Rogue's Gallery

Behavior patterns of people who lack empathy, compassion, and lack the ability to think abstractly enough to comprehend the consequences of their actions.

They operate against the best interests of the majority of their constituents, favoring themselves and their benefactors, despite their duties and obligations to represent the entire populations of their districts.

Cognitive biases were at play here?

  • Availability Heuristic: The lack of understanding simple fractions in such a glaring way by so many people implies the state of the public education system. The simplest answer to recall is that higher numbers are larger quantities, despite the obvious context of the numbers displayed as fractions which mean higher numbers are smaller quantities.

  • Operational Thinking Level: The people were not children under the age of 11, they were adults with money to spend, yet they demonstrated Concrete Operational thinking.

Rife with arguments full of logical fallacies founded from Cognitive Biases involving Liberals or the government, including but not limited to the following:

  • Straw Man

  • Fallacy Fallacy

  • Slippery Slope

  • Ad Hominem

  • Sweeping Generalizations

  • Composition/Division

  • Anchoring Bias

Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

Quoting the Bible to justify separating children from their parents because they committed the crime of crossing a border.

false flag war-mongering and coups