen Christina Stallman (Bay Mills Indian Community), Bay Mills Health Center, FQHC

1298. Hannah Panci (Ally), Climate Scientist, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission

1299. Stefan Hupperts (Ally), PhD student, Michigan Technological University

1300. Jimmy Taitano Camacho (CHamoru) University of Wisconsin Madison

1301. Joyce Frey (Ally), Ph.D. International Psychology

1302. Tennessee D. Judkins (Native Village of Barrow), North Slope Borough School District - Inupiaq Education Department

1303. Ruben Martinez (Ally), sociologist

1304. Claire Dawson (Ally), The Nature Conservancy and The University of Washington

1305. Jordan Hegler (Cherokee), Graduate Student

1306. Monica Manuelito (Navajo), Navajo Nation

1307. Stacia Cedillo (Ally), Graduate Student, UT Austin

1308. Jamie Noble (Ally), Mother

1309. Medwyn McConachy (Ally), Artist

1310. Emily Falcon (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa,), Student

1311. Charlie SittingBull (Ally), science teacher

1312. Dr. Tara L. Bal (Ally), School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University

1313. Margaret La Rochelle, Ph.D. (Ally), Alumna, Geography Graduate Group, UC Davis

1314. Dr. Nathan Kowalsky (Ally), Associate Professor, Philosophy & STS

1315. Valerie Smith (Ally), Masters of Divinity student

1316. Sally Neas (Ally), University of California at Davis

1317. Libby Roderick (Ally), Difficult Dialogues Initiative, University of Alaska Anchorage

1318. Lawrence Busch (Ally), Professor of Sociology, Michigan State University

1319. Mary Beth Olson (Ally), Citizen

1320. Jeff Ramsey (Ally), Smith College

1321. Emma Newton (Ally), IPSL Study Abroad + Service-Learning

1322. Ariane Craig-Smith (Ally), Co-Curator, The Kauri Project Charitable Trust

1323. Joseph E. Hibdon, Jr., PhD (Rincon Tribe of Luiseño Indians), Northeastern Illinois University

1324. Roberta Pankratz (Ally), Retired

1325. Jessie Conaway (Ally), Educator

1326. Dr. Katrina Claw (Navajo (Diné)), Senior Fellow

1327. Patricia Butler (Ally), Michigan Technological University

1328. Kelly Boyer Ontl (Ally), Visiting Professor in Social Sciences, Michigan Technological Univeristy

1329. Joel Alejandro Mejia (Ally), Angelo State University

1330. Dr. Patty Garcia (Ally), Biotech Industry

1331. Kimberly Paul MS (Amskapi Piikani Blackfeet), Doctoral Student: University of Montana (Enviro. Chem., Biomed, & Public Health)

1332. Mary Anne Hill (Ally), College of Menominee Nation

1333. Ashok Birua (Ally), free-lance social worker, LLb

1334. Paul Layboiurn (Ally), Colorado State University

1335. Nancy Hurtado-Ziola, PhD (Otomi), University of New Mexico

1336. Dr. Katharina Bauer (Ally), The University of Auckland

1337. Dr. Zanette Johnson (Chahta), Independent Scholar at Intrinsic Impact Consulting

1338. Desiré Whitmore, PhD (Ally), Irvine Valley College, SACNAS

1339. Michael Koskey (Ally), Chair, Center for Cross-Cultural Studies and the Indigenous Studies PhD Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks

1340. Cristina Dominguez-Eshelman (Chicana and Ally), La Semilla Food Center

1341. Stephanie King (Oneida, WI), College of Menominee Nation

1342. Robert Figueroa (Ally), Associate Professor of Environmental Justice and Philosophy, Oregon State University

1343. Jessica Smeeks (Ally), Binghamton University

1344. Daniel J. Hicks (Ally), AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow

1345. Marsha Traxler Reeves (Ally), Holistic Health Care Practitioner

1346. Kirsten Rudestam (Ally), Graduate student

1347. Carl F Maes (Apache) SACNAS

1348. Yma Johnson (Creole) Ecology Center

1349. Kristin Oberiano (Ally), History PhD Student, Harvard University

1350. Kelly Marsh (Ally), University of Guam

1351. Douglas Cox (Menominee), Environmental Program Coordinator

1352. Dr. Fikile Nxumalo (Ally), Assistant Professor

1353. Estrella Risinger (Ally), Mother, NatureBridge

1354. Dr Rhys Jones (Ngāti Kahungunu (New Zealand)), University of Auckland

1355. Alison Kolodzy (Ally), Michigan State University

1356. Tracie Locklear (Lumber/Coharie), Duke University

1357. Joan Parker (Ally)

1358. Priscilla Bell (Part Cherokee), Retired Pastor

1359. Lorena Defrias (Ally), University of Arizona

1360. Kelly Mascarenhas (Ally), Environmental Science major

1361. Linc Kesler (Oglala Lakota, descendant), Associate Professor & Director, First Nations House of Learning, University of British Columbia

1362. Leah LaPointe (Rosebud Sioux Tribe), University of Kansas

1363. J Beverly (Ally)

1364. Melanie McKay-Cody (Cherokee), PhD Candidate, Anthropology, University of Oklahoma

1365. Micah Sewell (Ally), Ecology Project International

1366. Elena Ruiz (Ally), Michigan State University

1367. Lynne Twist (Ally), Co-Founder, The Pachamama Alliance

1368. Conrad Scott (Ally), PhD Candidate, Department of English and Film Studies, University of Alberta

1369. Jeffrey Germain (Ally), Sustainable Agriculturalist

1370. Dr. Fiona Cram (Ngati Pahauwera), Researcher

1371. Esther Kukielka (Ally), UC Davis

1372. Ashley Bach (Mishkeegogamang FN) Climate Change Policy Analyst at COO

1373. Dr. Sigrid Resh (Ally), Michigan Technological University

1374. Tēvita O. Kaʻili (Tongan), Department of Cultures & Languages, Brigham Young University Hawaiʻi

1375. Dr. Charlie Maliszewski (Ally), RE Sources for Sustainable Communities

1376. Margo Tamez (Lipan Apache Band of Texas), University of British Columbia | Okanagan

1377. Isabelle Carbonell (Ally), PhD Candidate University of California, Santa Cruz

1378. Renata Del Riego (Ally), Student

1379. Katie Brimm (Ally), MESA

1380. Dr. Melinda Howard (Ally), Science educator and researcher

1381. Gia Dacayanan (Ally), Willamette University

1382. Lewis C. Messenger, Jr. (Skip) (Ally), Hamline University

1383. Dr. Joel Green, Water Quality & Habitat Biologist (Ally), Hoh Indian Tribe

1384. Joleen Timko (Ally), Research Associate and Coordinator, ForLives

1385. Manuel (Chamoru), University of Guam

1386. Jodi Bordeau (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa), Science teacher

1387. Anne Grant (Blackfeet/Atsina), University of Montana Cobell Fellow

1388. Conrad Scott (Ally), PhD Candidate, Department of English and Film Studies, University of Alberta

1389. Dr Paul Roberts (Ally), Director of Research & Organizational Development, Alianza Arkana (Peruvian nonprofit)

1390. Matthew Podolsky (Ally), Wild Lens, Inc.

1391. Lauryn Watkoske (Ally), Michigan Technological University

1392. Jordan Kinder (Métis), University of Alberta

1393. Khalid Marcus (Ally), Hoh Indian Tribe

1394. Elise Mann (Ally), Graduate Student

1395. Eselealofa Apinelu (Ally), Swinburne University

1396. Mateo Hinojosa (Ally), Educator and Documentary Filmmaker

1397. Carol Gonzalez (Ally), Farmer (Retired educator) & vowed member CLC

1398. Carson Viles (Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians), Linguistic Researcher--University of Oregon

1399. Chela Ashley (Ally), organic farmer

1400. Colleen Goodrich (Ally), Colorado Mountain College

1401. Antoinette Charfauros McDaniel (Chamoru from Guahan) Independent Scholar

1402. Andrea Kirkwood (Ally), University of Ontario Institute of Technology

1403. Barbara Hebert (Ally), SUNY New Paltz

1404. Kelly Fayard (Poarch Creek), Native American Cultural Center

1405. Dr. Jason Corwin (Seneca), Seneca Media & Communications Center

1406. Jim Woodgett (Ally), Mount Sinai Hospital

1407. Nathan Svoboda (Ally), Wildlife Biologist - Alaska Department of Fish and Game

1408. Kendra Cheruvelil (Ally), Michigan State University

1409. John Swift, President (Ally), Swift Foundation

1410. Allison Sekuler (Ally), Professor, Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour; Strategic Advisor to the President & Vice-Presidents on Academic Issues; McMaster University

1411. Alex McAlvay (Ally), University of Wisconsin-Madison Botany

1412. Matthias Dolder (Ally), Artist

1413. Ginger Deason (Ally), North Carolina State University

1414. Paige Frantz (Tuscola MI Chippewa), Student

1415. Dr. Glen Pyle (Ally), University of Guelph

1416. Stephanie Tubman (Ally), Science Curriculum Developer, Michigan Technological University

1417. Celina Gray (Blackfeet/Little Shell Chippewa), Wildlife & Fisheries Student/Native Fellow, Salish Kootenai College

1418. Dr. Holly Witteman (Ally), Assistant Professor, Université Laval

1419. Victoria Valentine (Ally), Student, Syracuse University

1420. Chelsea Paschall (Ally), Teacher

1421. Luke Briscoe (Kuku Yalanji), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander science, technology and digital innovation organisation INDIGI LAB.

1422. Linda M. Arredondo (Citizen Potawatomi Nation), Director of Information Technology, Citizen Potawatomi Nation

1423. Freda Posin (Ally), Biologist

1424. Michelle Funk (Ally),

1425. Dr. Joslynn Lee (Laguna Pueblo/Acoma Pueblo/ Navajo), Data Science Educator, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

1426. Pamela Chisum (Unenrolled mixed-blood (Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw)), Miami University of Ohio

1427. Kelly Moore (Ally), Loyola University chicago

1428. Paul Otteson (Ally), ESF

1429. Christopher Fung (Ally (Southern China)), University of Massachusetts Boston

1430. Ellen Swaney (Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation), Retired educator

1431. Kristin Bu hholz (Ally), Art & Yoga Teacher

1432. Dr. Steve Elers (Māori - Ngāti Kauwhata), Massey University

1433. Karen Campbell (Ally), Addictions counselor

1434. Julia Sarewitz (Ally), Teacher

1435. Eric Hurtado (Otomi), Student

1436. Dr. Benedict Adams (Ally), Researcher in Urban Education and Teacher Education

1437. Keith Milner (Oneida), Computer Technician

1438. Melissa Elkins (Ally), Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc.

1439. Dirka Prout (Ally), Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Science Pledge Ambassador, Evidence For Democracry - London, ON Chapter

1440. Chessa Adsit-Morris (Ally), UCSC

1441. Dr. Emily Geraghty Ward (Ally), Geology Program, Rocky Mountain College

1442. Sabrina Koehn (Nisichayawayasihk Cree Nation), Political Scientist

1443. Jamie McArdle (Ally), MLArch/MS student

1444. Dr. Regina Sievert (Ally), Salish Kootenai College, Director, SKC STEM Academy

1445. Hannah Landecker (Ally), UCLA

1446. Brooke Swaney (Blackfeet), Filmmaker

1447. Yuki Yoshida (Ally), The University of Tokyo

1448. Leena Minifie (Tsimshian), Digital Strategist

1449. Ruth Miller (Dena'ina Athabaskan), Student at Brown University

1450. Dr. Nievita Bueno Watts (Ally), University of Northern Iowa

1451. Nancy Spring (Ally), Retired

1452. Teresa Newberry (Ally), Professor of Biology, Tohono O'odham Community College

1453. K T Kang-Kaulupali (Ally), Pharmacist

1454. Kent Jewell (Ally), College of Education, University of Washington

1455. Elizabeth Silva (Ally), Willamette University, Undergraduate

1456. Sativa Cruz (Ally, Genízaro, Ohkay Owingeh), Student, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society

1457. Marlowe Sam (Colville Conferated Tribes), University Of British Columbia Okanagan

1458. Pauline Chinn (Ally), University of Hawaii at Manoa

1459. Laura Dev (Ally), PhD Candidate, Environmental Science, Policy, and Management - UC Berkeley

1460. ann-elise lewallen (Ally), Associate Professor, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara

1461. Sacramento Knoxx (Anishinaabe - Ojibwe), Musician

1462. Gina Baughn (Ally), Coeur d'alene Tribe

1463. Samuel Aparicio (Ally), University of British Columbia

1464. Montreal Gray (Oklahoma Choctaw), NoDAPL Activist

1465. Jennifer Sikes (Ally), Mystic Scientist

1466. Isabel Quigley (Irish/Australian), Independent musician

1467. Dr. Manfred Schoelch ((Ally of Menominee)), Professor for silviculture and forest yield

1468. Shel Goldstein (Reclaiming Tradition), ACTRA / CAEA Performer

1469. Lin Qi Feng (Ally), Nanyang Technological University

1470. Dr. Karen Rader (Ally), Virginia Commonwealth University

1471. Valoree Gagnon (Ally), Michigan Technological University

1472. Dr. Pepa Ambrosio-Albala (Ally), Research Fellow, Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds

1473. Andrew Pimm (Ally), University of Leeds

1474. Kristy Duran (Ally), Adams State University

1475. Janet Allen (Ally), Educator

1476. Barb Barton (Ally), Endangered Species Biologist, Water Quality Specialist

1477. Carol Biesemeyer (Ally)

1478. Dr. Cynthia Annett (Ally), Kansas State University

1479. Anne O'Brien (Ally), PhD Candidate

1480. Michelle Larson (Leech Lake Ojibwe), Civil Engineer, MS, P.E.

1481. Lois Stevens (Oneida Nation - WI), University of Kansas - Department of Geography and Atmospheric Science

1482. Dr. Kurt A. Jordan (Ally), Anthropology, American Indian and Indigenous Studies, Cornell University

1483. Belinda Thurston (Ally), Energy and shamanic practitioner

1484. Victoria (Mixed race/Latin american), Engineer

1485. Amy Myrbo (Ally), LacCore/CSDCO, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota

1486. Alexander Liebman (Ally), University of Minnesota, MS student, Agroecology

1487. Kristen Barnett (Unagan), Bates College

1488. Dr. Daniel Coleman (Ally), Department of English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University

1489. Julia Allis (Ally), SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

1490. Jamie Perron (Bay Mills), Boys and Girls Club of Bay Mills

1491. Samantha Weintraub (Ally), National Ecological Observatory Network

1492. Dustina Abrahamson (Shoshone-Bannock Tribes), Agricultural Resources Management Program

1493. Steven Thomas (Ally), Natural Product Chemist

1494. Adam Clay (Ally), U of Illinois Springfield

1495. Shannon Chapman (Menominee), Tribal Education Director

1496. Ivan Carabajal (Ally), Graduate Student - University of CIncinnati

1497. Lissa Widoff (Ally), Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation

1498. Rob Nixon (Ally), Princeton University

1499. Kristin Ruppel, PhD (Ally), Associate Professor, Native American Studies, Montana State University

1500. Dr. Leif DeVaney (Ally), Independent Researcher

1501. Michele Levine (Ally)

1502. Dr. Blakely Brown (Ally), Professor/Dept Health and Human Performance/College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Montana

1503. Roz Carroll (Navajo), Doctoral Student/Education Specialist

1504. Amber Eule-Nashoba (Choctaw), Northeastern University

1505. Dawnena Squirrel (Cherokee Nation), Cherokee Nation, Cultural Outreach

1506. Peter Childs (Ally)

1507. Priya M. Ganguli (Ally), University of California, Irvine

1508. Katherine D. Jones (Blackfeet), Plant Ecologist, National Ecological Observatory Network, Battelle Ecology

1509. Linda Martín Alcoff (Ally), CUNY

1510. Richard McCarthy (Ally), Executive Director of Slow Food USA

1511. Dee Cossette (Dine'), Emergency mgt - student

1512. Raymond Pierotti (unenrolled), Professor, University of Kansas

1513. Andrew Katzenstein (Ally), University of Chicago

1514. Gretchen Lane (Ally), retired science teacher

1515. Bree Here (Akwesase Mohawk), Board Member NAICOB

1516. Xhercis Mendez (Ally), Assistant Professor of Philosophy and African American and African Studies, Michigan State University

1517. Joe Rand (Ally), LBNL

1518. Rachel Morello-Frosch (Ally), University of California, Berkeley

1519. Jessica Metcalf (Ally), Colorado State University

1520. Katalyn Voss (Ally), Graduate Student, University of California Santa Barbara

1521. Dr. Selso Villegas (Tohono O'odham Nation), Director, Water Resources Department

1522. Debra Sands-Miller (Ally), La Semilla Food Center

1523. Mariana Ortega (Ally), John Carroll University

1524. Thomas De Pree (Ally), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

1525. Ryan Carle (Ally), Ecologist, Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge

1526. Sverre LeRoy (Ally), Stanford University

1527. Dr. Kathleen Johnson (Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians), Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine

1528. Joleen Timko (Ally), Research Associate, Faculty of Forestry, Univ of British Columbia

1529. Valerie Moody (Ally), University of Montana

1530. Daniela Manuschevich (Ally), Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano

1531. Sue Van Hook (Ally), Mycologist/ Ecologist

1532. Dr. Mica Estrada (Ally), Assistant Professor, UC San Franciscos

1533. Ruth Anne Olson (Ally), Retired Educator

1534. Erika Gavenus (Ally), Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere

1535. Zbigniew J Grabowski (Ally - Warsovian Slav), PhD Candidate - Portland State University

1536. Carol Wilson (Assinboine)

1537. Theresa Allan (Ally), Seeds and plant breeding

1538. Andrea Crosley (Ally), Writer

1539. Dr. Thomas E. Dickinson (Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc), Dean of Science, Thompson Rivers University

1540. Aurora Trujillo, MPH (Taos Pueblo), Santa Fe Prevention Alliance

1541. Maria Pontes Ferreira (Huron Ally), SACNAS

1542. Estelle Slootmaker (Mother of four sons affiliated with the Crow Nation), Communications Manager, Our Kitchen Table

1543. Amanda Niles (Ally), University of Montana

1544. Neal Sutton (Ally), Science Museum of Minnesota

1545. Genomé Rodriguez (Ally)

1546. Christopher Bacon (Ally), Santa Clara University

1547. David Sanford (Ally), Educator

1548. Dr. Christopher J. Dunn (N/A), College of Forestry, Oregon State University

1549. Beth O'Keefe (Lower Sioux Indian Community), MN Indigenous Women's Society

1550. Dr. Steven Semken (Ally), Professor and Associate Director, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University

1551. Stefanie Mayer (Ally), AECOM

1552. Cyarra Swanson (Ally), Kitty Andersen Youth Science Center

1553. Miguel Robles (Ally), Biosafety Alliance

1554. Robert E. Burns (Ally), Ph.D. graduate, Michigan State University

1555. Alyssa Cudmore (Ally), Graduate Student at University of Michigan - School of Natural Resources and the Environment & Taubman School of Urban and Regional Planning

1556. Dr. Valerie A. Luzadis (Ally), SUNY Interim Provost and Executive Vice President, College of Environmental Science and Forestry

1557. Emma Schneider (Ally), Tufts University

1558. Carol L Baldwin, PhD (n/a), Salish Kootenai College

1559. Sarah Hamilton (Ally), Assoc. Prof. JKSIS, University of Denver

1560. Antonio Roman-Alcalá, MA (Ally), North American Agroecology Forum

1561. Dr. Andrew A Rosenberg (Ally), Union of Concerned Scientists

1562. Sean Richardson (Ally), Student at University of Maryland

1563. Sedonna Goeman-Shulsky (Tonawanda Band of Seneca), Bioneers Indigeneity Intern and marine biology student

1564. Dr. Kristen C. Nelson (Ally), Professor, Depts. of Forest Resources and Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota,

1565. Sarah Lupberger (Ally), Verified Carbon Standard

1566. Rachel D. Wigginton, MS (Ally), PhD Candidate University of California Davis

1567. Maja Pedersen (Ally), The University of Montana

1568. Dr Megan Blomfield (Ally), Lecturer in Political Philosophy, University of Bristol (England)

1569. Mateo Mier y Terán-Giménez Cacho (Sí), El Colegio de la Frontera Sur -ECOSUR

1570. Karly Miller (Ally), University of California, Santa Barbara

1571. Jan Ng (Ally), University of California, Davis

1572. Lauren Amato (Ally), Montana State University College of Nursing

1573. Tiffany Lovato (Kewa Pueblo), Environmental Science/Permaculturalist

1574. Rachel Vryhof (Ally), Council of Park Friends, Clark's Reservation

1575. Paulina Casasola (Ally), Environmental Studies Student

1576. Katharine Ryan (Chicana-Apache), University of Cambridge

1577. Duncan Tarr (Ally), Michigan State University

1578. Kathleen Carey (Ally), University of Michigan Student

1579. Jordan C'Dealva-Lenik (Ally), Undergraduate, Environmental Health, SUNY-ESF

1580. Grace Treffinger (Ally), environmental science student- UC Berkeley

1581. Prof. Christine Neufeld (Ally), Eastern Michigan University

1582. Laura A. Sauls (Ally), PhD Candidate, Graduate School of Geography, Clark University

1583. Robin M. DeLugan (Cherokee/Lenape), University of California

1584. Jenifer Yuriko Nogaki (Ally), Writer

1585. Scout Calvert, PhD (Ally), Michigan State University

1586. Sasanehsaeh Pyawasay (Menominee), Doctoral Candidate, University of Minnesota

1587. Corey Wellik (Ally), Student at U of M

1588. Y-M Lee (Ally), Educator & community organizer

1589. Dr. Stephen Stehman (Ally), Professor, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry

1590. Jenifer Yuriko Nogaki (Ally), Writer, Educator; MA Stanford University

1591. Jacob Mays (Ally), Northwestern University

1592. Chloe Speakman, B.Sc. (Ally), Wilderness Committee

1593. Quentin Wheeler (Ally), President ESF

1594. Allison Martin (Ally), Environmentalist

1595. Eli Nelson (Mohawk), Harvard University, PhD candidate, History of Science

1596. Dr. Christopher T. Nomura (Ally), Vice President for Research SUNY College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry

1597. Christopher J. Cramer (Ally), University of Minnesota, College of Science and Engineering

1598. chili yazzie (Dine'), community leader

1599. Christine Elliott (Ally), Forestry Technician, NYS DEC

1600. Erin Sheets (Ally), Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry, U Minnesota Duluth

1601. Phyllis Ngai (Ally), The University of Montana

1602. Ellen Hines (Ally), Associate Director Estuarine & Ocean Science Center @ San Francisco State University

1603. Dr. Donald Benn (Dine), Navajo Nation EPA Director

1604. Shannon CrossBear (Ojibwe Fort William First Nation), Strongheart Resource Development

1605. Janet Elkins (Ally), None

1606. Michael Gavin (Ally), Colorado State University

1607. Kelly (Ally), science teacher

1608. Caitlin French (Ally), University of California, Davis

1609. Dr. Cassandra Brooks (Abenaki), Stanford University

1610. Flora Lu, Professor and Pepper-Giberson Chair of Environmental Studies (Ally), UC Santa Cruz

1611. Philippa Dobbyn (Ally), Macalester College

1612. Dr. Phil Bellfy (White Earth Nation), Professor Emeritus, American Indian Studies, Michigan State university; Director, <>

1613. Emily Williams (Ally), Social worker

1614. Anne Price (Ally), Librarian, Octavia Fellin Public Library

1615. Gerald I. Green (Coeur d'Alene Tribe), Wildlife Biologist

1616. Kassia Shaw (Ally), University of Wisconsin-Madison

1617. Dra. Martha García (Mestizo), Social Anthopologist, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur

1618. Marisa Elena Duarte (Pascua Yaqui Tribe), Arizona State University, School of Social Transformation, Human Security Collab

1619. Nicola Wagenberg (Ally), Vice President, The Cultural Conservancy and Clinical Psychologist

1620. Christiann L (Ally), Retired Registered Nurse

1621. Rita Rooney (Ally)

1622. Suzanne Morse (Ally), Professor, College of the Atlantic

1623. Marcela Cely-Santos (Ally), PhD Candidate, University of California - Santa Cruz

1624. Karla Hart (Ally), Retired Alaska Fish & Game

1625. Jessica Hernandez (Ch’orti’, Zapotec, and Yucateco), Graduate Student, University of Washington

1626. Grace Ferrara (Ally), University of Washington

1627. Frank Sage (Navajo), Doctoral Student, Education Foundations and Research

1628. Prystan Kainoa Viluan (Native Hawaiian), Student, UH Manoa Shidler College of Business

1629. Joanna Nelson (Ally), LandSea Science: intersection of research and conservation action

1630. Dr. Christina M. Limpert ((Ally)), Interim Director, The Environmental Writing Program, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

1631. Justine Smith (Ally), University of California, Santa Cruz

1632. Catherine Cloud (Ally), Participatory Video Facilitator with an MS in International Agricultural Development from UC Davis

1633. Brian Ratcliffe (Ally), SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

1634. Benji Kessler (Ally), PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley

1635. Cynthia Dinwiddie (Ally), SwRI

1636. Conor Langlois (Ally), UCSC Undergraduate

1637. Emerson Sanchez (Ally), University of Canberra

1638. Courtney Kowa (Ally), Director of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College Environmental Institute

1639. Mara Taft (Ally), Science Museum of Minnesota

1640. Jan Wright (Ally), Volunteer Climate Change Organizer

1641. Mark Elbroch (Ally), Panthera

1642. Roberta Pankratz (Ally), Ally

1643. Jordan Templeton (Ally), Teacher

1644. Dr Kēri Rātima (Te Whakatōhea, Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa), FRNZCGP

1645. David Tipene-Leach (Maori, Ngati Kahungunu), Prof of Maori and Indigenous Research, Eastern Institute of technology

1646. Julisa Lopez (Amah Mutsun), UCSC American Indian Resource Center

1647. Luke Briscoe (YALANJI), Science Educator

1648. Paula King (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua, Te Rarawa), University of Otago

1649. Emily Moser (Choctaw), Behavior Analyst and Educator

1650. Dr Jade Tamatea (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Kahungunu), University of Auckland

1651. Carmen Silva (Ally), Producer

1652. Karina Nielsen, PhD (Ally), Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, San Francisco State University

1653. Terri Hansen (Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska), Environment and Science Journalist

1654. Suzanne Langridge (Ally), Wellesley College

1655. John CAarman (Ally), Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham, Uk

1656. Lindsey Jakubowski (Ally), Kriemhild Dairy Farms, LLC

1657. Roberta Rae Bailey (Ally), Farmer

1658. Meagen Pollock (Ally), The College of Wooster

1659. Jennifer Hall (Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Descendant), Community Organizer, Native American Community Development Institute

1660. Marcia Lee (Ally), Taproot Sanctuary

1661. Linda Green (Ally), U of arizona

1662. Dr. Kate Scott (Ally), Research Fellow, University of Leeds

1663. José María Menéndez (Ally), Faculty of Instruction of Mathematics, Pima Community College

1664. Dr. Arturo Andersen Chinbuah (Ally), PhD researcher University of Leeds

1665. Angela Waters Austin (Ally), One Love Global Inc.

1666. Ronald Sandler (Ally), Chair, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Northeastern University

1667. Natasha Myhal (Sault Ste Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians), University of Kansas MA in Indigenous Studies

1668. Diona Roja (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians), Retired Environmental Scientist

1669. Johanna Weststar (Ally), Western University

1670. julia gaynor (Ally), student

1671. Brittany Sumner (Ally), SUNY ESF

1672. Dr. Chris Wetzel (Ally), Associate Profess or Sociology, Stonehill College

1673. William H. Martin (Ally), Univ. of VA

1674. Elke Pirgmaier (Ally), University of Leeds

1675. Ingrid (Ally), Phd candidate, UC Davis

1676. Cherie Thunder (Menominee), Sustainability Education Coordinator, Sustainable Development Institute at College of Menominee Nation

1677. Mary Stickney (Ally), North Country Science & Technology Entry Program, SUNY Potsdam

1678. Sonya Ekstrom (Ally), Nonprofit Garden Manager

1679. Shalini Gupta (Not applicable), Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy (CEED)

1680. Mark Peterson (Ally), Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute

1681. Dr. Christian Casillas (Ally), City of Santa Fe

1682. Robert Wengronowitz (Ally), Boston College Sociology PhD Candidate

1683. Jamie Folsom (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma), Colorado State University

1684. Eréndira Quintana Morales (Ally), Rice University

1685. Andrea Pitts (Ally), Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

1686. Monica Macal (Maya Pipil), Five Prime Therapeutics

1687. Leah proctor (Ally), Farmer

1688. Marcia Billedeaux Beaumont (Blackfeet), School Counselor

1689. SimHayKin Jack (Colville/Nez Perce/Lakota), University of California

1690. Dr. Rebecca Montgomery (Ally), University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources

1691. Lina Brand Correa (Ally), Postgraduate Research Student at the University of Leeds

1692. Laura Richardson (Ally), Ally

1693. Laura Richardson (Ally), BA University of Texas at Austin

1694. John S. Gierke (Ally), Michigan Technological University

1695. Tom Atchison (Ally), Associate Professor of Philosophy, Metropolitan State University

1696. Ruben hernandez (Hoh tribe), Lead Fisheries Tech

1697. Jon Finnie (Ally), Geographer

1698. Cassity Mega (Ally), Student and Pastry Chef

1699. Bradford Baker (Ally), Ph.D. candidate

1700. Triana Kazaleh Sirdenis (Ally), Project Director, University of Michigan School of Public Health

1701. Dr. Eve Darian-Smith (Ally), University of California Santa Barbara

1702. Maywa Montenegro (Ally (Quechua)), PhD Candidate, University of California Berkeley

1703. Jeannie Kovacs (Comanche/Mescalero Apache), Senior Program Manager - SACNAS

1704. Thierry Pignolet (Joint PhD student in Social & Political Sciences), ULB Belgium & UdeA Colombia

1705. ken clarkson (Ally), Educator

1706. Lucretia Whitener (Ally), California State University, East Bay

1707. Dr. Benjamin Pauli (Ally), Kettering University

1708. Monika Jaeckel (Ally), artist; PhD Candidate

1709. Brandon Burlingame (Ally), Project Manager, DSN&A

1710. Onri J. Benally (Navaho), Physicist at Utah State University

1711. Kirsten Valentine Cadieux ((Metis and Ally)), Hamline University and Twin Cities Agricultural Land Trust

1712. Alastair Iles (Ally), Professor, Environmental Science, Policy & Management, UC Berkeley

1713. Stephanie S. Day (Ally), North Dakota State University

1714. Zachary G. B. Smith (Ally), Student of Environmental Studies at SUNY ESF

1715. Gail Breslauer (Ally), Atii Sled Dogs--VT Space Education Program

1716. John Thackara (Ally), Senior Fellow

1717. Melanie Hiris (Ally), Landscape Arch./Planner/Environmentalist

1718. Dr. Keith A. Trujillo (Chicano/Ally), Professor and Director, California State University San Marcos

1719. Dr. Rochelle Gutierrez (Chicanx), Professor, Mathematics Education

1720. Kanoelani Steward (Native Hawaiian), The Nature Conservancy

1721. Kali Dale (White Earth Band of Ojibwe Indians), Graduate Student in Oncological Sciences

1722. Christina Haswood (Navajo), Public Health Student at Arizona State University

1723. Linda Sealy (Chickasaw), Vanderbilt University

1724. Graciela Vasquez (Cora Indian - Nayarit Mexico), Educational Administrator

1725. Nathaniel Kiel (Ally), student at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

1726. Kelley Ready (Ally), Independent contractor

1727. Kathleen Moore (Ally), Integrated Environmental Data, LLC

1728. Janet Taiatini (Te Uri O Hau ki Kaipara), Bachelor of Iwi Environmental Management,Te Wananga O Aotearoa, Practicing Indigenous Midwife

1729. Dr. Costanza Rampini (Ally), San Jose State University

1730. Mary Regan (Ally), Community Organizer

1731. Melissa Fierke (Ally), Associate Professor, SUNY ESF

1732. Jethro Tulin (Enga, Papua New Guinea), Porgera Alliance, Papua New Guinea

1733. Dr. Joshua Kaakua (Native Hawaiian), Office of STEM Education, University of Hawaii System

1734. Tanya Beat (Ally), Program Manager, Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science

1735. Jesse Kreger (Ally), Executive Director, Koniag Education Foundation

1736. Environmental Justice in the PNW (, Project at the University of Washington

1737. Nicole Smith (Anishinaabe), Michigan State University

1738. Dr. Jessica Jaiswal (Ho-Chunk), Faculty Fellow, College of Global Public Health, New York University; Visiting Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary AIDS Research, Yale University

1739. Dr. Chelsea Sharon (Ally), McMaster University

1740. Donna Winslow-Arnove, B.S. M.T. (Ally), Retired Medical Technologist

1741. Kiran Ramsey (Ally), Syracuse University

1742. Elizabeth-Ann Jamison (Ally), SUNY-ESF student

1743. Edward Zinker (Ally), ASU Student

1744. Christina Ergas (Ally), Brown University

1745. NK Acevedo (Ally)

1746. Dr. Leslie Ladd Allee (Ally), Lost Ladybug Project, Cornell University

1747. Rena L Detrixhe (Ally), artist

1748. Alison Gottlieb (Ally), University of Massachusetts Boston

1749. Kaytlyn Goodwin (Cherokee Nation), University of Idaho McCall Outdoor Science School

1750. Shawnee BearCub (Colville Confederated Tribes), Archaeological Technician for Historical Reseach Associates, Inc.

1751. Ivan Sam (Dine [Navajo]), Advocate for Environmental Justice

1752. Malia Nobrega-Olivera (Kanaka Maoli), University of Hawaii at Manoa- Hawaiinuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge

1753. Sane Nobles (Ally)

1754. Amber Foley (Ally - English & Scottish), Herbalist

1755. Nanri (Ally),

1756. Dana Brennan (Ally), Student, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry

1757. Helen Hope Henderson (Ally), Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

1758. Diana Ramirez Bergeron (Ally), Assist Professor Case Western Reserve University

1759. Avalon Bunge (Ally), Science educator

1760. Judy Pierzynowski (LTBB Odawa/Hannahville Potawatomi), Research Intern-Native American Institute, MSU

1761. Peter Albert Gegenheimer (Ally), Associate Professor of Biochemistry

1762. Dr. Sharon Hausam (Ally), University of New Mexico

1763. Dr. Katie Monsen (Ally), Continuing Lecturer in Environmental Studies, University of California Santa Cruz

1764. Teri Chapman (Michigan Department of Education), Tribal Liaison

1765. HA Peller (Ally), PhD student, soil science, Ohio State University

1766. Rhona Leibel (Ally), Associate Professor, Philosophy, Metropolitan State University

1767. Robert Mendoza (Ally), SACNAS

1768. George Foster (Ch'ol/ Pamunkey/Cherokee/Apache ...), Retired

1769. Richard Bonine, Jr. (Laguna Pueblo), Rangeland Prigram Manager

1770. Thomas A. Mowatt (Adopted Ojibwe), Assistant Professor of Science, SUNY Adirondack

1771. Scott Kalafatis (Ally), Postdoc, Michigan State University

1772. Ceal Smith (Ally), Founder, Alaska Climate & Energy Action Network

1773. Monica Bibiana Berdugo Moreno (Colombian indigenous (Chibcha) descendant), PhD Candidate at SUNY ESF

1774. Victoria Hernandez (Ally), SUNY ESF student

1775. Matt Wuertzer (Ally), SUNY-ESF

1776. Rick Knecht (Ally), University of Aberdeen

1777. Serena Kucera (Ally), SUNY-ESF

1778. Nina Vuoso (Ally), Los Angeles County Outdoor Science School

1779. Kathleen Kambic (Ally), University of New Mexico

1780. Clayton T. Russell (Ally), Northland College

1781. Ruth A. Swaney (Hidatsa), W.A. Franke College if Forestry

1782. Giuseppe Tumminello (Ally), MSc. SUNY-ESF

1783. Sierra Watt (Pechanga), Student

1784. Marcelo Garzo Montalvo Nahui Acatl (Mapuche, Tolteca), UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies

1785. Marisol Espino (Ally), Graduate Student, Archaeology, Texas State University

1786. Anthony Francisco Jr. (Tohono O'odham Nation), Tribal Legislative Councilman

1787. Dr. Angela Valenzuela (Apache/Yaqui), The University of Texas at Austin

1788. Tristan Reader (Ally), Department of American Indian Studies, University of Arizona

1789. Rachel Freedman Fleming (None), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1790. Lissette Magana (Ally), University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

1791. Christopher Lindsay Turner, Ph.D (ABD) (Ally), Purdue University; NMAI

1792. Carole Resnick (Ally), Psychologist, member Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation O

1793. Aaron Hobbs (Ally), Program Development Officer, Six Nations Polytechnic

1794. Rebecca Cohen (Ally), Baboquivari High School

1795. Jordan Kennedy (Blackfeet/Seneca), Harvard University

1796. Leanne Falcon (Blackfeet), Graduate Student, University of Montana EVST

1797. Emmanuel García-Lesy (Ally, Taino Ancestors), City University of New York-CUNY

1798. Dune Lankard (Eyak Athabaskan), Eyak Preservation Council

1799. Jessica Lynn Racine (Blackfeet), Registered nurse

1800. Tacuma Peters (Ally), Michigan State University

1801. Susan Kelly (Ally), Educator

1802. Willis Jenkins (Ally), University of Virginia

1803. Sofia Newman (Ally), Actor

1804. Caroline M. Sekaquaptewa (Hopi), Early Childhood Educator

1805. Trudy Dunham (Ally), Citizen Activist/Leader

1806. Jackie Gregg (Ally), none

1807. Daniel Lipe (Western Band Cherokee), University of West Oahu

1808. Jessica Allyn Druze (Ally), Undergraduate of Conservation Biology - SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

1809. Scott MacWilliam (Ally), Mentor, Riekes Nature Awareness

1810. Riley Smith (Shoshone-Bannock), Northern Arizona University

1811. Estella Valles, ABD (Mestiza/Azteca), Education

1812. Terry L. Sharik (Ally), Michigan Technological University

1813. Rasigan Maharajh (Ally), Institute for Economic Researc on Innovation

1814. Graham Mooney (Ally), Senior Manager, Lecturer, Mentor, Cultural & Spiritual Advisor

1815. Sarra Tekola (Ally & Amhara Tribe of Ethiopia), PhD Student at Arizona State University

1816. dr alvaro garza (Ally), public health

1817. Leah Atwood (Ally), MESA

1818. Louise Were (Māori | Rongowhakaata, Ngāti Tūwharetoa), Evaluator

1819. Dr. Jack P. Manno (Ally), SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

1820. Dr. Debashree Dattaray (Ally), Centre for Canadian Studies, Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University

1821. Ted Gostomski (Ally), National Park Service

1822. Esteban Arenas-Pino (Ally), Middlebury College

1823. Megan Bang (Ojibwe), Associate Professor

1824. Doug May, MSOR (Ally), sustainability scientist

1825. Diana Jones (Blackfeet), Education

1826. Diana Jones (Blackfeet), Education

1827. Emily Birky (Ally), University of British Columbia

1828. Henyo T. Barretto Filho (Ally), Professor of Anthropology at the University of Brasília

1829. Travis Bartnick (Ally), Wildlife biologist

1830. Ron Eglash (Ally), RPI

1831. Roger (Ally), consultant

1832. Meagan Dellavilla (Ally), Grad student

1833. Dr. Melanie Nadeau (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa), Operational Director/Assistant Faculty in Practice at North Dakota State University, American Indian Public Health Resource Center

1834. Antonio Guerreiro (Ally), Professor of Anthropology, Coordinator of the Post-Graduation Program in Social Anthropology, University of Campinas

1835. Mary Louise Richards (Ally), University of Alaska Anchorage; Anchorage School District

1836. Maria Archibald (Ally), Conservation

1837. Dr. Abigail Abrash Walton (Ally), Director, Advocacy for Social Justice & Sustainability master's concentration, Department of Environmental Studies, Antioch University New England

1838. Marvin Cling, Sr. (Dine'), Sipayik Environmental Dept

1839. Warren Cardinal-McTeague (Plains Cree Métis), University of Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, PhD Student, Biology, Plant Systematics and Evolution

1840. kristin norderval (Ally), ASCAP

1841. Mercedes Quesada-Embid (Ally), Professor, Sustainability Studies, Colorado Mountain College

1842. Margot Higgins (Ally), Macalester College

1843. Dr. Gary Rhoades (Ally), Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona

1844. Anne Chamberlain (Ally), IMPAQ International

1845. Meredith Bird Miller, MST (Ally), Antioch University New England

1846. Cassandra Hill (Mohegan Tribe), MSc Student, Biology, Carleton University

1847. Tracy Basile (Ally), Adjunct Professor of Enviornmental Studies, Pace U / Committee Member Friends of Turtle Island, WESPAC Foundation

1848. Carly Kaste (Ally), Student

1849. Leah Walsh (Ally), Ethnobotany Student, Poet, Gardener

1850. Jerry Messick (Ally), Nursing (RN)

1851. Peggy Vaughn-Payne (Ally), Executuve Director, Community Development Organization

1852. Andrea Atkinson (Ally), One Square World

1853. Nancy J. Turner (Ally), Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria

1854. Lizzetta LeFalle-Collins (Ally), Endowed Fellow, Art History, Mills College

1855. Lissette T. Olivares (Ally), Co-Director, Sin Kabeza Productions

1856. Jessica Bertram (Ally), Ethnopsychlogical Services

1857. Elana Taipapaki Curtis (Te Arawa), Public Health Medicine

1858. cote (Ally), solidarity

1859. Dr Daniela Soleri (Ally), UCSB, Geography Dept

1860. Andrew Smolski (Ally), Graduate Student of Sociology, North Carolina State University

1861. Linda Moon Stumpff (Apache), The Evergreen State College

1862. Benjamin Landis (Ally), Student